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My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

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  • #31
    Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

    Originally posted by Predator
    Unlocks are "frowned upon" because they are not used in competition, thus pretty much all great players do not use them. If you use them in pubs it is a sign that you are not a competition player and therefore are a "pub nub".
    If unlocks were allowed in competition then all the competitive players would be using them on pubs. It has nothing to do with skill, it gets boring using the same guns all the time.


    • #32
      Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

      Originally posted by Predator
      Unlocks are "frowned upon" because they are not used in competition, thus pretty much all great players do not use them. If you use them in pubs it is a sign that you are not a competition player and therefore are a "pub nub".
      All the Bunny Hopping in your "Onfire Video" made me dizzy, Red's video/skill is far superior. Funny how you comp players frown on unlocks, but praise bunny hopping and crap like that


      • #33
        Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

        It redirects me to filefronts main page when i try the link. any ideas


        • #34
          Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

          Originally posted by Sgt. EradicatE
          It redirects me to filefronts main page when i try the link. any ideas


          • #35
            Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

            Originally posted by Tobacco
            All the Bunny Hopping in your "Onfire Video" made me dizzy, Red's video/skill is far superior. Funny how you comp players frown on unlocks, but praise bunny hopping and crap like that
            I never said I agreed with the point of view; I was simply explaining it.

            I thought red's vid had very good editing but I thought that most of the players he was playing against were total nubs. There really is nothing impressive about shooting people who are standing still and not even looking at you. The video had its moments like the 2 sniper kills on the jeep and that at shot.

            BHing, again? This argument has taken place thousands of times and your side always comes out looking like idiots. There is nothing nubish about bhing. It is a smart tactic and makes the game more challenging in general. If that makes you dizzy you are clearly very slow.


            • #36
              Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

              What can I say I play like a stealth ninja and walk right into groups of enemy not my fault they don't see me Most of that stuff was recorded on Insomnia 64 man if you've ever played there it's every man for himself.

              As for bunny hopping, I don't have anything against it but rarely ever do it (just to dodge fire). I empathize with the people who hate it but but disagree with servers that kick for it that's just lame.


              • #37
                Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                thanks man!! downloading now


                • #38
                  Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                  Originally posted by Predator
                  Unlocks are "frowned upon" because they are not used in competition, thus pretty much all great players do not use them. If you use them in pubs it is a sign that you are not a competition player and therefore are a "pub nub".
                  Dont get me wrong here Pred, I play in the BF2C competition, and although unlocks are allowed I use the standard guns, except for sniper, I hate those autocrap sniper rifles.

                  I just think its funny that competetive players think unlocks are for noobs, in fact, most unlocks are no better than the standard guns, just different.

                  Anyway, enough of being offtopic. I see your still using the capture card to record...old school man, but it looked great. The videos I make (which I dont share here) are 1280x720 progressive with sound recorded with fraps. They look great, but I can honestly say the content in my vids is not as good as yours. Though I usually use battlercorder now.


                  • #39
                    Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                    Originally posted by Rock_FU
                    Dont get me wrong here Pred, I play in the BF2C competition, and although unlocks are allowed I use the standard guns, except for sniper, I hate those autocrap sniper rifles.

                    I just think its funny that competetive players think unlocks are for noobs, in fact, most unlocks are no better than the standard guns, just different.

                    Anyway, enough of being offtopic. I see your still using the capture card to record...old school man, but it looked great. The videos I make (which I dont share here) are 1280x720 progressive with sound recorded with fraps. They look great, but I can honestly say the content in my vids is not as good as yours. Though I usually use battlercorder now.
                    It's not that anyone thinks the guns actually take less skill to use, only that they think people who use them don't play comp therefore aren't good.


                    • #40
                      Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                      Gosh, didn't mean to start a flame war...

                      I just saw a G36E and knew it was a pub, pubfrags=very little skill. :P

                      Originally posted by Tobacco
                      All the Bunny Hopping in your "Onfire Video" made me dizzy, Red's video/skill is far superior. Funny how you comp players frown on unlocks, but praise bunny hopping and crap like that
                      Well, you dont have to pay 30 bucks for bunnyhopping, unlike the G36E/SF unlocks.


                      • #41
                        Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                        Originally posted by Tobacco
                        All the Bunny Hopping in your "Onfire Video" made me dizzy, Red's video/skill is far superior. Funny how you comp players frown on unlocks, but praise bunny hopping and crap like that
                        Unlocks generally skill.

                        Then again, stock are FAR superior than unlocked.

                        But it's the fact that when you're in a pub, you're playing random people. When you're playing competition, skill is a little more noticeable. Go play BF2Pro and see how well you do. Then come and complain.

                        I'm on monk's side.

                        Granted the video was good. I'd rather see videos in the respect of Duck & Cover. All matchplay.


                        • #42
                          Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                          Unlocks mean no skill? wow someone got owned hard or what because that the dumbest thing ive ever heard

                          Unlocks are weapons, just like stocks, it doesnt matter what gun, because it still takes skill to aim, and find out how that gun shoots, same with stocks, they are no different, they are just guns, thats it, i bet you if the unlocks we got right now where stocks, and the stocks we got how would be unlocks, people would whine either way, because there will always be an idiot that thinks of something really stupid and people follow along with that


                          • #43
                            Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                            Originally posted by Sir. Dsp-CS-
                            Unlocks mean no skill? wow someone got owned hard or what because that the dumbest thing ive ever heard

                            Unlocks are weapons, just like stocks, it doesnt matter what gun, because it still takes skill to aim, and find out how that gun shoots, same with stocks, they are no different, they are just guns, thats it, i bet you if the unlocks we got right now where stocks, and the stocks we got how would be unlocks, people would whine either way, because there will always be an idiot that thinks of something really stupid and people follow along with that
                            Wow, no one is saying unlocks themselves don't take skill to play with, they are saying that people who use them are obviously playing in pubs against retards and thus the kills are not impressive.


                            • #44
                              Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                              I dont know man, its flawed logic, not all pubbers are retards (granted alot are), and a good chunk of players who play competetive pub as well.

                              Its just the elitist attitude some players have, thats all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, dont expect everyone to agree with it.


                              • #45
                                Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                                any other download links cos firle front not opening.

