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What do you love about BF2?

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  • What do you love about BF2?

    well since there are so many threads about hating bf2 and 'I dont like this game because...', i thought there should be a thread about what you like most about BF2.

    Knifing Snipers: man i love this! the snipers prone in a 'good sniping' spot (obviously not good enough) and i come up behind them and knife them!Nothings better,no matter where a sniper is! :laugh:

    Coming back with a fight: when your team has but 1 flag left and that flag is getting alot of enemies trying to get it, then 5 minutes later, all the flags go white, then they change to your teams flag!

    cant think of any more right now.

    post yours

  • #2
    Re: What do you love about BF2?

    In general using the architecture in city maps to outsmart your enemies.
    Let's say you're on a roof, and somebody on the ground is shooting at you. You fire back for a bit, then drop off on the other side, throw a grenade up on your own ex-roof (so the guy will stay focused on it), and knife the dude.

    Owning assault dudes with a sniper noscope on close range (that little whiteboard marker dot really did help, I can do it without the dot consistently now)

    Sneaking up behind tanks, c4ing them, and blowing them up in the middle of their troops.

    Eryx-ing a sniper.

    Launching a vehicle at someone over a ramp. BOOM HEADSHOT ... i guess :laugh:

    Neutralising a flag, boobytrapping the hell out of it and then hiding.
    In addition to your flag capture you'll get 2-3 kills.
    Neutralising one flag, luring the tanks and everything there, and then capping 3 others while they're away.

    etc... basically just playing mindgames successfully.


    • #3
      Re: What do you love about BF2?

      What's there not to love about BF2?


      • #4
        Re: What do you love about BF2?

        Agreed, there are so many things to love, but my personal best is:

        Hitting a tank/APC with a single AT rocket or pack of C4, then watching the driver get out and start to fix it - allowing you to jump in, steal the vehicle, and kill him



        • #5
          Re: What do you love about BF2?

          Yo mama

          But seriously I like the varity of kits and vehicles. Not many other games can master that. If we could have a whiner filter where they were auto banned id be completely smittened


          • #6
            Re: What do you love about BF2?

            I love the whole freedom of gameplay and style of this game. You can do almost anything in this game that concides with your mood and apetite of play. You can sneak behind your rival's main and destroy their assets, lay mines or explosives on empty vehicles that will soon be used by your enemies, surprise them by placing C4s on the viewing windows of vehicles such as helicopters and aircrafts, become a patient sniper whose sole purpose is to get a one shot kill, or simply spam fire out of the SVD or Type 88, you can ram and agitate your opponents, with glee, who are already fustrated with each other with as they camp on the runway than using your transport's machine gun, you can prioritize your targets, maybe you want to become the bane of helicopters with your mobile AA, or kamikaze your opponent's tank in Mashtuur with either a jeep or transport helicopter, or maybe even stalk a certain player Whatever it is, there are endless possibilities of how to play Battlefield 2, and compound with the BF2 factor (Crazy events, bad/good luck moments, miracles, and coincidences), you have a game that will be your last for some time, both in your CD/DVD-Rom drive and on your shelf.

            You can do all this in Battlefield 2, the method of play depending on your taste.


            • #7
              Re: What do you love about BF2?

              I like that it doesn't end in 42!

              ...but anyways I agree with Bird Killer completely. It is all about the game style to me. I love either being able to be in a tank on the front lines or just walk around the edge of the map seamlessly. I like that the game doesn't "force" you to do anything, and that you don't have to follow specific missions, you just go and play your way.

              Also, (even though it isn't exactly BF2) I love the mods. One of the main reasons I play BF2 is for the mods. I look back at my $50 purchase of BF2 in astonishment that I am basically getting 15 other games free, when I get board of one I can move on to another!


              • #8
                Re: What do you love about BF2?

                I love the squad based team work in the game. where as you can have a VOIP and come off the game at the end of the night feeling relli happy with all of the points you made and how you slaughterd the other tram with your team work in your squad. thats the thing about battlefield 2 i like the most. It is unique even though some other games have voip this game out runs them all...


                • #9
                  Re: What do you love about BF2?

                  Originally posted by DarQraven

                  Owning assault dudes with a sniper noscope on close range (that little whiteboard marker dot really did help, I can do it without the dot consistently now)
                  did you mark a dot on ya screen of where the Aim thingy is?


                  • #10
                    Re: What do you love about BF2?

                    Personally I really like way battles can range from 64 player kill fests to incredibly tactical 16 player matches. Then there's the variety of equipment available and maps to play on.


                    • #11
                      Re: What do you love about BF2?

                      I love the freedom. I like base raping the Chinese airfields so the damn J-10’s can’t get up. Especially on servers where it switches sides because then I get to rape a J-10 whore who stays on the Chinese side the whole map.

                      I love this game enough that I can even ignore the bugs.


                      • #12
                        Re: What do you love about BF2?

                        I like that this can be a great sniping game. There isn't a single sniper game out there on the market, and battlefield 2 makes it a great one.

                        I like that it makes it a great tank shooter. There are a few tank shooter games out there (where your ALWAYS in a tank), and well, they quite suck. This game can be a excellent tank shooter if you want it to be.

                        I like how it can be a awesome fps (first person shooter) that has such dynamics and new types of gameplays apart from your regular fps. THe variety of weapons, the situations, the environments which resemble real world environments and not some fake alien space ship.

                        I like how it is like a excellent flight sim. THis game has advacned helicopter and airplane system. The only drawback is the limited size of the maps (mainly for jets) but this is easily overcomed by the intensity of the dog fights, bombing enemys terriorties etc.

                        I like the ranking system, how EA keeps track of everyones stats down to how much time you spend on each gun that you fire, to how much time you have spent in a hummer.

                        I like that its cheap. You buy the game and then thats it. No monthly subscription fee that other games do to you..... which dont even compare to the fun factor that you get from BF2.

                        I could go on much more, and if you would like me to, just say so.,.... but i dont want to keep going right now because it sounds like i am buttering the game up too much. Yes, I like the game a lot, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its fair share of problems. Since this thread is about the things we like in BF2 I wont take the effort to mention BF2's flaws.


                        • #13
                          Re: What do you love about BF2?

                          Originally posted by loofahS
                          well since there are so many threads about hating bf2 and 'I dont like this game because...', i thought there should be a thread about what you like most about BF2.[...]
                          Agreed. Thank you for that!

                          The combination of infantry and vehicles is a great thing in the bf-series.
                          I also like:

                          - 64 players
                          - huge maps
                          - different style of maps
                          - graphics
                          - sound
                          - and many more things

                          Yeah, it got some bugs and the ea support could be better but recapitulating: it's one of the best games ever made.


                          • #14
                            Re: What do you love about BF2?

                            I love so damn much about it it's hard to know where to start. I ***** with the best of them about patches, bugs, gameplay, etc but I still play it (and look forward to playing it) every day.

                            Like a previous poster says, I love the fact that you can do whatever the mood takes you. If you're feeling pretty chilled you can hang back and play as an engy and defend with mines or whatever, if you're feeling gung-ho you can go all out to cap as assault, you get tanks and heli's, etc to play with, the graphics are great and to me there's no other game that comes even close regarding the sheer "fun" factor. I've played BF2 in 10 hour stretches and still felt like I wanted to keep on playing and no other games had that effect on me.


                            • #15
                              Re: What do you love about BF2?

                              The vehicles.
                              The weapons.
                              The graphics.
                              The Teamwork (when there is).
                              Capping flags.
                              Good maps.

                              etc. Knifing is cool.

