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Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

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  • #16
    Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

    well, to be fair on the other side, no stats, no punishment, tk for vehicles is done quite alot


    • #17
      Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

      Ye what annoys me is when i just rez a guy risking my own life i get in vehicle he runs infront and punishes, plus im his team leader...............


      • #18
        Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

        stats dont ruin the game people ruin the game


        • #19
          Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

          Originally posted by RocketChild
          Hold on, I don't think he is full of crap here. I think he does have a point, that if the Rank Server Program was not so restrictive, server operators could put systems in place that would help clean up a lot of issues in standard game play. I think that is what he was trying to say. Because, as a result of that, we all have to wait for DiCE to release a patch that fixes a list of 20 things, when there are actually 200 things.

          If restrictions were lowered, with a 1000 people out there to right some extra code on the side, we could see some good improvements.

          But, I do disagree with the OP in the regard that everything wrong with the game is the 'ranked system.' I am very happy this system is in place. If he does not like it, that is cool, there are plenty of other kids playing marbles in different piles of dirt in the school yard. And some of those games are pretty good too!
          I agree totally... unranked games are for people who dont care for stats but there are some superb ranked servers with active admins, solid teamplay and respectful mature players... these servers are where I play and they are the cream of the ranked crop.

          The love of stats is the root of all BF2 evil... not the stats themselves.

          I love the gameplay... I love participating in it from every available avenue in-game be it assaulting, defending, commanding, squad leading, solo-sniping, piloting, gunning, whatever... it's all great... and the ability to track my progress as I move... see improvement in basics and see my arsenal expand as I do so is a great thing and adds to the depth of gameplay.

          the FPS interface of BF2 is clunkier than other modern FPS games and it is my opinion that without the stats system and ranks, etc, that the BF2 community would be smaller than it is today.

          Originally posted by You_were_killedby
          stats dont ruin the game people ruin the game
          This quote brought to you by the National Rifle Association.

          (For you Europeans, the NRA has a saying, "Guns dont kill people, people kill people".)


          • #20
            Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

            To be honest, I am about to move over to BF:Tour of Duty (if I have enough time to commit). I am happy with where I got now in my ranking and since it has caused some issues with the game, I think I am ready to move on. But really though, I am looking forward to the Battlefield 2 mod for 2142. That way I can get all the unlocks that I wanted in the original BF2 game.

            The desire to get points to have a bigger e-penis for these 12 yrd with no hair on their jock, you know, it just hurts everything. But that is the evil you have to live with.

            I think DiCE had a great idea with the ranking and stat system, but it needs to be grown and mature out some, and I think with what Tour of Duty is doing, is a step in the right direction.


            • #21
              Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

              Tour of Duty? Elaborate.


              • #22
                Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                Maybe I should re-word something. Because many of you are misunderstanding what I mean.

                There is nothing wrong with stats themselves. Many games I have played previously, included stats, and I enjoy looking at them, just as I do in BF2.

                The problem arises more specifically from the restrictions that the stat SYSTEM imposes on server admins.

                If there were an even number of players playing ranked, and unranked, this wouldn't really be an issue. But let's face it, the discrepancy between players who play ranked, and players who play unranked, is simply staggering.

                I think Quake2/3 did it right. They left it up to the server admins themselves, to record the stats and make them available to people that wanted to see them.

                This resulted in servers that were specifically tailored to many different types of players. If you thought the default tourney mode sucked, then you played on OSP servers. If you thought you should have more ammo, you played on servers that gave you infinite ammo. If you thought the physics were not difficult enough for pros, then you played CPMA. Railgun too weak? You played instagib.

                How you can possibly see this as a disadvantage is beyond me. Because if there was one thing that Quake 3 had, it was a LACK of whiners, something that this game is overflowing with to a ridiculous degree.


                • #23
                  Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                  On the whole, BF2 gameplay suffer a lot from the rank/medal/unlock system - which is enabled by the stat-system.

                  I've played PC games since the IBM XT was introduced and BF2 has, by far, the most smacktarding than any other game in history.

                  Most of the time, your own team is more of a danger to your virtual health than the enemy. Most of the time, your own teammates are what kills the joy of playing the game.

                  All the worst behaviour seen in BF2 gameplay doesn't come from an ambitious enemy who will do anything and everything to vanquish you - it comes from some obsessive-compulsive egotistical teammate who will do anything and everything to get the vehicle you are about to take for a spin.

                  Look at the majority of threads here in this very forum - they deal with battlefield-behaviour directly attributable to an obsession with ranks/medals and unlocks.

                  Where is this system contributing to gameplay in any positive way? The answer is: it isn't - but that was never the intent.

                  The intent was to "hook" people into BF2. Multiplayer online games are like nightclubs - the more people there are in the club, the more people wanna join them.

                  This system has deteriorated the level of gameplay and the fun-factor of the BF franchise - and it could have been avoided. If the designers had spent a little more time and designed an intelligent system that rewards and promotes good battlefield behavior, instead of smacktarding, the state of affairs wouldn't be so sad.

                  Why are players TKing teammates to get a powerrul vehicle? Because the rank/stat/unlock/medal system REWARDS this behavior.
                  Why are players selfishly "whoring" choppers and create scripts to multi-role? Because the system REWARDS this beavior.
                  Why are server-admins creating nutball rules about "only clan members may fly"? because the system REWARDS this behavior.
                  Why are server-admins making "knife&pistol" rules? Because the system REWARDS this behavior.

                  Nothing is going to stop this wave of smarktarding until rank/unlocks and medals are removed from the game entirely. The allure is too strong. The system is too successful and gameplay has suffered because of it.

                  Cheers :-)

