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Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

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  • Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

    The number of players using aimbots now has caused the game to become untenable and Punkbuster doesn't detect them. I play on ranked servers running the latest patch and that use Punkbuster the hackers are freaking (want to use a much stonger word there) everywhere these days. I want to turn them in and get them wiped but what kind of screenshot would be proof positive and absolutely convincing to prove that someone is using an aimbot? I'm about to walk away from this and get back to the things that I should be doing anyway. It JUST SUCKS anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

    crappy thing is alot of good players are getting called hax constantly now, its getting pretty rediculous. generally hackers are pretty easy to spot, they are the guys that are actually doin ****ty in the round, mostly in the teampoint factor yet register 5 super quick svd etc kills just like that once in awhile, but still have horrible stats, not with the g36e, even my cat can do that, also most (aimbotters as they are labeled) seem to favor heavily the sniper rifles, i guess it makes the aimbot work better? not the bolt action either, my advice if you need to use a sniper rifle for a better aimbot maybe its a crappy aimbot lol. wallhax, easy, hide behind fence wall and see if they shoot you through it, without being a ******* and having your legs stickout. or you can do what some of us do if we arent sure, go to their team and press C to switch to 3rd person, if server allows it, ive seen jets strafe infantry miles from my view distance a few times. kill them then i see the bodies (sometimes) a few secs later. my gfx are maxxed with 6X AA as well with x1950, and 2g ddr2800

    good players rarely ever call people hax because they have all done **** like they have and thought, omfg how did i just do that, jump (sideways to prone) pop a few rounds off with the l85 in single get a headshot on the first shot, of course they gonna call you a hack, cuz they do not have the hand eye coord or the dexterity, (at least yet) to pull it off, so therefore think it is impossible. anyone besides me popped a 3 round burst off at a running infantry at 200 yards running sideways u can barely see and hit him 2 times in the head and been like omfg. unless you know the mechanics of the game, and the hitbox lag it may be tough to discern hackers/good players, but if you have played long enough, (over 600 hours) you wont have a problem spotting them.

    at first i thought people were usin a hack shooting the GL 2 feet from troops killing enemy not harming themselves since it was nerfed in 1.2, but instead of running around screaming ZOMGZ!!!!!11!1! hackz i pulled it out myself and found it was possible as long as you hit them with the round, and now i don't look like a retard


    • #3
      Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

      Aimbots are very easy to spot if you're on the same team as the person using them.

      Just watch their movement. If they're erratically moving from one target to another within a fraction of a second constantly, then it's painfully obvious that they have third party help.

      If they're doing it within every two seconds. Then it's pretty obvious that they don't have third party help. My guess is, they've got a very sensitive mouse, and very good reflexes.\


      • #4
        Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

        just don't play karkand.


        • #5
          Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

          Is aimbot'ing a global ban offense?


          • #6
            Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

            like dairuka said, if you have seen any videos, you will know what hes talking about. when said hackers target dies, his xhairs will instantly switch to the next available target nearest his xhairs, most people cant play with super high dpi on foot, i myself hate it, i seem to fine tune a head alot easier with slower dpi, even in the heat of battle, noone is perfect and that fast aiming at heads, people need at least half a second to react, aimbots need zero. problem is with bf2's hitbox reg, aimbots really are useless. ever see that sniper vid with the hax, he was terrible, almost a whole svd clip for each infantry, ****ty stats because hackers are careless. why anyone would want to throw away all of those hours put in just to hack is beyond me. 1.5 years of playin this game to get to colonal and losing it all for hacking is retarded. seeing 1st place in a 64 man server consistently is rewarding.

            Originally posted by Supermario
            just don't play karkand.
            yea play wake so they can gun you down in their j10 from the airfield to the carrier contrary to popular belief i am sure not all hackzors flock to karkand, just watch the vidz


            • #7
              Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

              Originally posted by [AK]Lord_Of_War
              Same happened to me too, about a year ago...

              Dude, you never post anything informative, or even worthwhile to read. It is never about the game, it is about you saying you do not play anymore. If you do not like the game, and have nothing to add that matters to a thread, please do not post, it is a waste of time for those of us that want to see what other PLAYERS of the game feel, and there expieriences. That, and you said you quit coming here about 2 months ago, yet here you are.


              • #8
                Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                Though I believe that you never CAN or SHOULD point out a hacker if he is on the other team. That's probably him owning you, and PLEASE never go whining about that being hacks, because that is what makes us good player's enjoyment factor approach ZERO, if you know what I mean.


                • #9
                  Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                  Well, after you've been accused of hacking over 50 times, you kind of get used to it. Just another day at the office for plenty of people who play this game...


                  • #10
                    Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                    Originally posted by Sloi
                    Well, after you've been accused of hacking over 50 times, you kind of get used to it. Just another day at the office for plenty of people who play this game...
                    Mmmm... But you've been accused... while flying chopper?! What hack would that be ?


                    • #11
                      Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                      Originally posted by Doggie52
                      Mmmm... But you've been accused... while flying chopper?! What hack would that be ?
                      Aimbot? Once I managed to nail someone on Wake with a single F-35 cannon shot, just randomly firing at the ground (couldn't see anyone, I was high up). Damn, I was happy.


                      • #12
                        Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                        Originally posted by Doggie52
                        Though I believe that you never CAN or SHOULD point out a hacker if he is on the other team. That's probably him owning you, and PLEASE never go whining about that being hacks, because that is what makes us good player's enjoyment factor approach ZERO, if you know what I mean.
                        Indeed. Recently I was having a pretty good game on the only populated IO server in my country. Someone started with the aimbot accusations and half the players left, then after about 20 mins the server was completely empty.

                        What I notice is. The hax accusations are almost always said by casual gamers with negative K/D ratios.

                        EG this n00b / tard, imo he should be the one getting the ban.


                        • #13
                          Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                          I've seen loads on here about aimbots etc, how do they actually work? is it just an auto aim feature?
                          and if so, what enjoyment are these people getting from cheating in a FPS that is only a game?


                          • #14
                            Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                            Well... some aimbots use hitbox aiming (hitboxes are the different parts, often like boxes, on a player that gives different damage, such as head, chest, legs, Rarm, Larm and so on) and some uses vecs. Vecs are just X and Y positions which are aimed for.


                            • #15
                              Re: Enjoyment factor approaching ZERO

                              Originally posted by ham_411
                              I've seen loads on here about aimbots etc, how do they actually work? is it just an auto aim feature?
                              and if so, what enjoyment are these people getting from cheating in a FPS that is only a game?
                              Youtube and google will answer that question a million times over.

