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Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

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  • Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

    So i decided I'd give it a shot, seeing how much people LOVE this mod.
    I was expecting teamwork... no, I checked every server (that is all FIVE, that's right, FIVE! I could find, and to be honest, it was no different than playing Vanilla)
    My next problem has to be the graphics, I mean, It is no where NEAR Vanilla's graphics, granted, I'm not expecting AWESOME graphics that blow me away, but the vehichles and weapons especially just seemed a little.... blocky?
    As far as the gameplay, it was... not different, nontheless it's still like BF2's game play... which is good.
    I don't know, what was I supposed to expect, and I just would like to ask the question.... what catches your attention in this game?
    To be honest, nothing really stuck out that would make me want to play it more than Vanilla.
    Just my 2 cents and a question I would like answered, thanks guys.

  • #2
    Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

    I played POE2 for a week or so... The only server where I had under 100 ping was one map (the snowy one). It was okay, but the feel of it was different.


    • #3
      Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

      Yeah, POE was too much of a tank mod, I gave it up after a couple weeks, I'm thinking of redownloading it though.


      • #4
        Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

        The first thing you have to realise is that the BF2 engine is very limited in terms of what you can, and cannot do in terms of modding.

        That being said, the POE2 dev team did an amazing job.

        The gameplay is very similar to vBF2, but that is the gameplay that many people enjoy. The trick is finding a good server which enforces teamwork. I know that the TacticalGamer server was a good choice, as anyone whom did not join a squad within the first 90 seconds of play would be kicked.

        I think the visuals in POE2 are superior to vBF2. Vehicle interiors are a little bland, but it is easy to look past that.

        The dev team took time out of their personal lives to create a game which they hope people will enjoy.

        We can't mod the players
        POE2 is a very enjoyable experience when you are playing with the right people.


        • #5
          Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

          Originally posted by Garabaldi

          POE2 is a very enjoyable experience when you are playing with the right people.
          good point......i think that applies with anything in life......

          to the OP.....have u tried project reality? it has the teamwork ur lookin for, great maps/graphics and more that added realism


          • #6
            Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

            The downloaded it the week it came out. Had some fun, but dam the weapons were way over powered, or the players health was way to reduced. It a matter of seconds you were dead from any weapon, which made battles quick, boring and fustrating. Atleast in vanilla BF2, you live long enough to turn around and see who shot you.


            • #7
              Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

              Try the map Fallen, it's my favourite I love it so much, it's just pure fun. Walking around being careful, it just gives a real feeling of fear and excitiment.


              • #8
                Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
                good point......i think that applies with anything in life......

                to the OP.....have u tried project reality? it has the teamwork ur lookin for, great maps/graphics and more that added realism
                I would have downloaded the mod ages ago but 30 second spawn times? That would just piss me off


                • #9
                  Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                  Originally posted by Jay_C
                  I would have downloaded the mod ages ago but 30 second spawn times? That would just piss me off
                  It is frustrating during the intial stages of your PR infancy, but once you play the mod, you will really start to appreciate it.

                  People tend to put more value on their, and their squadmates lives. It discourages "Rambo" play, and encourages tactical thinking and teamplay.


                  • #10
                    Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                    Originally posted by EC-Paulus-
                    The downloaded it the week it came out. Had some fun, but dam the weapons were way over powered, or the players health was way to reduced. It a matter of seconds you were dead from any weapon, which made battles quick, boring and fustrating. Atleast in vanilla BF2, you live long enough to turn around and see who shot you.
                    just like real life


                    • #11
                      Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                      Originally posted by daliup
                      Try the map Fallen, it's my favourite I love it so much, it's just pure fun. Walking around being careful, it just gives a real feeling of fear and excitiment.
                      Fallen > than all other maps.

                      Bring it on


                      • #12
                        Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                        Originally posted by Garabaldi
                        It is frustrating during the intial stages of your PR infancy, but once you play the mod, you will really start to appreciate it.

                        People tend to put more value on their, and their squadmates lives. It discourages "Rambo" play, and encourages tactical thinking and teamplay.
                        I think i'll download it and check it out, i know you guys put alot of hard work into it and i've heard it's brilliant. If theres good teamwork like you say then i may be converted from vanilla


                        • #13
                          Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                          poe2 was probably the best its ever been within the first few months, now that there are less players your seeing barely any frontline mode and nuke mode which was pretty fun.

                          fallen is still full of tense where the hell did he come from moments as there are so many trees and bushes to hide behind.

                          but as it is now i personally think sadly its passed its prime.

                          And you should download prmm.4 its really good and people work as a team almost as standard on it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                            Originally posted by $kelet0r
                            just like real life
                            Exactly. I dont like realism in my video games, thats why there video games.


                            • #15
                              Re: Played POE2 and I'm dissapointed

                              fair enough
                              but then again I play UT2003 if I want fantasy, a simulator if I want modern/historical warfare. Playing BF2 or CSS and having to tolerate the sheer insanity of unrealism AND suspend disbelief at the same time, annoys me alot
                              I'd much rather have a plausible/believable fantasy for fantasy and realism for realistic games. Mixing the 2 doesn't work for me/rant :P

