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Switching to the other team by the server

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  • #16
    Re: Switching to the other team by the server

    what i hate is when you get switch to the team that only has 8 points left. someone switchs at last minute so there not on the losing team.

    i got switch from a squad last night. there was lots of lone wolfs on the team too. when i checked after being moved, teams where even at 32 each.
    kinda odd that anyone with a clan tag are on one team and the other team has none.


    • #17
      Re: Switching to the other team by the server

      I've been switched while in a squad too. It makes me mad when the other team is about to lose and I have the highest score. I hate doing all of the work and taking key points and setting up the other team's demise just to get team switched. It should be the person with the lowest score and shortest time on the server who gets teamswitched, but that's not how it always works.


      • #18
        Re: Switching to the other team by the server

        I have been switched to the team with only 10 or so tickets left as the commander of the winning team. I'm pretty sure it was an admin switch, though. Losing that 2x irritated the hell out of me.


        • #19
          Re: Switching to the other team by the server

          Originally posted by jimtool655321
          I have been switched to the team with only 10 or so tickets left as the commander of the winning team. I'm pretty sure it was an admin switch, though. Losing that 2x irritated the hell out of me.
          Hell I had a cammander score of over 100 and we lose by one f***ing Ticket one F***ING TICKET.


          • #20
            Re: Switching to the other team by the server

            Originally posted by emtff77
            I was playing Warlord last night and I was second in the ranking on the Insurgent team, I die and moved to the other team SAS. WTF, not only was I dropped to 4th or 5th in the ranking it really pissed me off. Why didnt someone with a lower score get switched to the other team, wouldn't that make sence. Is it really the server switching you or does the admin choose which person gets switched?

            I know how u feel bout being switched its like one minute JIHAD and the next god bless america


            • #21
              Re: Switching to the other team by the server

              As I said if the server uses smartbalance there is no need for an admin to either monitor the balance or switch players to even the balance. However if a team is highly stacked an admin may swap over some players to even it up.

              Don't like getting teamswitched? Then go to your favourite server, make a donation and ask them if they will add your in-game name to smartbalance. You will never get teamswitched again.


              • #22
                Re: Switching to the other team by the server

                It's called play with a bit of Teamwork™ (registered to Project Reality apparently), and you won't get switched.


                • #23
                  Re: Switching to the other team by the server

                  If your flying a jet, or operating a one man vechile, create a squad and lock it and you wont get switched UNLESS the admin does it manually whihc has happened to me several times either after owning the admin, or the admin wanting the plane

