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1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

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  • #46
    Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

    One of my favorite servers (StrafeRight 24/7 City Maps) is already discussing switching over to IO on their forums. That's one of the two or three servers I play on a regular basis because of the great staff of admins and great ping I get on the server.

    I know if they switched I'd stop playing sR, and then I'm down to 2 or 3 other great servers at the most and who knows how many of them would switch too. If DICE doesn't either remove this mode completely or make it unranked (thus killing any appeal it has to score padders - ie everyone who wants to play it) it might actually be the final nail in the coffin for this latest installment in the Battlefield series.

    With the approaching release of Battlefield 2142 it almost seems like a planned culling to drive people to buy the new DICE product. However I think you'll find after many potentially disgruntled customers like myself watch the game crumble we'll never buy another DICE product again. I must say Quake Wars is looking better and better every day. I vote for bad and great design decisions with my wallet, and if DICE goes through with this ultimate act of stupidity I can say with the utmost confidence that I won't be voting for them ever again.

    You might call me a doomsayer, but I don't think I'm being overly dramatic, because I've seen other great games commit suicide in a similar fashion to this time and time again.


    • #47
      Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

      I won't play IO servers. Not fun. I like dodging tanks and apc's.....makes for more suspence. Im rather good at avoiding them(unlike the noobs that whined enough to get IO option).


      • #48
        Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

        Yeah I think we will only see the medic/support/sniper classes in this new mode.

        Spec Ops will be useless unless the person is that dedicated to get like 2 points to drive alllllll the way back to the UAV/scan and then drive allllll the way back.


        • #49
          Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

          Originally posted by Talus
          Because Battlefield is about Infantry AND VEHICLES...this is a complete departure for the series.

          You want deathmatch? Go play CS or Quake or whatever.

          I have never been more disappointed with DICE...

          Way to give up guys.
          Last time I checked you didn't dictate how I, or anyone else enjoyed their free time, or what I wanted/liked from any video game. If we enjoy infantry, and want to play infantry, than it's really no business of yours. Not everyone can, or even wants to fly/tank.

          And that "go play XXX game if you want this type of play" is tired already, the same thing could be said about you too.

          What the hell ever happened to enthusiasm? Actually trying something before you blindly critisize it, and others about it? That's a pretty pisspoor attitude for a moderator on this forum, one dedicated to the game, and the facets of the game. You and Planewhore are free to go about on your merry way and tank, bomb whatever you want, what you like and think about teh game doesn't define it for everyone.


          • #50
            Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

            YES !!! infantry only !! finaly !

            if there is one thing that pisses me off is when ppl use tanks and APC's on a inf only server .... think they should be banned from bf2 for ever !!!!!!

            i was a flyer , i can fly planes and helis like the best of em ... but still nowadays i chose IO everytime, mainly cause no ones got **** on me and i kick *** eveytime . cause unlike some amour/plane ppl i can shoot a gun.

            and people say it will be like CSS , no it wont if u dont play it !!! its not just gunner be a IO game ! and this is gunner be so much better than css , better graphics , game play , teamwork , maps .....

            cant wait till they get this patch out for good !

            and ill use eng as well , cause i can .... a long with AT , ppl just say ppl wont because they cant.


            • #51
              Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

              "Oh noes IO mode will killz0rz BF2!!11!!"...., "Oh noes IO mode wil lkillz0rz St4ts"

              get real

              LOL @ the post apocalyptic veiw of bf2 and IO mode taking over.., that made me laugh hard.
              I think your all been a tad over enthusiastic and sensationalist on that opinion.
              I mean cmon after a year and 3 expansions (which split the community a lot more than IO mde will ever do) ppl STILL play vanilla bf2.., go figure eh

              Ok maybe for a week there wil lbe LOTS of serves running it but it will settle out and vanilla will be still popular.


              • #52
                Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

                Already Dice said that if the IO mode was to be ranked it had to be nerfed,(like in the patch) if not, it would be unranked. Everybody said that the versions of IO in the beta sucks and dont want it, then ask dice to put IO without the nerfing. So Dice will do it, but put the option only for unranked servers. LOL the same whining noobs owned themselfs and they dont now it! lol
                Stop talking about IO in ranked. It will not happen. The IO concept was for clans and tournaments that have the rule for infantry only.

                Please read the Dice post's in this forums. You will find the post of one of the Dice guys said the Two options of
                1. IO nerfed in ranked.
                2. IO regular gameplay unraked.

                IO with regular gameplay in ranked is breaking BFROE so is a no go. If they put the option in ranked, I hope is the nerfed one and it will die very soon. :-)


                • #53
                  Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

                  Originally posted by Mr Pmosh

                  Please read the Dice post's in this forums. You will find the post of one of the Dice guys said the Two options of
                  1. IO nerfed in ranked.
                  2. IO regular gameplay unraked.

                  IO with regular gameplay in ranked is breaking BFROE so is a no go. If they put the option in ranked, I hope is the nerfed one and it will die very soon. :-)
                  - No Vehicles is now a ranked server option!

                  source: 1.4 Beta 2 readme


                  • #54
                    Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

                    Originally posted by Auto-ER-
                    Can I ask why it bothers everyone so much? The idea of infantry fighting seems to really scare some people here.
                    Its not that Infantry Only is scary, its that the current incarnation of the maps/kits don't make it fun.

                    As the previous poster said, Medics, Support, Assault (G3) and Snipers are pretty much what he saw.

                    The point is that if you want an infantry only option, you really need new maps which begs for another Expansion.

                    Rather than divide the community up even further it has been suggested that they implement this:

                    'Vehicle-lite ranked map option:
                    • Replace Tanks/APC spawns with Heavy Jeeps
                    • Replace AA vehicles with Light Jeeps
                    • Remove Jets
                    • Replace Littlebirds and Attack Helicopters with Transport Helicopters


                    'Vehicle-neutered ranked map option:
                    Same as above except no guns on the transport vehicles.

                    Either or both of the options above will keep the usefulness of ALL kits and ALL maps. Heck, I would play maps like Dragon Valley or Dalian Plant more often in those modes.


                    • #55
                      Re: 1.40: Which awards will be easier to get in the 'Infantry Only' mode?

                      I don't think it really matters. It's just an option for the server. If you don't like what one server does (and heres the beauty of it) switch servers. I mean seriously. Especially those of you in a clan with a server. Come on, get over it.

