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Stealing enemy vehicles

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  • #31
    Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

    Its a great technique for keeping the quakekids happy. Could any lone random soldier traverse a whole map, take over a sector by himself, then miracously find the enemy vehicle, steal it and drive truimphantly back to his base? Happens all the time in real life....... HEHE


    • #32
      Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

      IMHO it's fine to steal vehicles. If your good enough to sneak in and steal a jet or copter, then all the power to you. Speaking as a guy who loves to play AA, I welcome the chance to have more jets/copters to shoot down.


      • #33
        Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

        in clan games ive seen the enemy take our vehicles and hide them out of site, really is anoying.


        • #34
          Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

          I dont think that you should steal the vehicles at the uncaps when the game first starts up. However on that matter I follow this rule "When in Rome do as the Romans do". You all know pay back is a B*tch ! . . . . . . .Red


          • #35
            Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

            I would have to think if it is ok to kill someone, then it would also be ok to steal from


            • #36
              Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

              stealing is fine, it is the teams reponsiblity to protect its assets! This tatic has been going in real life since the first caveman made a club, and then his clan member teamkilled him for it.
              more proof: rent clint eastwoods "FIREFOX" and tell me that it is against ROE. if eastwood does it then it is legal!

              just adding another note to the thread
              Stripes: Bill murrary stole his own army's weinabago to go to germany
              again if bill does it, it must be ok


              • #37
                Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                good AA it's part of spec ops training to steal the enemy assets...well, flash the headlights for extraction anyway

                but I'm assuming if one were actually behind enemy lines and accessed a jeep or tank, and had the skills to operate it, they would.

                in any case, the only problem I have is when the stealing is done at the begining of the round...when a faster computer is able to take assets before anyone else can spawn (and flags for that matter). servers should up the game-start time, imo. And I wish it was hard locked at some minimum where people couldn't hop in a jeep and cap a flag before anyone's been able to spawn to defend. but these are minor quibbles to me. after the game starts and the players are fairly spawned, all is fair game to me.


                • #38
                  Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                  I do that all the time, i dont see i get banned?


                  • #39
                    Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                    How is it not ok?

                    Getting kicked for "stealing enemy vehicles" is teh gayest thing evar... I hate when it happens.


                    • #40
                      Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                      i think stealing is ok... imaging .. wartime .. you run trough a street.. there an enemy vehicle... it can save your life .. oh wait cant take it .. its from the enemy.. the police will arrest me if i take it.. oh boy can choose.. takeit and end up in jail.. donttake it ending up dead.. difficult choice dont you think???

                      maybe an idea for patch 1.5 .. jumping in a enemy vehicle getting a time delay of lets say 10 seconds to hotwire it???

                      patch 1.5 yeah !!!!!

                      ---flame me --- i like it


                      • #41
                        Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                        It's a bit funny sometimes when u see a guy coming to steal your chopper e.g. U stop him and he tries again later.. suddenly the round ends and you realise u spent the whole round doing nothing else but trying to stop this one guy.

                        This applys to other things too.. not just stealing vehicles : u find out that someone on the other team has his mind set on destroying assets, getting to a good sniping spot, running u over etc. etc. and u spend the whole round trying to nullify his attempts. It's a nice refreshing change. U sort of play that round 1 on 1 trying to outwit the other guy.


                        • #42
                          Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                          In my opinion, if the enemy isn't in's fair game. I wouldn't expect any less from them if I leave my vehicles lying around. Of course with 1.4 out I might not be playing much with vehicles on =) At least for the next couple weeks.

                          I've been dying for infantry on infantry for so long in this game. I know there have been no vehicle servers for quite sometime but I do believe up until now restricting vehicle usage was against the RoE so I've always avoided them.

                          Now if only we could get the zip lines and grapplers into the BF2 original maps =)


                          • #43
                            Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                            It's no big deal when the thing stolen is a tank or an apc, any soldier with a rocketlauncher/c4 can take care of those. The only people that annoy me are those that steal the MEC/USMC chopper on Shaqi, i dont need to tell you what kind of unbalance that creates.

                            I know "LOL u shud kill them then noob", believe me i've tried, but you wouldnt believe how far these people will go. At one time i counted 8!!! USMC people in the mec chopper base, sitting on all spawnpoints besides one while they farm it with a tank/vodnik/whatever. So we couldnt even spawn there, it's where i draw the line.


                            • #44
                              Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                              Originally posted by EC-Paulus-
                              Thats completely illegal. Stealing enemy vehicles is part of the game. If u got a screenshot I suggest reporting them.
                              base rape in general is supposed to be part of the game, technically that helicopter is at an uncap. the roe and rank system have turned out to be a bunch of crap and an excuse for dice to leave thier game unbalanced and unrewarding.


                              • #45
                                Re: Stealing enemy vehicles

                                More proof on film:
                                the entire mad max series, everyone stole everyones vehicles.Or your gas.
                                maybe thats what they should add to the game a gas function. imagine. the usmc runs and steals the mec chopper only to fine out that you left it empty with no gas!

