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L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

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  • L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

    Hello boys and PKM support players.

    I wanted to relate a find that has me playing more often now, and alot less irritated whence rounding a corner or "helplessly" finding myself across the way from a sniper.

    The L-85

    Yes, I play ALOT of medic - so sue me. I had been using the G-36E for a long ... LONG ... while now... but my development with this weapon was stagnant. I found myself more often than not either encountering the still deadly combo of Prone-PKM or stuck waiting for a sniper to finish me off from across a sea of dead-open space.

    Enter the L-85.

    I picked a dead medics kit up after a few paltry rounds of mediocrity only to find he had the L-85 as an unlock. I trudge off to get killed, as I gave up on this gun about 8 months ago. Round the corner about half a block away comes a sniper... I zoom in half expecting to be headshot, but actually pick him off. Then another, then another... and yet more.

    So 7 kills and no deaths later my intrest in this weapon is revived. My KDR is abysmall - not that I center on stats mind you - a product of having this name for over a year and a few months now. But it is now slowly climbing out of the abyss. I went from rounds in the 50-60's to some rounds in IO of over 160... all with only a handfull of deaths to my 50-60 kills.

    MORAL OF THE STORY ----------------------

    If you've been using one weapon or kit for awhile - and are becoming bored to tears with it - try a new one on for size... you just might suprise yourself!

    Happy hunting.

  • #2
    Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

    Yeah, I love the L85A1. I've really gotten quite good with it, and I've been surprised at the power. I've actually killed people with one shot with it (chances are their health was down), but it is quite powerful.


    • #3
      Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

      I use G36E 90% of the time I am a medic and occasionally the AK-101, I had to pick up a L-85 yesterday when I was out of G36E ammunition. I absolutely hated it, I think it may be associated with the poor sounds but it feels so damn week and inaccurate!


      • #4
        Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

        As a decent PKM gunner, I also use all the other guns in the game. L-85 used to be an infested pile of ****. Anyway, it ain't too accurate, but its a decent enough gun I guess.

        All a matter of preference I suppose, and I'd take it in preference over the 36e, mainly because it's an automatic weapon.


        • #5
          Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

          I use G36E 90% of the time and occasionally the AK-101, I had to pick up a L-85 yesterday when I was out of G36E ammunition. I absolutely hated it, I think it may be associated with the poor sounds but it feels so damn week and inaccurate!
          True that.
          But I don't like the G36E either, it's too cheap and too good, even a 7 year old can own with it.


          • #6
            Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

            Ever since they upped the damage so that it kills in one headshot, the L85 has been a pretty good gun.

            Just gotta score with the first 1-2 bullets because after that it's an inaccurate mess.


            • #7
              Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

              Originally posted by PLUNK47
              True that.
              But I don't like the G36E either, it's too cheap and too good, even a 7 year old can own with it.
              Amen to that, hate that thing, but the L85 is real killer at long range in singe or two shot bursts. It gets kinda wacky in close combat though, and the sound of the firing makes it sound so much weaker that it actually is.


              • #8
                Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                I haven't used the MG36 but probably 20 mins before I unlocked it. Now, it's my favorite gun as support.


                • #9
                  Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                  L85A1 is so damn awesome...

                  You need to learn how to shoot it.. you can't spray with it.

                  If you use it, you need to only go for headshots, and be good at aiming.. otherwise you will suck with it. It isn't the most accurate weapon, as far as it lands on the exact center of the crosshair, but it's close enough to get headshots from ~200-300 meters (300 if youre lucky lol).

                  Basically... even if you think you can't kill the guy.. try anyways.. most likely the random deviation will cause you to get a headshot and you will be like WTF!?

                  Yeah.. it's my favorite gun along with the PKM. I have used the PKM more lately, but that's cause the past 300 hours of the game I used the L85A1.. lol


                  • #10
                    Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                    I HATED this gun when I first unlocked it. It just seemed so random for its accuracy. I dont think I touched it for months and then 1 round I went on a rampage with it and its been one of my favorites ever since.


                    • #11
                      Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                      The L85 is an excellent gun. It was my very first unlock, and I have had some very good luck with it. I actually prefer it over the G36E.


                      • #12
                        Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                        Originally posted by FSK300
                        The L85 is an excellent gun. It was my very first unlock, and I have had some very good luck with it. I actually prefer it over the G36E.
                        I do too... It's so much better for killing.. I don't see what's so special about the G36E...


                        • #13
                          Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                          Dont really use unlocks anymore, (unless i pick one up when i'm out of ammo) But i remeber using it as my first unlock in my noob days. My average Kd back then was probably 1:4 deaths, no joke, i sucked. Using thats i probably knocked it up to 2:1 before i started to get better and stopped using it.

                          Agree with Meticalla thougj, you really have to go for headshots or the deviation will take you all over the place.

                          Originally posted by Iwantcable
                          I haven't used the MG36 but probably 20 mins before I unlocked it. Now, it's my favorite gun as support.
                          I bluddy hate it. An awful gun. Tried the RPK recently? i think they nerfed the PKM in the previous patch but on IO i will regualarly get 50:10 KD with the RPK. Its the second best gun in the game IMHO after the AK-101.


                          • #14
                            Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                            im not really a fan of unlocks....i like the M16, AK-101 and AK-47


                            • #15
                              Re: L-85 A.K.A. the gun that is saving my KDR...

                              Originally posted by metallicaguitrst
                              I do too... It's so much better for killing.. I don't see what's so special about the G36E...
                              WTF???!!! Are you seriuos? A 5 year old child could own with a g36e. Its so overpowered its not even funny. I recently stopped using it because it was just so easy to rack up the kills, it wasn't even fun, Especially at med to long distance, i could outsnipe snipers on single shot!

