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  • #16
    Re: AK101/Gp-30

    Originally posted by EAGLE_18
    Sheesh, how could you guys not mention the G3
    G3 is good, but when playing a 64 player karkland server and constantly storming the front. You are often put in situation where you need to take out 2 or more players with 1 clip. This becomes difficult when you only have 20 rounds. Also I can't say its that much better then the AK-101 with out taking the clip size into consideration.


    • #17
      Re: AK101/Gp-30

      Originally posted by EAGLE_18
      Sheesh, how could you guys not mention the G3
      Its a fun gun to use at first, but when it takes a whole magazine to injure a player medium-long range it gets old and annoying. Grenades are a + though.


      • #18
        Re: AK101/Gp-30

        No respect for noobs who gl, sorry. I would be more upset if they actually killed me, which they dont, except for the ones who GL me straight in the back instead of shooting. G3 FTW


        • #19
          Re: AK101/Gp-30

          M16 bwns your arse.


          • #20
            Re: AK101/Gp-30

            AK-101 is one of the best guns in the game. I don't care if it's overlooked and people don't use it because that's just more fun for me pwning them with it. On most of the servers I play on that have experienced players they always use the 101 when given the chance. In SF going head to head with an F2000 it wins most of the time. I do like the F2000 nade launcher though like when trying to kill a tank gunner from the top of a building the GP-30 seems to always bounce off while the F2000 doesn't. I don't get people complaining about the nade launchers I have no problem using them. I'm glad it actually takes skill where you have to aim and aim for different angles rather then it being like a SRAW or normal nades where you just have to hit within a 3 feet radious. Almost as powerful as the G3 at close range with a larger clip. I killed 4 snipers today with it on single shot from a distance. Best all around weapon in the game.


            • #21
              Re: AK101/Gp-30

              last night in a clan match i went 13-1 with the GP-30/AK-101


              • #22
                Re: AK101/Gp-30

                I agree with writer on both counts.

                I believe the ak101 and rpk are actually basically the only two guns that werent nerfed, along with the g36e.

                The m16 and m249 need buffs to compete. Those dolphin diving general rankers with the G36Es need to get some skill.... or die from grenade launchers!


                • #23
                  Re: AK101/Gp-30

                  have some self respect use a hand grenade
                  nube tube LoL

