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My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

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  • My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

    Worked all week on this and its damn good. Check it out. It's my first BF2 vid and probably not as good as some of the professional ones on go easy


    30 Second Sample [select 800 as view size]

  • #2
    Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

    Nice. Cool editing at times. Very nice, I see why you had to work on it for a bit.
    Post it on LC dude.


    • #3
      Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

      very nice movie dude. Really.. Awesome skills there. Good editing too, and the music does fit it imo. Well done !


      • #4
        Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

        Thanks for the compliments. I've made demos for mohaa in the past but never had the guts to get one done for BF2. A lot of people make crappy demos and think they rule so it's good to know if you're on the right track

        Just saw that "Frag with Styles" vid in another thread and its got me pumped to make a frag video next time.


        • #5
          Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

          im going to judge this video like i used to judge contest demos for

          this is the mohdemos judging template.


          * Scoring system *

          Capture Quality | Self explanatory - Mark out of 5

          - Im honestly giving this video a 5+ | it was capture and rendered very nicely, good clear quality, and plently of eye candy / details.

          Music chosen | Originality and how well it fits the demo - mark out of 5

          - Im giving this demo a 5 for the music, not only because i chose a couple of them . But because of the above said Originality factor. Alot of people use songs from artists and bands that have vocalists, guitars, etc... a whole production of a song. Its always a risk and challenge to make a demo without following that theme. And it is hard to pull it off, and make it work. And this demo is one that is able to do that. Each song was synced up nicely, good transitions. And although using the song Dont Fear The Reaper was out of the box (compared the other songs) it was a nice touch, and fit the video.

          Skill Shown | Quality of the shots on - mark out of 10

          As far as skill goes, im giving it a 10 honestly. The combination of the Sniper shots, helicopter take downs (with a tank). As well as the CQC (Close Quarters Combat) shown in the demo. Made for a good showcase of the players in-game skill. The only thing i felt that it lacked was the Fight Jet skill and action. But this isnt that big a deal because as far as videos go in BF2. It probably wouldnt have worked aswell as some of the other kills. And besides Omega isnt that big of a Plane Whore anyway haha.

          Editing | How good are the transitions the locations of the cuts and sound merging with the footage etc - mark out of 15

          - Editing, (14) I felt that he did a very nice job cutting it all together. When you are at the end of the first song, the transition between audio 1 and 2 are merely seemless, that was a good trans. And the music used in the video did mix well with the action, and what was going on, on screen. It did not get a perfect 15, because of the introduction of the song Battle In The Forgotten City, the transition of this song wasnt perfect, but still very good. and matched the videos action very well.

          Overall Satisfaction | There are various types of demos. Some are there to show a person "owning" others are more amusing like the Medal Of Honor Legend "Mack". Basically this section is for how the judge would rate how well it met its intention. - mark out of 15

          - Overall Satisfaction, (15) This is one demo that i very much enjoyed Because its got just the right combination of action both in video and in audio, like a tense moment in a James Bond fight, or a moment when you know you're up against a whole army, and you have to fight to the death. I obviously dont know Omega's "intention" with this demo. But I will say that this demo has raised the bar on all the previous bf2 (player ownage) videos, that I have seen so far.

          Final Score | The final conclusion and score of the demo, will be ??/50.

          - The final score of this demo is 49/50. Near perfect, and definetly one to copy to a DVD I dont think there has ever been a perfect video/demo by the mohdemos judging standards, though in my time there only one other demo has gotten this score of 49/50. So that says something. That being, a good ammount of effort and thought went into this demo. And it shows, again adding just the right about of ownage and humor, really makes a good demo.


          serious judging aside, i think this demo is fricking sweet.


          • #6
            Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

            Originally posted by RUOmegaRED
            I've made demos for mohaa in the past but never had the guts to get one done for BF2.
            Feel free to PM me some links for your MOHAA videos. I was playing Mohaa too, high plan.


            • #7
              Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

              Out of all these videos I just watch 10% of them and sometimes they suck. I got lucky with this one because it's really good, nice work!


              • #8
                Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                no matter how good you think your video is, you shouldnt call it awesome\great and all that, let others comment it

                Im not saying ur video sucks, i havent even seen it yet, downloading now


                • #9
                  Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                  Forgive my brashness it was my first post afterall


                  • #10
                    Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                    Originally posted by RUOmegaRED
                    Forgive my brashness it was my first post afterall
                    heh sorry, I shoudlnt be judging other people anyways


                    • #11
                      Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                      Just be sure to say its awesome even if you hate it lol


                      • #12
                        Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                        people always try to tell me to fly the chopper steady and higher when I start doing my spins and start flying really low.............I guess they dont know about players like you :laugh:

                        awesome video, you got some skill man

                        music and editing were awesome also



                        • #13
                          Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                          Thanks for the positive feedback. People look at my stats and write me off as an armor whore its nice to get some recognition for other stuff.

                          I will definately make another vid that hopefully tops this one.


                          • #14
                            Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                            haha I love Ubermensch commenting on the video, he and Red are good friends...

                            It IS a good video after all though, but I still think Uber is funny.:laugh:

                            Red actually put a tutorial out on demo making that got me started, plus he used to kick my a$$ all over MOHAA when I played against him...although there was this one time we played on the same team and I almost kept up to him in the score


                            • #15
                              Re: My Awesome BF2 Video...Battlefield: La Cantina

                              Ya cause Uber is my toughest critic. He never rates any of my demos that high and I usually get the music from him this was the first time I got off lucky

