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Aw the days of the hype

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  • #16
    Re: Aw the days of the hype

    This was indeed a nice decoy...


    • #17
      Re: Aw the days of the hype

      I had to watch it twice!!!

      I also had to pinch myself for a second, then I had to hold the urge to..... (ok, wrong direction for a post)

      second try:

      the AT actualy kills, a tank rounds can take out a round, No bunnys or dolphins on the battlefield, teamwork for planes to do real damage to ground troops...

      Is that the next patch????????????????

      Dear EA, BF2 is a decent game but it could have been so much more....


      • #18
        Re: Aw the days of the hype

        Havent you guys also noticed that in the intro movie the AT rocket takes out the tank with one rocket too?

        I wonder if thats how it was supposed to be


        • #19
          Re: Aw the days of the hype

          wtf is PBF2? Pigeon battlefield 2??? did I miss something.


          • #20
            Re: Aw the days of the hype

            Originally posted by MeNoPausE
            wtf is PBF2? Pigeon battlefield 2??? did I miss something.
            Watch out, next thing you know they might sh!t on you


            • #21
              Re: Aw the days of the hype

              Originally posted by MeNoPausE
              wtf is PBF2? Pigeon battlefield 2??? did I miss something.
              it was the BF2 preview from planetbattlefield......thus the pbf2

     is a member of the gamespy network and was privie (sp?) to that info


              • #22
                Re: Aw the days of the hype

                Originally posted by troybob
                it was the BF2 preview from planetbattlefield......thus the pbf2

       is a member of the gamespy network and was privie (sp?) to that info
                strange, cause at the end of the video it actually said pigeonbf2, threw me off, lol. thx for the info.


                • #23
                  Re: Aw the days of the hype

                  this reminds me of lots of games, they all look awesome

                  then you buy it, ugg **** you totaly regret it


                  • #24
                    Re: Aw the days of the hype

                    you know what the video was, thats what Trauma studio's BF2 would have looked like, what we have know is Dice's BF2. Just think what BF2 would be know if EA didnt sh*t all over Trauma

                    in fact, it would look like this-


                    • #25
                      Re: Aw the days of the hype

                      That video is actually what is now Mashtuur city, the old minimap is still laying around in the zips in mastuur which has a view of the air fields plus dice forgot to delete one of the tall lamp posts which were part of the air fields out in the distance of the map which causes fps drops <_<
                      Also note before DICE's "balancing" the blackhawk and missle pod attachments, the part of the blackhawk's skin that was used for the missile pods still exist in its skin files.


                      • #26
                        Re: Aw the days of the hype

                        i was waiting for the pigeons to attack


                        • #27
                          Re: Aw the days of the hype

                          yeah, it's a shame. it would have been wonderful.

                          but at least bf2142 will support hrd bloom as somone else stated. that should help alot gfx wise.


                          • #28
                            Re: Aw the days of the hype

                            Too bad that entire "battle" shown on that preview would last about 6 seconds in-game.

                            Nice find though. Makes me wanna play.

                            It'd be nice to have a request for air support BTW... *sigh*


                            • #29
                              Re: Aw the days of the hype

                              Isn't that known in legal terms as a bait and switch? Ah, it looks more like Battlefield: Desert Combat. Now I can't wait till the Desert Conflict mod is released, bye bye BF2 (Unless they pull a miracle outta there a.. and fix the game with 1.4).


                              • #30
                                Re: Aw the days of the hype

                                not gonna happen, bf2 1.4 sux man, been playing it since it came out beta wise anyway, and i fear for the worst.

