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What do you love about BF2?

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  • #31
    Re: What do you love about BF2?

    sarcasm/Counterstri....I MEAN...err..IO mode./sarcasm


    • #32
      Re: What do you love about BF2?

      i love whn u get in a good squad all helpin each other out etc

      ow yer and knifeing a comnda over and over again lol
      and a good knife fight but loads a ppl eva pull out main or second weopons PUSSSSSSSYS !
      but nothng like talkn a plain out with a TANK or 50 cal


      • #33
        Re: What do you love about BF2?

        the ranks and awards otherwise what do you fight for


        • #34
          Re: What do you love about BF2?

          1) Those times when you engage an enemy squad and you toss a grenade here flank around there and burn a clip and before you know it you and your squad buddy have single handely taken down an entire squad cause you used excellents tactics and engagement choices.

          2) TV rocketing things from the chopper. My God thats fun, Its like takeing out a squad except that you aim it and with your skill and maybe a little luck you nail it then you hear the BOOM!!! and see in your top left corner the suckers nametag.

          3) Sneaking around and knifeing two or more people working together often in a squad. Got 4 in Surge today as they were on the ridge over looking the outpost .

          4) playing in a squad with mates that have good comms. Ussally happens when my buddy pyro and I get together and pick up a few VoIP'ers along the way


          • #35
            Re: What do you love about BF2?

            For me it would have to be flying the planes,choppers and C4 is fun!!

