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what really is a macro?

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  • #16
    Re: what really is a macro?

    Originally posted by W_Parmenter
    So in other words, if you have money you deserve an advantage and if you're poor you deserve to lose.
    bf2 requires a fast pc for you to have a good time playing it. if a person is dumb enough to play it on an old p4/ Axp with crap gfx cards then yea they deserve to loose. you get what you pay for, just like everything in this world.


    • #17
      Re: what really is a macro?

      As I see it the main problem with useing a macro, to combine several different key strokes is just that, the combination of several different key strokes. I believe that every one has pressed the wrong key at one time or another, with a combination of keys needing to be pressed, manually, theres a greater chance of this happening. With a macro there is no chance of making a mistake and that is why it isnt fair.
      I think that this is another subject that EA needs to take a stand on. Is it ok or not? I really dont care which way EA decides to call this one, just as long as its made the same for everyone. Thats what a ruleing from EA would do. It would let me know if I can add my own macro or should I report the cheaters useing them. Untill then it will remain up in the air. . . . . . . . . .Red


      • #18
        Re: what really is a macro?


        In Before The Fvck Macros Crowd


        • #19
          Re: what really is a macro?

          Originally posted by redrider
          I think that this is another subject that EA needs to take a stand on. Is it ok or not? I really dont care which way EA decides to call this one, just as long as its made the same for everyone. Thats what a ruleing from EA would do. It would let me know if I can add my own macro or should I report the cheaters useing them. Untill then it will remain up in the air. . . . . . . . . .Red

          you missed a good thread about this, unfortunately it 'disappeared'.

          Briefly, EA used to have a clause in their T&C about macros being disallowed however they made an agreement with logitech to co-brand the battlefield series onto the no1 macro keyboard out there (the G15) and then removed the clause from their terms and conditions.

          To me that is a pretty strong message saying they decided to allow them since the G15 is capable of storing upto 54 different user programmed macros (and the wording of the EA advertising promoted that fact).


          • #20
            Re: what really is a macro?

            oh wow, i missed that, so macros are no longer against T&C/ROE?

            lol, so many people that were incapable of learning how to use their fingers well are going to be SO happy!


            • #21
              Re: what really is a macro?

              Originally posted by zipp0r
              bf2 requires a fast pc for you to have a good time playing it. if a person is dumb enough to play it on an old p4/ Axp with crap gfx cards then yea they deserve to loose. you get what you pay for, just like everything in this world.
              That's fine as long as people are consistant. It makes no sense to me that someone with better hardware can have an advantage and that's ok but a macro is an unfair advantage. If "skill" should be the only determining factor in how well players perform then any advantage gained through either hardware or software should be cheating.


              • #22
                Re: what really is a macro?

                Originally posted by AnotherEd
                oh wow, i missed that, so macros are no longer against T&C/ROE?

                No longer against the T&C for sure, who knows what the ROE think, when it was discussed, rather than take ownership of the issue and lead the way, their spokesmen here seemed to be all 'head in the sand' about it all and then the thread 'disappeared'.

                I pmed one of the most visible spokesmen here about why but he wasnt even man enough to reply so respect -1 for him and the bigger issue goes undiscussed again.

                Which is damn annoying for those of us on the side of good that may have optimised a few button presses but prefer not to use the macros that are too close to the line of cheating. (eg a script to press F9 twice is benign and couldnt be called a cheat but an anti-recoil script would be almost cheating, and those I wouldnt use)

                Since there is no consensus and any debate is quickly swept under the carpet the whole area is left mired in controversy.

                Personally I would have liked to see the people that put themselves on the pedestal accept the fact that EA have moved forward with this and provide a forum so we can discuss them openly, that way they *could* have kept some input into the process - however while heads are in the sand it all gos on around them, their organisation has missed an opportunity and we as customers are kept in the dark because of their lack of leadership and/or inability to act on the changing environment and/or unwillingness to deal with a difficult issue.



                • #23
                  Re: what really is a macro?

                  I have the G15 and i can assure you that a macro on the G15, for say, seat switching is hopeless. There is something built into BF2 that stops these macros from being reliable. I experimented with all sorts of timed delays between key presses etc it was all over the shop. Much more reliable to use the standard keypresses, and if you have seen Sloi's videos then know that with practice you can make firing the TV almost instanaeous. While I am no where near Sloi i can get the TV off nicely most of the time. Prior to practice i used to get a 1-2 sec delay between switching to gunner and right clicking into the TV screen

