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Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

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  • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

    Any changes in BF2 that removes the more "fantastic" elements of gameplay is an improvement. The unbalanced advantages the game was originally released with, appeals more to the Quake/UT crowd.

    Fortunately the stable of BF-players, from BF1942 to BF2, prefer game-dynamics that are somewhat believable. No game can ever be "realistic" but it can be believable enough to sustain the illusion that youa re actually on a battlefield.

    When you can jump over another soldiers' head, when you can run and then throw yourself, Jown Woo style, and fire more accurately with your light machinegun at an enemy who is standing still and aiming at you all the while, this illusion is disrupted.

    Everything else in the game is designed to uphold the illusion of a battlefield - indeed the very name of the game is intended to suggest that it is. All the weapons and vehicles are simulation of objects that you can find in the real world.

    How can it be a surprise to anyone that most players prefer something that is believable? How can it (still) be a surprise that EA is trying to meet the demands for believability for BF2?

    I don't mind that the Quake/UT crowd joins the rest of us on the battlefield, but keep check your desire to make BF2 a Quake-clone at the door please.

    Cheers :-)


    • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

      Originally posted by Blob488
      This game is about realism looser before the patches I had the choice to bunny hop and all the other s**t but I never did. I aint no noob go check my stats at bf2s if you don't believe it. What I hated was some a** hole who ruined the whole game by bunny hopping and noob tubing you or throwing c4. What I find now is bunch of players with high rank who get killed pretty quickly on infantry maks cus they don't know how to play anymore those are former bunny hoppers and noob tubers.
      Exactly. However, I agree that squad hopping shouldn't have been taken out.


      • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

        Regardless of whether you love or loathe bunny hopping, it is pointless to rationalize your position. This is not a court room where, hopefully, the most rational argument prevails. It's a simple demonstration of business: Supply meeting demand. Gamers give the demand, DICE gives the supply. What you want is important to DICE. Why you want it, is not.


        • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

          If you wish to be rid of exploits, those who wanted could always make the choice to NOT play BF2 anymore. Or, I daresay, find another game.


          • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

            I kind it funny how do many people ***** and ***** and ***** but they keep playing.LOL


            • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

              ha ha squad-hopping and insta-prone is skill?

              lol that's just hilarious. thanks for the laugh =)


              • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                Originally posted by deFigo
                If you wish to be rid of exploits, those who wanted could always make the choice to NOT play BF2 anymore. Or, I daresay, find another game.
                No - it's better to improve upon a good game to make it great. It is also more worthwhile and satisfying to fight exploiters wherever they are. Exploiters hackers, cheaters and other players in the same category should be fought because they damage the experience of everyone else.

                Of course, this effort cannot stand alone. Players must also voice their dissatisfaction with how the game is designed, when blatant exploiting and obviously silly dynamics are made possible by poor diesign and coding.

                Cheers :-)


                • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                  Seriously funny! :laugh:

                  Now if they want to talk about planning, using balanced/complementing kits, timing, delaying maneuvers, baiting, good communications, diversionary tactics, teamwork, good, effective commanding, etc., etc., etc., I promise I won't laugh.

                  Originally posted by troybob
                  ha ha squad-hopping and insta-prone is skill?

                  lol that's just hilarious. thanks for the laugh =)


                  • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                    i think they should keep all of it


                    • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                      They just have to make the installer for 1.4 revert BF2 to what it was like in 1.12 with the current ranks and award requirements, the current maps (inlucding Jalalabad), and all the bugs fixed. Put a few more AA sites on Mashtuur if you need to, although with the repair nerf having been done in 1.03 the only thing going for the Blackhawk was its great miniguns.


                      • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                        Originally posted by Red Devil
                        Seriously funny! :laugh:

                        Now if they want to talk about planning, using balanced/complementing kits, timing, delaying maneuvers, baiting, good communications, diversionary tactics, teamwork, good, effective commanding, etc., etc., etc., I promise I won't laugh.
                        I'll raise my glass to that good sir!


                        • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                          Originally posted by LahLahSr
                          Any changes in BF2 that removes the more "fantastic" elements of gameplay is an improvement. The unbalanced advantages the game was originally released with, appeals more to the Quake/UT crowd.

                          Fortunately the stable of BF-players, from BF1942 to BF2, prefer game-dynamics that are somewhat believable. No game can ever be "realistic" but it can be believable enough to sustain the illusion that youa re actually on a battlefield.

                          When you can jump over another soldiers' head, when you can run and then throw yourself, Jown Woo style, and fire more accurately with your light machinegun at an enemy who is standing still and aiming at you all the while, this illusion is disrupted.

                          Everything else in the game is designed to uphold the illusion of a battlefield - indeed the very name of the game is intended to suggest that it is. All the weapons and vehicles are simulation of objects that you can find in the real world.

                          How can it be a surprise to anyone that most players prefer something that is believable? How can it (still) be a surprise that EA is trying to meet the demands for believability for BF2?

                          I don't mind that the Quake/UT crowd joins the rest of us on the battlefield, but keep check your desire to make BF2 a Quake-clone at the door please.

                          Cheers :-)
                          I completely agree, prone hopping is not a believable thing in a freakin modern day war game. Maybe in Quake Wars or 2142 idk but not in BF2. Just because the game is supposed to also be arcady doesnt mean everyone should be flyin. If they put bazookas and lazers on a blackhawk everyone would say thats so fake. But if BF2 is supposed to be so unrealistic then wats wrong with havin that. Thats y exploiting the game in those ways is so stupid and "whined" about. Ive read this whole thread and only a few people actually made sense without saying there way of viewing this matter was the only right way.


                          • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                            It's a balance of realism and arcade, with the result being fun. I used to laugh at how soldiers in BF42 would wave and flail their arms when they were blown into the air. Such arcade moments are what make the BF series fun, however its the realism that keeps it grounded and immersive. It's that delicate balance that DICE strives for.


                            • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                              No problem
                              Noone can change this noob animal I have become


                              • Re: Thanks for killing an unique part of the game!

                                Who cares. Let them do what they want with the game. Once 2142 comes out I'll just use BF2 with what it should have been for. MODS! Allied Intent is an awesome mod and what BF2 should have been.

