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Improving Teamplay

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  • Improving Teamplay

    I've noticed that many people seem to be out for themselves when they play this game. Only rarely do I get on a server where they are just rocking the map as a Team. I had one yesterday actually. it's amazing what you can do when people actually work in squads and have a good commander. We basically took over any flag we wanted to and it was a 64 player map.

    My question: What can be done to improve the teamwork aspect? That would be both player improvement and game improvements? I know the ranking system has a significant impact.

    I think the number of squads should be based on the size of the server. And I think that you should get squad leader points. Also becoming a squad leader should be like becoming a commander. He who has the most squad leader points should have priority. Squad points could be determined by how many commands you give and maybe how often you communicate with the commander and how often you accept the commanders orders.

    I know it should be a given that people work as a team, this we know. But, I think giving people more incentive for taking leadership positions and carrying them out properly would improve gameplay for everyone.

    Maybe have 3 extra guns that can be rewarded based on how many leadership/squad leaders points you attain. Make it a very tough goal to achieve and people will work to gain those weapons and it will keep them in leadership positions for a long while and maybe even reform many people into enjoying the position and sticking to teamplay even without any future incentives.

    What are your inputs on how to really make a majority of servers very team friendly? I know there are clans that don't see issues but for the casual gamers and those that aren't rooted in the FPS world or whatnot it could, in my opinion, improve the game and help it survive another year.

  • #2
    Re: Improving Teamplay

    Everybody speaks the same language as me if they join my squad, i use voip or ingame chat when i talk to my squad, some just dont listen and thats the problem.


    • #3
      Re: Improving Teamplay

      its due to the points and badges, most people are worried about those more then team work. some people feel they can accomplish more by themselves then if they were in a squad, i know ive done this a few times. also different strokes for different folks, everyone has their own style of play, and if they clash, then they cant work together...


      • #4
        Re: Improving Teamplay

        Look for a server/clan/community that promote teamplay and fairplay.


        • #5
          Re: Improving Teamplay

          Nothing the option is there always has always will be If people dont want to do it they wont can't force them really so unless you join a server with people who want to nothing will change.


          • #6
            Re: Improving Teamplay

            I sure wish they would not have removed squad cycling. It was a big part of sustained attacks. I thought it was fun.


            • #7
              Re: Improving Teamplay

              team play requires good communcations
              if server does not have VOIP- then leave it
              we offer free ventrilo just to embrace visitors that want team play

