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After 18 months people still don't know how to command

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  • #16
    Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

    I usually let the SL's know when assets are avail. Then they can request where and when they need it. Sometimes this doesn't work though because people don't know about the t key.


    • #17
      Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

      Originally posted by 2BDC
      Don't get me wrong, I like it when the commander tells me where the local enemies are. It's the spamming over and over again for the SAME that enemy gets annoying fast. I've seen commanders spot enemies in the UAV radius, don't tell me that's not stupid.
      If the enemy looks like he will be moving out of the UAV I spot him in it so I can spot him again if he is still alive after he leaves the UAV. I will also spot them in UAV if the UAV is about to run out or anytime a jet or chopper flies thru one I will spot that. Or if the enemy commander is in the UAV I will spot him for myself (white dot) to keep an eye on him.


      • #18
        Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

        Originally posted by AckAck
        Not too mention it increases your own score and you get to hear the taunt if your lucky.
        It does not increase your score.

        The commanders score is determined by the average of his teams SQUADED members points.


        • #19
          Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

          *hasn't read thread*

          If poor commanding is such a huge issue for you, why don't YOU command?


          • #20
            Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

            Hmmm.... correct me if I'm wrong, but spotting the blur red dots in a scan will just spawn questions marks and spam the radio channels. Yes the enemy will be identified, but the questions marks will not follow the soldiers as the normal solid red dots (UAV style) do. The only way to properly spot units out of UAV range is to zoom all the way down and to spot the soldier itself, and even then, sometimes you just get question marks if you mis-clicked. Crap. If I'm wrong, I'm gonna start spamming the radio channels a lot more. LOL. only started commanding recently.

            Edit: what I'm doing now is scan-> Find enemy flankers like snipers and squads that are out of UAV range, or defending a certain position -> zoom in -> spot spot spot.

            I can't spot all of them, but I suppose it helps.


            • #21
              Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

              I've never had to zoom in and spot, unless they disappeared off the radar.

              That's why i SCAN, then spot the appropriate units (not all, only ones that threaten my team).

              If I don't have UAV or SCAN available, and someone is trying to cap, I'll zoom in and watch over them, then spot any enemy units nearby.


              • #22
                Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

                Commanding is more about intelligence than it is about knowledge of the game. Obviously, the latter will help... and having a good commander is not necessarily going to help if the squads don't do what's requested of them.


                • #23
                  Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

                  Originally posted by MoB|GunnerDoop
                  The commanders score is determined by the average of his teams SQUADED members points.
                  Nope, all people on your side. Not just the squad ones.

                  Originally posted by RahXeph0n
                  Hmmm.... correct me if I'm wrong, but spotting the blur red dots in a scan will just spawn questions marks and spam the radio channels.
                  True, if you spot too soon after a Satelite scan, the hazy red dot doesn't go solid and your men will hear the SPOTTED call but see nothing on their maps. A spotted dot has to go solid for the info to get sent to all the sides maps.


                  • #24
                    Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

                    The spotting is important, thats true, but dont forget to drop supplies. I have a rule I use, personal rule, "when in doubt resupply the best positioned piece of Armor". That way most players will catch on fast and stay close to the Armor, the supplies will come. If the Armor doesnt need it I will look for the squad with the highest score. The supplies are like a reward for doing thier job. If I can help keep my people (people on my team) alive my score will be higher. Its just that simple. . . . . . . . . . .Red


                    • #25
                      Re: After 18 months people still don't know how to command

                      The highest score I ever got was when I was commander and i had 2 good SL's. They listen and requested. It was awesome. A good commander can be the diff. between winning a round and lossing.
                      I also get bugged when I call for assest and the commander does nothing but help himself. They suck. Thanks for listening.

