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  • #16

    G36e is an amazing gun at med to long range. I never even switch it to single shot because it's so accurate on 3 round burst. Can be effective at close range if you learn to fire it fast enough.
    BUT at true close quarters I don't think it can compare to the ak's...
    I tend to switch on and off between the G36e and the ak's (if playing mec/china) depending on what situation I think I'll find myself in when I spawn.
    I recommend you practice with the G36e using Folkes unlocks mod.
    The L gun: a lot of people love the gun... I can't seem to do very well with it. Again.. practice using Folkes.
    I used to think the G36e was TOO good, but I've gotten good enough now with the AK's that I'm not so sure anymore.


    • #17

      i'm not sure why everyone likes the g36e so much. it's not that great of a gun. try to take out a squad at close range with it.

      i can get lots of kills with it but i can do better with the L85A1 or the ak101. if me and my team are getting owned i use the support guns. those are just nasty and makes me feel like i'm cheating. but there great for getting paybacks.


      • #18

        I feel the same way as you, QC... If I play medic at all, I almost always get alot of points, and that bad feeling of guiltyness... So I try getting my expert-badge in other kits such as support and assault.


        • #19

          Damn, i cant seem to hit a sh!t with the G36E. While i can hit tons of people using just the M16 or the aks. But i feel more ''safe'' using the pkm as it owns anyone at long distances.


          • #20

            Both the L85 and G36E rule, the G36 is more damaging, but the L85 is powerful for just emptying a clip into someone.

            Nothing will beat the RPK-74, I held the hotel flag on karkand for a good 10-20 minutes just by crouching and battering the morons who climbed up the ladder or the stairs, or who tried jumping from the other end. It's practically an assault rifle if you crouch with it. The enemy just keeps on coming and coming, but hey, with a clip that keeps on refilling and refilling, you can't go wrong.


            • #21

              I feel exactly the same was as you feel Reborn. But I don't use it anymore..


              • #22

                Scientists have found several life threatening diseases in the G36e.
                If you use this gun you will most likely contract herpes, HIV and many other diseases.
                Do not use it.


                • #23

                  Originally posted by CQ-Reborn
                  Last night I was fooling around, not really in the mood to play all out so I figured "Ey, what the heck i'll play medic!" I hadnt played medic in a long while because I felt it just didnt provide any challenge whatsoever. I switch to the G36E which I remembered to be an unbalanced gun but I had forgot how good it was...

                  My primary gun for a long while had been the M16, F2000 or default USMC engineer shotty. I'm the first over the ledge on the mad charge to the outskirts of the city, G36E in hand. I see 3 people coming, I am in my "m16 accuracy" mentality and I crouch and fire, in a matter of seconds I had all 3 floored with no harm on my person, I suddenly remembered how accurate the G36E is in comparison to ANY other gun that you can unlock. I went on to play 4 awesome rounds, scoring roughly with the same KD of 30 some kills to 8-10 deaths and around 60 some points, I realized again how great a gun the G36E is, but at the same time I realized that I couldn't use the gun without feeling a pang of guilt due to the fact of how ridiculously easy it was to pop people from pretty much any distance >,< whereas it took a great deal more skill and effort to use certain guns like M16, F2000 ect...

                  Just my 2 cents on the matter, howabout you guys?
                  Yes, this gun the G3SE is full of ****. I too, notice a huge difference going from the so-called 'assault' weapons to a so-called 'supporting' weapon. All I have to do with the G3SE is point it in the direction of the enemy and squeeze the trigger <hit><hit><kill>, again <hit><hit><hit>, again <kill>. At long range it's deadly. at medium range its deadly, at short range its deadly. It's overpowered.

                  Why do you think there are so many medics on the front line? Because it is possible to kill up to 5 enemies on one clip alone, without effort, can sprint longer and faster than every other class, has medkits to insta-heal with, and if paired with another medic, can be revived time and time again.

                  I think I'm pretty good with the Assault class weapons - but my kills go up three-fold with the medic weapon. It's ridiculous.

                  When shooting at a medic as an assault, I will die 7 out of 10 times because the assault weapons are simply not as fast and accurate (though they claim to be). When the situation is reversed, of course I kill them 7 times out of 10.

                  An average round with an assault guy will be 45-15, with a medic I'm usually 100-15. A definite difference that every noob who plays medic will deny.


                  • #24

                    yeap 6E is awesome...i don't see many decent medics anymore which is sad, but everyone sure likes the 6E too :P
                    I played a round last night and all i heard is sounds of burst 6E firing the whole time lol, fanatics :P


                    • #25

                      After playing POE2 for a while I have defintaly come to the conclusion that the medic class is over powered and the main culprit is the weapons allowed to them especially the G36E.

                      In POE2 the medic class gets a carbine (AK74U or M4 it would be in bf2) and not a full assault rifle like it does in BF2. This would also balance the assault class somewhat and make it more viable. Why play assault when the medic can do all you can do and heal and revive for more points???

                      It bent because the real weapon is only a 750RPM weapon not 900RPM

                      If the reduced the rpm of the g36E and the damage a point or 2 it would be better balanced


                      • #26

                        Why nerf the medic class? All that does is take the fun out of the game. Nerfs almost always take the fun out. Assault needs to be buffed up, not the other way round. Besides, if you know how to use it (read: camp high buildings), you can rack up the kills. It's so easy to hit people with it, the bottom of the crosshair will get you a hit 99% of the time.


                        • #27

                          I personally think AK is better, so I don't see the point of changing g36e. Medics keep the game flowing anyway, so it's all good.

                          Assaults problem is that (I think, might be wrong) their guns use the same code as medics (there's just one M16 and AK file in objects file), so any buffs should be to anything but the guns, which is harder to code and balance. Even though I think that assault beats all classes in 1 on 1 combat, it has really no staying power, unless you're surrounded by 4 medics. And if you are, you should be playing AT.


                          • #28

                            That is the pont though. The medic should be a support class and not the front row fighter.


                            • #29

                              It doesn't take any skill to kill a single player with the G36E in this game. It takes skill to kill five (or more) in a row with it, while you're in the heat of battle, and stay alive.


                              • #30

                                G36 series is wonderful...however I like the C (spec-ops) more

