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Aw the days of the hype

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  • #31
    Re: Aw the days of the hype

    Thats the teaser that made me pre-order the game.


    • #32
      Re: Aw the days of the hype

      allied intent 2 gives u a taste of how bf2 was suposed to play


      • #33
        Re: Aw the days of the hype

        I downloaded that mod, I haven't checked to see if there is alot of people playing it.


        • #34
          Re: Aw the days of the hype

          single player isfun on AI 2 but multiplayer is awesome when u have teamwork in it,like i was in a mortar squd yester day,it was awesome we set up mortars on a hill and just rainied death on any1 coming near.


          • #35
            Re: Aw the days of the hype

            Those BF2 videos are still on EA's FTP higher quality.


            What a shame. This could have been the best game ever made...


            • #36
              Re: Aw the days of the hype

              wow although its a great game if they included all that stuff it would have been the best fps made


              • #37
                Re: Aw the days of the hype

                things trauma studios (makers of Desert Combat) made in BF2:

                1. Defibulator
                2. Commander mode
                3. Laser designation (pulled for lack of teamwork)
                4. Fast-roping (also pulled for lack of teamwork)
                5. Other stuff before they were fired.


                • #38
                  Re: Aw the days of the hype

                  Originally posted by HowieMandel
                  Amazing how a almost 2 year old video of a current game looks better then the game.
                  But we do all know, actually not all of us do, yet, that you should NEVER, EVER base games on game videos.
                  Which is why all you guys saying, BF2142 LOOKS HOT!!!.......means absolutly jack sh*t.
                  You play on La Cantina. I don't like your play style, but you actually have brains when it comes to this particular issues.
                  I've been saying forever that videos are always shined and polished the crapp out of them, to some degree at least. Soem more than others...Ea more than others.
                  I remember seing a video of Us soldiers hopping into a buggy by actually CLIMBING aboard. It looked awsome because they used the bars above the seats to swing in. I also saw one of a guy getting in the back of a HMMW with actual body movemements. False advertisement BS.

                  BF 2 HAD and maybe HAS so much potential, but it wes left to die. Ugh idiots. They don't know what they have. They moved on to their next fan killer.


                  • #39
                    Re: Aw the days of the hype

                    it just sad that a game which could have been the best fps of the decade became a average game.


                    • #40
                      Re: Aw the days of the hype

                      yes yes, bf2 could have been so much more......*goes back to playing current bf2*
                      "OMG DOPLHINDIVER!....lame"


                      • #41
                        Re: Aw the days of the hype

                        Originally posted by troybob
                        3. Laser designation (pulled for lack of teamwork)
                        Now that had potential.


                        • #42
                          Re: Aw the days of the hype

                          dam didnt know they dropped all that stuff before it launched.


                          • #43
                            Re: Aw the days of the hype

                            Originally posted by Ritek
                            Now that had potential.
                            yep that really appealed to me when i first saw the bf2 movie. do you think it will ever be back for real? 1 guy with the target designator & 1 with a JAVALIN:box: to take the tanks out in 1 hit. i think we need something like that in 64 man karkand


                            • #44
                              Re: Aw the days of the hype

                              Originally posted by troybob
                              things trauma studios (makers of Desert Combat) made in BF2:

                              1. Defibulator
                              2. Commander mode
                              3. Laser designation (pulled for lack of teamwork)
                              4. Fast-roping (also pulled for lack of teamwork)
                              5. Other stuff before they were fired.
                              Can you cite your source for this info?


                              • #45
                                Re: Aw the days of the hype

                                the laser designation would require 3 people working together,
                                a spotter, a pilot and a co-pilot for the bombs... i *think* that its all pretty much already in BF2 (it was included in the v1.0 retail of BF2) ... the targetter is called the Simrad and targetting something will make a targetting square appear in the bombers hud when the plane is heading in the right direction.

                                i think it was pulled simply because it required a lot of teamwork for negligible result.... as i said i *think* its all there in workable form, but i haven't looked at that stuff for a long time, so don't quote me on it being "working" but there is certainly enough there to work with..

                                and i *think* fast roping was pulled because it was a lag monster netcode-wise..

                                that video was quite cool to see again, and I couldn't help but smile at the Allied Intent style battlehawk and the tank huds..

                                thanks for sharing the video link

