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Expert Explosives Badge Help!

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  • Expert Explosives Badge Help!

    I know we're not supposed to request help in here, but I've been reading the other threads and it seems like they're not getting penalized for it.

    So here goes... *looks around*

    I need help getting the Expert Explosives badge. I have 157 hours clocked in as a sniper, and apparently all my claymore kills make me a candidate for the expert badge. I need to get 30 kills in one round and I'm guessing the best explosive device to use would naturally be, the C4. But where... and how?

    Any strategies would be greatly appreciated, please help me out!

    If this is in the wrong place, Admins, I apologize and would appreciate if you could move it to where someone could reply and assist me. Thanks!


  • #2
    Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

    I'm no explosives expert but for me the best tactic is the classic, and much looked down, jihad jeep kamikaze. Fill a car up with c4, then drive as fast as you can towards and armoured vechile or a group infantry. Then bail out and detonate. More times then not you'll persih with your 3 or 4 victims but after practise you can do it and survive often. Give it a try...but expect people to start calling you a noob on the server lol...i even got kicked for it once LMAO


    • #3
      Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

      Just do what everyone else seems to do: Find an FF-off server for claymores and clayspam the palace on Warlord (assuming you have SF) or the meat grinder in Karkand.



      • #4
        Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

        I don't want the SF badge, I just want the normal BF2 one.


        • #5
          Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

          16-20 players in 64 karkand. Drive all the time jihad jeep, should work (worked for me).


          • #6
            Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

            Nah spam claymores Karkand gotta be a 64 man server best to go for it when mec i ended up with about 40 odd claymore kills in one round getting 3 at a time


            • #7
              Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

              Go on a full 64 player Karkand that has FF off for claymores. Go on the MEC side and spam claymores. I got expert explosives like that a few days ago. It was the really easy, it only took half the round to get. I had 30 kills and only 12 deaths by using claymores only. (That was my first try using claymores to get Expert Explosives)


              • #8
                Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                The best place to get it is in a 64 player midnight sun af map. Make sure your chinese and the engineer, use your mines to mine up the very end of the bridge closest to the americans main base and place one mine next to the burned out vehicle right before the entrance to the bridge (its in the dirt and they can't see it). I usually hide on the side behind the rocks and as soon as something hits my mine i go and throw another one down. I got 3 buggys in a row one time and each buggy had 3 guys in it........9 kills in 5 min.


                • #9
                  Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                  jihad jeeps the best. definitely gets the 30 kills.


                  • #10
                    Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                    Originally posted by Destructive_Puppy
                    Go on a full 64 player Karkand that has FF off for claymores. Go on the MEC side and spam claymores. I got expert explosives like that a few days ago. It was the really easy, it only took half the round to get. I had 30 kills and only 12 deaths by using claymores only. (That was my first try using claymores to get Expert Explosives)
                    this is the best.... not against any rules and it is funny to watch if you get up on the building right next to the hotel where you can climb up the ladder and jump to the hotel building you stand up there with supply crate or support dude and just keep dropping claymores into the ally way and watch as noobs run for the flag and BAM! dead and then they do it again and you just keep dropping them....


                    • #11
                      Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                      Claymore sin karkand is not as easy as they say unless you got a commander that actually gives ou supply drops are some ammo spam giver.

                      Plus not all claymores deploy, and if you kill more than one guy with a claymore you are very very lucky.

                      Also you need the hotel flag to remain uncapped by the americans cause if they cap them you better waster your time in somethig else cause yopu arent getting the badge in that round.

                      i did 31 kills onece in a 64 / 64 as mec and no badge, and thats because sometimes the claymore kills doesnt count as claymore.

                      Lame cheap lame.


                      • #12
                        Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                        Man, on 64 player karkand I had trouble getting the veteran, now I'm going for expert :S
                        Jihad jeeps just suck, it's really hard to get 2+ kills at once, and claymores suck.


                        • #13
                          Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                          Originally posted by Nation87
                          I don't want the SF badge, I just want the normal BF2 one.
                          Expert Explosives only has 1 badge...there is no sf or vanilla version.

                          Warlord + Palace + claymores + FF off = your badge



                          • #14
                            Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                            Got mine on 64-Sharqi with a mix of Claymores, and Anti-Tank-Mines.
                            It wasn`t as hard as i thought....or i had luck?


                            • #15
                              Re: Expert Explosives Badge Help!

                              Originally posted by Wolfgang Abenteuer
                              Just do what everyone else seems to do: Find an FF-off server for claymores and clayspam the palace on Warlord (assuming you have SF) or the meat grinder in Karkand.

                              I got mine this way on Warlord. Personally I found that Karkand was less than ideal. Too much time spent dodging armour, or grenades. The TV station on Warlord is perfect.

