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Very Long Sniper Guide

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  • #76
    Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

    A lot of cool stuffs!!
    Learned a lot of tips~!!^^


    • #77
      Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

      Hmm most I already knew. Few tips I could add.

      1. Know your prey. Is he armored? Should you risk missing a shot for the extra damage caused by the M95? Would you rather hit and get a body shot or go for a headshot and miss? How fast is he moving?

      2. Expanding on your location. Know it well. In SF this is especially useful; knowing where you can use the zipline to get to can also allow you to change location very rapidly.

      3. Know your enemy's location. Where do enemy snipers usually show up? Remember, the best way to kill a sniper is with his own kind. For instance, snipers on Warlord will often go to the top of the TV station; but remember that generally, the higher you are, the worse your KDR will be.

      Speaking of this, it's better to see one small, well traveled kill zone and be impervious than to see half the map and be out in the open. If you die before you can hit anything, your kills probably won't be too great.

      4. Movement and tricking your targets.

      Fire a few pistol shots towards someone. Even if you can't even see them, they may think that you can, and they will run, thus giving you great shots. Also, watch an enemy, and keep shooting. Hitting is better but in this case it doesn't matter. Once he prones and stops moving behind a small object, he probably think's he's safe. Change his view of the situation a little with a well placed 7.62mm round.

      Grenades. Many people think that snipers would use them to clear escape routes when they are on the fly. Not true. Plop one down, the LMG prones, you sneak up behind the sucker and give him a knife in the ***.

      Distractions. (I play warlord a lot so don't blame me if I keep refering to it, I know that map inside and out). Calling for artillery is a good way to make the enemy duck while you move to another position. If snipers on the TV station roof are pinning you down, call for some artillery. It'll make them run downstairs, kill them, or at least keep them busy long enough that you can run (or get into your new spot).

      Claymores. Lead a false trail. Let someone see you run up to a sniper hide. Drop a claymore, then go to another sniper hide, preferably in view of your claymore. The enemy might see the claymore on the way up his ladder. Tut tut, little noobs! never stop moving when a sniper can see you. Send him to the great beyond as soon as he stops scratching his head.

      The real tricks in playing as a good sniper is outguessing your enemy. You, because you control his movements (once you understand other player's minds) can lead him into traps or right into your sights.

      Finally: It may seem stupid, or un teamworky, but:

      DON'T JOIN A SQUAD. And especially don't lead one (unless you are alone and lock the squad). The commander will be ordering you to go attack flags. That's not what snipers are for! If you let others spawn on you as pretty much anything, they're likely to give away your position. Kick them out of the squad and get them OUT.

      Hope that helped a little more!


      • #78
        Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

        Good general guide to sniping. Although I find at 250+ meters if you want to hit a moving target you should aim 3-4 pixels in front of them when walking. Just my 2 cents.


        • #79
          Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

          Please, before anyone asks, please make out all check to the Miami Dolphins Organization so that they can buy more players.

          Thank you for helping to SAVE THE DOLPHINS!



          • #80
            Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

            Originally posted by Bob_Is_Scary
            Please, before anyone asks, please make out all check to the Miami Dolphins Organization so that they can buy more players.

            Thank you for helping to SAVE THE DOLPHINS!



            • #81
              Ummm where can I find the guide?

              Reading all the positive feedback really grabs my interest to take a look at it myself.


              • #82
                Hi I am new to this list can someone tell me where I can get this guide to sniping? thanks Tawodi


                • #83
                  A (r@zy Guide
                  Old Sniper Sez

                  Forward- This guide is released well after the release of BF2, but with most people still sticking to it (over BF2142) I decided that it could not hurt. New players to the game or sniper kit can pick up a lot, and more experienced players can learn some new stuff and brush up on the old info. Enjoy 

                  Table Of Contents
                  1. About the Author
                  2. Overview of Snipers
                  3. Basic Sniping Principles (read only if new to sniping)
                  4. Sniper Weaponry
                  b. Everything Else
                  5. The “LSMTP” of Sniping
                  a. Location
                  b. Shooting
                  c. Movement
                  d. Teamwork
                  e. Position Changes
                  6. Update

                  1. About the Author

                  I am Sniper2068, registered on www.secretsofbattlefield and as ichangedmyname. This guide was written completely by me! Email me at shift8300@yahoo or ichangedmyname@yahoo for permission to re-post. I am a Lt. Colonel and am a “JackAce” player. My “Ace” traits are medic, sniper, choppers, and city maps but I can roll on most maps with any gear. You should probably read the guide, stop wasting your time reading about me!

                  2. Overview of Snipers

                  Snipers are armed with claymores, grenades, a knife, a pistol, and a rifle. With the first four you can survive close in, laying down claymores will usually pick up several kills. But the goal of a true sniper is to… snipe, with rifle and perhaps a finishing pistol shot. Stay hidden and you will stay safe. Snipers need their distance, 100+ meters gives you the room to operate safely, and that is the minimum distance for effective high K/D. Fire shots with care, 30 bullets does not give you much room for error. Three shots per person maximum, if you can not get them by then… you need a new target. Alright, now on to some real meaty stuff…

                  3. Basic Sniping Principles
                  (skip if you have more than 800 rifle kills or more than 40 sniper hours)

                  There are 4 basic principles to sniping.

                  The first thing to do is picking your rifle. If you want to stay at very long distances, go with the L96A1 or M24. For medium range sniping pick the M95, and for short distance work you want a semi-auto (or if U.S. the M95).

                  Once you are alive, you want to find a spot where your silhouette does not stand out (where you are plainly visible). Avoid places with low or light colored grass, no grass, or where your body juts out (showing up against the sky or a building backdrop). Find a spot that your ghillie suit blends in with, preferably a spot low to the ground (the first thing I do when looking for enemy snipers is scan the ridgeline of hills, the windows of high buildings, etc…). When you arrive in you spot…

                  3- Realize how you will be shooting... are you going for headshots in a lowly traveled area or body shots in a combat zone? This will dictate who you shoot at. Generally, the longer the range and the farther away from the front line the more you line up for headshots. Close range or looking over a combat zone you can either a) finish people off with your pistol or b) shoot people already wounded in battle.

                  4- You might have to change positions if people begin honing in on your position or if there are not lots of targets. As a rule of thumb, a clip of ammo expended= time to move on, and 1 kill or less every 2 minutes= time to move on.

                  4. Sniper Weaponry
                  a. Rifles

                  M24- The M24 sniper rifle is the default USMC sniper rifle. It is suited for mid-long range work. This rifle is a nice pick if you do not have the L96A1 and you want to snipe from long distances. Do not pick for close range work unless you have great confidence in your 92FS skills.
                  Standing Deviation: 2
                  Crouching Deviation: 1.5
                  Prone Deviation: 0.8
                  Zoom Deviation: 0.005
                  Recoil Minimum: 4
                  Recoil Maximum: 5.2
                  Body shot (armored): 65% Damage
                  Body shot (no armor): 95% Damage
                  Head Shot: Instant Kill
                  Mag Size: 5
                  Firing Mode: Bolt Action
                  Reload Time: 6 seconds to reload a clip
                  Bolt Time: About 1 second

                  SVD- The SVD has interesting sights. The top ^ is where you want to aim. Aim just below and to the right of the top of the ^. The SVD is good for mid and short range sniping. It is semi-auto and very useful if you will be engaged close in by foes with automatic weapons.
                  Standing Deviation: 2
                  Crouching Deviation: 1.5
                  Prone Deviation: 0.8
                  Zoom Deviation: 0.1
                  Recoil Minimum: 4.5
                  Recoil Maximum: 6
                  Body shot (armored): STK (shots to kill) is 4
                  Body shot (no armor): STK is 3
                  Head Shot: Instant Kill
                  Mag Size: 10
                  Firing Mode: Semi-auto
                  Reload Time: 4 seconds

                  Type 88- The Type 88 is a short to mid range rifle. It has easier sights to aim with than the SVD, but in range functionality it is very similar.
                  Standing Deviation: 2
                  Crouching Deviation: 1.5
                  Prone Deviation: 0.8
                  Zoom Deviation: 0.1
                  Recoil Minimum: 4.5
                  Recoil Maximum: 6
                  Body shot (armored): STK (shots to kill) is 4
                  Body shot (no armor): STK is 3
                  Head Shot: Instant Kill
                  Mag Size: 10
                  Firing Mode: Semi-auto
                  Reload Time: 4 seconds

                  M95- The M95 has armor-piercing capabilities. It is a solid rifle up to 200 meters, and then the L96A1 takes over. However the M95 is good for short mid to short long ranges. It packs a bigger punch against armored foes and can pierce cockpit and windshield glass. This rifle is a keeper if you will be working at multiple ranges.
                  Standing Deviation: 2
                  Crouching Deviation: 1.5
                  Prone Deviation: 0.8
                  Zoom Deviation: 0.1
                  Recoil Minimum: 4
                  Recoil Maximum: 5.2
                  Body shot (armored): 95%
                  Body shot (no armor): 95%
                  Head Shot: Instant Kill
                  Mag Size: 5
                  Firing Mode: Bolt action
                  Reload Time: 6 seconds
                  Bolt time: Slightly over 1 second

                  L96A1- The L96A1 is my favorite. It has thin sights so you can find someone’s head very easily and it has a very powerful zoom and great accuracy. It is the best rifle for long range work because of its powerful zoom and laser accuracy. However in closer ranges the advantage of the L96A1 begins to deteriorate.

                  Standing Deviation: 2
                  Crouching Deviation: 1.5
                  Prone Deviation: 0.8
                  Zoom Deviation: 0.005
                  Recoil Minimum: 4
                  Recoil Maximum: 5.2
                  Body shot (armored): 65%
                  Body shot (no armor): 95%
                  Head Shot: Instant Kill
                  Mag Size: 10
                  Firing Mode: Bolt action
                  Reload Time: 5 seconds
                  Bolt time: About 1 second

                  b. Everything Else

                  Pistols- The pistols all do 20% damage per shot. There is no notable deviation between standing/crouching/ and prone, but prone does have a slight advantage considering the recoil. You should be prone as a sniper anyways… just stay prone for your finishing pistol shots. The pistol can be used to soften up an enemy for the kill shot or to finish off an enemy. DO NOT ZOOM YOUR PISTOL. The line up between the end of the barrel and where your shot goes is disgusting. The crosshairs (when unzoomed) give a much better representation of where you shot will go. The pistols are silenced, so sometimes you can sneak up to an enemy and finish them off with only the pistol before they notice you in the bush right next to them… also if an enemy walks over your position of you see an enemy close range, use the pistol. Using the knife gives away the fact that you were right next to them, and now they become aware of where you are.

                  Knifes- The knife is a one stab kill. Armored or unarmored, wherever you hit them, they will die. Bunnyhop around until your opponent runs out of ammo then go in for a prone/stab. Usually your knife will not be necessary, seeing as you should be at long range. However, it is a great weapon if you are engaged in close quarter combat (CQC). Spawn camping with the knife and claymores is a usable tactic if you run our of rifle ammunition. Generally knives are a very distant last in your used sniper weapons.

                  Grenades- Grenades are very useful as a sniper. If someone is drawing close to your position a few well placed grenades can kill them or scare them off. Grenades are also useful if someone attacks you, hopping back and throwing grenades lets you escape or get a kill. Grenades can always be thrown at soldiers to soften them up for a kill shot.

                  Claymores- Claymores are used by the “noob” snipers and have led lots of players to hate snipers. I use claymores to cover a retreat, or if I have just spawned I will toss them down before I move to a shooting position. Another way to use claymores is to guard you position. If you plan on staying in one spot then toss down one claymore facing across your back (just behind you) and one facing across your face (about 5 meters in front). Below are examples of some claymore positioning…

                  a) The corner cover. Cover from the side of the corner, so it is invisible… People walking up will not see the claymore.


                  __________ CLAYMORE> | |
                  | |
                  | |

                  The shooting cover. This is to cover you if you are staying in one spot. Anyone trying to sneak up or come straight on at you will be blown away.



                  5. The “LSMTP” Of Sniping
                  a. Location

                  Your location should be changing every clip fired unless you are confident that nobody has figured out in which general area you are. It is up to you if you stay or go, but here are some tips on how to pick a sniping location.

                  1. List of Bad Locations (in no particular order)

                  -Very light grass
                  -Very short or no grass
                  -A ridgeline
                  -On top of a building (any building)
                  -In a place where muzzle flash is very visible *dark places*
                  -Inside a building *such as the Construction Site on Sharqi
                  -On a crane
                  -On the outside edge of an oil drum
                  -In a contrasted area (ex. Border of light and dark grass)

                  2. List of Good Locations (in no particular order)

                  -Dark grass
                  -Tall grass
                  -Thick wooded area
                  -A dip or cavity in the ground
                  -The side of a hill
                  -Nestled in between two places (ex. A speck of ground between two buildings)
                  -With the sun at your back (muzzle flash is invisible)

                  Conclusion of Location

                  You want to find a place that is on the fringes of battle with a strong view of the main battle area. Your spot should not be obvious or common, and no part of your body should be protruding against the sky or a light backdrop. You want your silhouette, you muzzle flash, and your movement to blur into the background. People have walked over me when I am nice and cozy on the side of a hill in some dark grass. Going to high places is never smart. A casual glance will pick you out in a second. Buildings are never smart either, muzzle flash is very obvious and buildings do not offer good escape routes.

                  b. Shooting

                  I am sure you know how to zoom a rifle and shoot a rifle. However there is a lot more to shooting then zooming on a prone guy and firing off a wild shot at his body. In fact, the above is not even shooting. I call brainless or stupid shooting “pigeon fire” because the best it will do is scare off pigeons 

                  a) Target Identification (in order)

                  1. Definite head shot (prone or on a mounted gun)
                  2. Wounded person
                  3. Medic
                  4. Squad leader
                  5. Walking or crawling person
                  6. Running person

                  You should always shoot for a definite kill. This can be accomplished by head shots or body shotting a wounded person. You can be the one to administer the initial wound (a pistol shot). Next you want to take out important targets, and then hard to hit or meaningless targets.

                  b) Mechanics of Shooting

                  There are several factors you must consider when shooting your rifle.

                  -There is a slight bullet drop in BF2, but as long as you center your shots you will not have a problem.

                  -Center your shots! Centering a target is aiming for the center… Aim for the center of their chest or head. This way bullet drop will not matter and if they move slightly the bullet will still hit.

                  -Leading a target… If someone is sprinting you need to lead a full heads length ahead of them. If they are walking or crawling just shoot at the outside edge of the target (ex. If someone is crawling to the left, shoot just past them to the left). People running straight away or towards you require no leading.

                  -If you are waiting for someone to emerge from an area place your crosshairs just below where you think they will be, this way your crosshairs will not block your sight of the enemy (ex. If someone is about to come out of a door place your cross hairs on the ground in front of the door).

                  The Infamous Bullet Drop

                  Here is a bullet drop chart:

                  t- time of bullet travel (seconds)
                  d- bullet drop over the space (meters)

                  100m t=0.10 d= 0.05
                  150m t=0.15 d= 0.11
                  200m t=0.20 d= 0.20
                  250m t=0.25 d= 0.31
                  300m t=0.30 d= 0.44
                  350m t=0.35 d= 0.60
                  400m t=0.40 d= 0.78
                  500m t=0.50 d= 1.23
                  550m t=0.55 d= 1.48
                  600m t=0.60 d= 1.76

                  c. Movement

                  There are two types of “true” sniping…
                  Flight Shooting &
                  Fight Shooting

                  1. Flight Shooting

                  A Flight sniper will pick a location, identify an escape route, and then move away after a short time. A Flight sniper can afford to pick more obvious spots because they will be moving on soon.

                  a) Location Planning

                  You can pick spots that are more common or in plain view. After firing off a few shots you will be moving so there is no reason to worry about pinning you down. Pick a place that gives you room to operate in case you want to squirm around a little after your first shots.

                  b) Shooting Type

                  You will usually be closer to the combat field so go for any old shot and chuck grenades. Fire off your pistol often to weaken or kill enemies and do not worry about getting headshots. This requires less shooting finesse, but it requires more awareness.

                  Awareness/ Escape Routes

                  You do not want to lay down your claymores at your position, because they will be abandoned soon after. After firing a shot or after 5+ seconds of zoom time look around and make sure no one has snuck up on you. Always be swiveling your head around and keeping your eyes open. If you are spotted then throw down your claymores and throw a few grenades. Then head for a new place. If some of them make it past your initial defense, break away a bit and then fire off a few rifle shots to slow them down even more.

                  2. Fight Shooting

                  A Fight Sniper picks a spot where he has complete coverage and concealment. You will be staying in one place, so you want to claymore your front and back. Go for headshots and move if there are not enough targets.

                  Location Planning

                  You want a spot where you can stay safe and concealed. You also want a place that is easily defensible and has lots of escape routes. Go for the ideal areas, like: A shallow divot in the side of a hill, covered in thick green grass. Do not move around much, because the human eye can pick out movement in a second. Do not go for obvious places, like the solitary bush in the middle of a field. Stay away from
                  Solitary anythings that look like good cover, it will be the enemies’ first guess as to where you are.

                  b) Shooting Type

                  Go for the headshots, fire at prone enemies and people who are still (ex. They just spawned, or are repairing their vehicle). You do not want to waste ammo on targets you can not take out, and you will risk revealing your position. You can still be looking over a combat area from long distance, so sometimes it will make sense to take the body shot, but use your own judgment on that.

                  c) Awareness/ Escape Routes

                  You need to be aware as a sniper, but relax a little and stay zoomed longer. Identify 2 escape routes for your position and when the times come to use them, then do so. However unlike a Flight sniper you are not always on the move. However always watch for UAV above your head or the threatening boom of an incoming artillery strike. Drop your enemies before moving, so they can not chase you to a new position.


                  1) I find there are two basic parts of teamwork while sniping… Spotting (you guys mentioned it to me) and wounding.

                  Spotting. Spotting is fairly east, just hit “Q” and then click, and viola… the enemy is now revealed. You can spot while scoped. Therefore, if you have a tank or infantry behind cover in your view… sight them. Also, sighting is useful if you are battling an enemy or trying to shoot an enemy that frequently moves out of your view (behind cover, or out of range). Sight them and it makes your job a lot easier. You do not have to see the person to sight them. Sight some random spots and you might get lucky, you can also sight people behind cover by aiming just above them.

                  Wounding. Now, I tell you to keep shots to a minimum and to conserve ammo… blah blah blah. However sometimes you can lose a few slugs at an enemy position. Do this when you or your team is moving up, and your current position will not be your position very soon. It can be instrumental in allowing your team to snag a flag or overtake a chokepoint.

                  e. Position Changing

                  This tells you how to move! How to walk, run, wiggle, and crawl!

                  a) Unless the area is clear, stay low! Crawl around a bit or walk around crouched. If it is a long distance to your desired spot, stay with your back to matching territory. Run in short bursts and then dive for the ground, crawling a few feet. Rise up and repeat. If someone spots you then stay prone and crawl away.

                  b) If the field of battle has moved up. Sprint for 20 meters and then hop/prone. You move forward a lot, but anyone trying to draw a bead has trouble.

                  c) If you are moving backwards (the enemy takes over some of your bases), then just run full out. The enemy is facing the other way so there is very little reason to worry. Go prone when you want, if you want. If you see someone ahead of you, then prone and shoot them before moving again.

                  6. Updates

                  v1.0 released on 11/3006
                  v1.1 added bullet drop and some minor changes
                  v1.2 added 2 new mini-sections to the LSM (now LSMTP)and a chart by Jemme101
                  RE-POST 1.0 Posted the sniper guide again, as the download links dissapeared.


                  • #84
                    Thanks for posting


                    • #85
                      Exellent guide.I printed it out. also if you are like a super fanatic of this game and want to be the absolute best sniper there is, here is the link to the USMC's guide to sniping. its not perfect, and i dont know how much of this is actually true in-game. there are also some other manuals on things like rifle marksmanship and camoflauge.
                      *you have to download the files. some are large, most are about 5 mb
                      Sniping guide(8.81mb)
                      Other military manuals
                      PS-these manuals have been approved for public distribution


                      • #86
                        awesome guide man.. lol i didnt know the bullet drop was soo precise.. i always find the 8th of an inch rule pretty sufficient but each to his own GREAT guide!


                        • #87
                          Great guide, definatley made improvements, on my positions selections.. Hard work put to good use..


                          • #88
                            very nice guide man..good job


                            • #89
                              Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

                              I have come back to BF2. Fricking fear me. Posted guide on first page...


                              • #90
                                Re: Very Long Sniper Guide

                                Yah nice job!

