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Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

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  • #46
    Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

    I play both IO and regular, and have been having more fun on IO recently. I found a great server, with a good map rotation, and admin's are almost always the first ones on, to start up the server. There are always at least one admin on, and they will kick a smacktard or hacker faster than you can say "ZOMG he is a f*cking haxxor!!!"

    All in all, find good servers, there are some excellent IO server out there, and it can be great fun.

    BTW, the server I am speaking of is BFSupreme Elite IO, ff is on, and they greatly encourage teamwork. Very very good players play there, don't accuse them of hacking if they are regulars, if they are always there, they definetly are not hacking.


    • #47
      Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

      Originally posted by deviousbf2
      I dont like IO servers. Try IO jalalabad, trust me you dont want to be a USMC. USMC always loses without vehicles. Its like having a trench war. I dont like IO servers because

      -no vehicles
      -grenade spamming
      -Claymore spamming
      The MEC are really at a disadvantage on Jalalabad. They have to defend two approaches to the back flags so they need to split their team. The US only has to break through in one place. If the US team just sticks together then they will break through - unless they are totally outclassed by the other team.


      • #48
        Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

        Its all cool Bloodsport. IO can be a great addition to the menu, because its different.


        • #49
          Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

          Originally posted by nicej
          is there a video or anything i can d/l and watch or something better than a quote. at least gimme a link plz kthx

          go to google vids and type project reality, u can also go to bf2 mod disc section and go to Pr section, there u can ask for details.


          • #50
            Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

            tongue now out of cheek. I agree with earlier poster, it's killing Bf2 imho. A lot of this is out of context but the post sums a lot up.


            It's not that EA have not got or did not have the funds to sort this out. It's the lack of vision for the product.

            You can't tell me that anyone who started BF2 thought 'oh great I can spam medic bags and grenades for twenty minutes'. No, they thought great a modern battlefield....

            When the game came out Air power was too much, pilots quickly worked out that they could batter the living daylights out of anyone on the ground and why bother wasting time on another plane.

            So the grunt on the ground tried to get in a plane, how the heck is he supposed to take down an experienced pro. Heck it takes me half a round sometimes to cannon a guy and I actually fly a lot. Then most pilots thought jeez why bother spending the ten minutes to take down another pilot for two points. Then ground AA was a joke....

            So off everyone went to Karkand, then they caught the gimme points bug, if it wasn't for tanks......

            Now surely somebody at EA at this point should have the vision to say 'ok, look this isn't the direction we want to go'. I mean we haven't spent millions of pounds developing all these models and maps. Lets go back to the drawing board lets make the game like a modern battlefield but address this balance issue.

            So we had 1.2, but then there was outrage from pilots used to their 50-1 scores and oh my but if they got caught by any ole n00b without flares then down he'd go. How dare they.

            So what did EA do, tried to please everyone, a bit of a mish mash job, lets remove the vehicles ala 'infantry only' and slap something together on the AA, which in turn made the situation worse.

            &(^(*&&^* what? That's not the game I bought or what the game should have been.

            To top it all off, Colin Clarke acts like everything is fine and dandy, buy BF2142 you know it makes sense...

            EA don't have the balls to say 'no' they try to please everyone, they killed DICE, BF2142 case in point.


            • #51
              Re: Karkand IO = Worst Thing. Ever.

              LOL... 1.2. When people were teamkilling for STA sites.

              Its a good post, jakswan. Shows how DICE played a b!tch for the community, breaking the game and in return giving the fanbase herpes in the state of bugs and a changed game.

