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doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

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  • #16
    Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

    Originally posted by SHFT_nismo
    but i thought it was the server rules that are allowed to kick/ban for Tking for vehicles, not ROE
    I believe its in ROE rules too but either way its not fair and its hurting the whole team


    • #17
      Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

      what about the kids that go in to servers just to tk. that hurts the whole team, but still i dont see them being reset


      • #18
        Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

        Originally posted by SHFT_nismo
        and heres a word of advice, GET IN PILOT SEAT BEFORE HE DOES, and do it to him
        thats right, lets perpetuate this foolishness....

        the best solution is to find a well admined server


        • #19
          Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

          I agree that this is bad, but I doubt a stat reset will take place. But you can report the player to

          Here is how I read the BFROE:

          Originally posted by BFROE
          2.3.2 Allowed “In-House” Ranked Server Rules:

          Server Administrators may implement and enforce rules that result in minor changes to gameplay behaviour or styles as long as these are clearly stated before a player starts playing on a server. These rules typically introduce minor restrictions on how a certain aspect of the game can be used.

          (c) Players may not deliberately performing actions that hinder their own team (such as last-minute team-swapping to increase scores or statistics, excessive team-killing, destroying friendly vehicles, attacking team-mates,

          deliberately placing themselves in a situation so they cause another player to team-kill them, using a vehicle while being the Commander that prevents them from performing any Commander functions (jet, etc.) or placing vehicles to block their own runways.
          I did not see anything other then this that would apply. This just gives Admins the power to kick/ban someone for this act.


          • #20
            Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

            Originally posted by SHFT_nismo
            what about the kids that go in to servers just to tk. that hurts the whole team, but still i dont see them being reset
            I know dude but wer talking about TKs for vehicle not just TKs

            its not the same, we all have the right to use those vehicles and those who think they are the only ones who should use them......well i dunno if they should get their stats reset but it would definetly make sence if they did

            heres a screenshot, just got in, he doesnt even know if Im a good pilot or not and hes already telling me to GTFO, hed probably get more points if I was flying for him


            • #21
              Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

              if they take the gunner out of the bounds with the chopper
              You will have to wait for a director from BFROE to get the final note on this.

              However, as a server owner I will say that most servers perminately ban users for this action. With the release of the Server Owner Group's new project you will find out just how serious of an offense it is considered.


              • #22
                Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                thats still the stupidest reason to be reset,


                • #23
                  Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                  Originally posted by SHFT_nismo
                  thats still the stupidest reason to be reset,
                  stay cool man

                  its not stupid, I bet noone has done it to you before

                  im not posting this coz he has done it to me, he does it to everyone and he snipes people out also if he doesnt get in


                  • #24
                    Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                    ok so if i M-95 you out the chopper so i can have it, i wont be reset, but if i redline u i will. hmmm doesnt sound right to me


                    • #25
                      Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                      EA's official word on TKing is that they will not reset you because you are willing to take the -4 score, but if you do massive TKing, then you may get reset.

                      Taking someone out of bounds in the chopper could be conisdered an exploit because you don't lose any points.


                      • #26
                        Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                        I think its actually very reasonable. Anyone hording the helicopter is hurting their team. When you hurt your own team everyone else's ranks are affected.

                        I'm not one to care about my rank but I know that others do. And thats why I make this defense. I play games to have fun and thats it. When some prick fly's me in the chopper to the edge of the map I'm ready to strangle him.

                        Its an instant ban on the server I run and many others.


                        • #27
                          Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                          Originally posted by SHFT_nismo
                          ok so if i M-95 you out the chopper so i can have it, i wont be reset, but if i redline u i will. hmmm doesnt sound right to me
                          doing any of those two is considered as TKing for a vehicle, lets wait and see if this is against the rules


                          • #28
                            Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                            just have to wait n see


                            • #29
                              Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                              LOL some people are such children.
                              I mean seriously is the fate of the free world at hand when you have to kill a mate or tk for a vehicle.
                              LOL what kind of loser would do this?


                              • #30
                                Re: doesn BFROE restet people stats if they redline someone

                                Originally posted by Shlarty
                                If anyone does this to me it tends to make me a bit psycho and I will do whatever I can to tk them and bring em down in there chopper....this will hopefully show them the error of there ways
                                You know what I do with guys like you? Who don't want to get out after i've flewn with them and they deeply suck and we are going to lose the round becuase of them? If they bring down my chopper because they don't want to get out and teamkill me because of that. I Revive and teamkill them..

                                I am against solo-ing I always test and fly with guys who are new to the game (So would I right? When I was new to the game.. ) If I ruin the game then I get out I'll practice elsewhere or unranked.

                                Why are you teamkilling him if does mean something to the team you are just losing the round by shooting friendlies..

                                I have never said I always solo I have never said I do solo. It's just that I Solo-ed once and put him out of bounds me but he sucked *** he didn't knew how to fire a TV.. :|: And I told and told him and he said he knwe it (Being a smartass) I want to help people but they don't need to be a ***..

                                I like to help people now don't flame me I've done nothing wrong

                                I don't hope that people get reset for that but if they do it on a daily-basis then they deserve to have the reset-stick put up that far in their *** that they'll spit ****..

                                I love teamworking and using VOIP/Teamwork.. This game is about teamwork.. Some people who Solo can help a team if they fly alone it's not that if a vehicle has multiple seats immediately someone has to be in it.. People just also want kills as gunner.

                                I still don't get it why people solo since I find it much more fun to teach people things in chopper what I'm aware of so the beginners can practice and get better at the game. It's a game for god sake who cares about your stats if you fly with a beginner it's fun imo..


