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Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

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  • Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

    I'm sure this has occured to many people already, but I was sitting here thinking about just how ironic it is, that the very thing that keeps people playing this game, is the exact same thing that ruins it for them.

    Think of all the things that people whine about on this forum. Bunny hopping, jet whoring, spawn camping, claymore spamming, nade spamming, noobs using air vehicles, TK'ing, force TK'ing, solo gunning, J10's.... the list goes on and on.

    All of these things, yes ALL of them, are completely preventable by modding and server side scripting. The only thing that prevents this from happening, is the stat system. Because everyone has to be on a level playing field, servers are not allowed to deviate from eachother to barely any degree.

    If you all REALLY cared about the gameplay in BF2, you would be petitioning to have the stats system removed. But no, gameplay isn't really what you care about. All you care about, is stats.

    It's very sad, and I know I definitely won't be playing 2142 because of it. (not like anyone cares )

  • #2
    Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

    Bf:v 4 Life


    • #3
      Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

      Yeah it's all them damn MMORPGers that ruin BF2 cuz they are STAT WHORES....gotta effen level up ya know


      • #4
        Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

        I am sure the stats system, drives a large part of the worst behaviour of people


        • #5
          Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

          i think its the badges, medals, and unlocks that do it, not the stats. god i cant wait for POE2!!!


          • #6
            Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

            If there was no stats system i'd still bunny hop, jet whore, spawn rape....but there is a stats system, and i do these things anyway.


            • #7
              Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

              Kinda off topic, but what's the problem with nade spamming? That's what grenades were made for, babies.


              • #8
                Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                Originally posted by DeVilish
                If there was no stats system i'd still bunny hop, jet whore, spawn rape.
                How can you, when the server doesn't allow it? Any aspect of the game can be changed/disabled, but it violates the stupid ROE and therefore will not happen.


                • #9
                  Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                  Originally posted by inf4my
                  Bunny hopping, jet whoring, spawn camping, claymore spamming, nade spamming, noobs using air vehicles, TK'ing, force TK'ing, solo gunning, J10's

                  us cal/match people do it all the time. Theres no stats involved in this, you do it to get an advantage to win. Not for stats. eccept for the noobs using air vehicles, thats because of stats lol


                  • #10
                    Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                    WTF are you talking about? Just because DiCE now keeps the player records does not change anything about reviewing stats!

                    I have been reviewing my stats since Quake! Hell, I was always looking at my stats in Quake3 and BF42/DC. I love them, they tell me that I have improved my performance with my sniper accuracy, whether I am needlessly throwing grenades to clear empty alleyways. Stats are great. Now, the desire for people to level up rank and earn trophies is the root of evil.

                    But YOU are very wrong though saying that "every complaint" is from the ranking system. CTD? AA inaccuracy?

                    I get what you are saying about the server side changes that could be made through modding and scripting though. But, then it would not be the same game. This is one game of many versions of BF.


                    • #11
                      Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                      If stat/rank/award whores are ruining the game for you, can you not play on unranked servers? Personally I like the stats and awards, despite the whoring.


                      • #12
                        Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                        Yeah, I think that the stats system is the favorite scape-goat for the haters but in reality, childish competition is the heart of all BF2 Evil...

                        And even if it were stats, it isnt the stats themselves that are the problem... its the LOVE of stats that are the problem.

                        "My life is less than it could be otherwise so my 5:1 KD ratio and my 1st Lt. rank in BF2 fill a void in my life"

                        It's all a substitution for satisfaction from your physical existence... games, the pleasure you get from them, the stats you pile up while playing them...

                        BF2 players are 1 demo of World of Warcraft away from becoming MMORPG players. (Just ask my clan)

                        (if that wasnt clear enough, I think the original poster is full of crap)


                        • #13
                          Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                          If you go on non rank Servers you obviouslly will notice none of this happen it's a fair fun game, no rank whoring as their is none...


                          • #14
                            Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                            unranked servers are fun, ranked servers make everyone stressed and usually end up in a flame fest between two players.

                            Notice a pattern?


                            • #15
                              Re: Almost every complaint in BF2 can be directly attributed to the stat system.

                              Originally posted by Consultant01

                              (if that wasnt clear enough, I think the original poster is full of crap)
                              Hold on, I don't think he is full of crap here. I think he does have a point, that if the Rank Server Program was not so restrictive, server operators could put systems in place that would help clean up a lot of issues in standard game play. I think that is what he was trying to say. Because, as a result of that, we all have to wait for DiCE to release a patch that fixes a list of 20 things, when there are actually 200 things.

                              If restrictions were lowered, with a 1000 people out there to right some extra code on the side, we could see some good improvements.

                              But, I do disagree with the OP in the regard that everything wrong with the game is the 'ranked system.' I am very happy this system is in place. If he does not like it, that is cool, there are plenty of other kids playing marbles in different piles of dirt in the school yard. And some of those games are pretty good too!

