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so no one else wanted to be commander.....

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  • so no one else wanted to be commander.....

    as i was in a tank and needed supplies and the team needed uavs and stuff, i appllied for commander. i was doing fine at defending one side of the map with the tank and accepting requests and dropping uavs and artying large groups of enemy. but then my team started moaning at me to do one thing or the other and not taking any notice when i said "no one else wanted to command so i will do it" of course we won both times(by 150+ tickets), but i had one person trying to ram me and c4 me and AT rocket me.

    if they wanted to take over commanding i would have let them, but its kinda sad that im obviously taking the time to do all the commander stuff and stop enemy cars and tanks coming to the other side of the map and some twats are moaning and tking me.

    the tker was "Fidge" btw, so if u see him.. dont be nice

  • #2
    Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

    i dont see much point of this thread. u are jus trying to spite some guy who tk u alot in the game. u could have jus voted him off, if he was really such a jerk, im pretty sure the vote would be successful, if not, it might really be u.
    otherwise, u jus got a lousy team, that cant be helped, jus go another server or join the opposite side and rape your lousy ex-teammates.


    • #3
      Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

      May be they wanted your tank? I know how you feel I use servers that have no votes for commander. It sounds to me that he is a just and idiot who needs to team kill to make his point. I do feel for you as commander. I was on a server only a few days back no sooner as I took command everyone started to vote before the game started. So I came off and said okay you can do better then take it. We lost. lol

      with reference to venny "could have jus voted him off", voting someone off is not that easy and I have yet to see anyone kicked via this. Must players don't vote as it does not affect them other have the vote turn off in the options so how can you kick this player.


      • #4
        Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

        Originally posted by simon1973
        May be they wanted your tank? I know how you feel I use servers that have no votes for commander. It sounds to me that he is a just and idiot who needs to team kill to make his point. I do feel for you as commander. I was on a server only a few days back no sooner as I took command everyone started to vote before the game started. So I came off and said okay you can do better then take it. We lost. lol
        Yea, many players prefer a passive commander (a commander who focuses only on commanding and not battling). THen again, i myself don't really like commanders who tank whore, as they take away the tank from people that are not preoccupied with commanding, and they always save a supply drop for themselves so they can heal themselves in battle instead of others in more need.


        • #5
          Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

          No good deed ever goes unpunished.

          My guess is that you were on a server of self serving point chasers.

          Not the best place for structured thought, or team work.

          The old cliche works the best: Find a better server. And ignore the jerks.:laugh:

          (OH, by the way, I wouldn't hide in a tank as a commander in a "64" player game. Your team needs the armor active. And the Pilots love killing stationary armor.)


          • #6
            Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

            Originally posted by Eddy01741
            Yea, many players prefer a passive commander (a commander who focuses only on commanding and not battling). THen again, i myself don't really like commanders who tank whore, as they take away the tank from people that are not preoccupied with commanding, and they always save a supply drop for themselves so they can heal themselves in battle instead of others in more need.
            I agree with you all the way


            • #7
              Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

              Originally posted by Fulman
              No good deed ever goes unpunished.

              My guess is that you were on a server of self serving point chasers.

              Not the best place for structured thought, or team work.

              The old cliche works the best: Find a better server. And ignore the jerks.:laugh:

              (OH, by the way, I wouldn't hide in a tank as a commander in a "64" player game. Your team needs the armor active. And the Pilots love killing stationary armor.)
              Kinda hard to find a non-point chasing server, y'know, there are SO many medics at every server i go to, all using G36Es, all of which have like 5 kills, but like 20 revives.


              • #8
                Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                Originally posted by Eddy01741
                Kinda hard to find a non-point chasing server, y'know, there are SO many medics at every server i go to, all using G36Es, all of which have like 5 kills, but like 20 revives.

                Well perhaps the term "point obsessed" to the detriment of teamwork, or

                point insanity to the point of pointless non-team work playing in pointing out everyone elses points of error instead of appointing yourself to point and leading.

                See my point?


                • #9
                  Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                  nah they didnt want the tank or to be commander. theyre stupid cos i had to give up like 40 points from the 20kills i got as i was defending as well as commanding. no tank whoring, constant uavs, arty and orders to defend where needed. it was musturr city btw.


                  • #10
                    Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                    on the subject of commading, i was commander for this one round on sharqi. i was playing as , what i call, a 'combat comander'. unlike what commanders sometimes do (sit in a far away place way in the middle of nowhere), i actually try to help my team out more by being a sniper and guarding and flag while commandering. so i was a sniper commanding on that roof by the allyway. i had a perfect veiw of the observation post and the allyway. i would command, and when everything (uav,arty, etc), and then i sniped the people attacking both places. i almost single handedly saved my team from defeat several times. check out this score:

                    lol i got more kills than anybody on both teams

                    edit: sry if i am hijacking this thread, but at the time i was writting this post the thread was going nowhere


                    • #11
                      Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                      Originally posted by USARANGER01
                      on the subject of commading, i was commander for this one round on sharqi. i was playing as , what i call, a 'combat comander'. unlike what commanders sometimes do (sit in a far away place way in the middle of nowhere), i actually try to help my team out more by being a sniper and guarding and flag while commandering. so i was a sniper commanding on that roof by the allyway. i had a perfect veiw of the observation post and the allyway. i would command, and when everything (uav,arty, etc), and then i sniped the people attacking both places. i almost single handedly saved my team from defeat several times. check out this score:

                      lol i got more kills than anybody on both teams

                      edit: sry if i am hijacking this thread, but at the time i was writting this post the thread was going nowhere
                      23 deaths tho!!! :laugh:
                      thing is your obviously not a stat padder or tank whore or plane whore if your commanding at the same time, because it doesnt give you any points for it.


                      • #12
                        Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                        Ppl dont like commanders in tanks or apc's or jets. I've been kicked from servers alot of the times for being a commander in a tank. And who wouldnt be angry. Commanders dont even get points for killing enemies or capping flags. If your a commander, and someone wants a tank, give it to them. Just get another vehicle. If theres tons of noobs on your team that no s*** all about BF2, take a tank, they wont notice.


                        • #13
                          Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                          Originally posted by EC-Paulus-
                          Ppl dont like commanders in tanks or apc's or jets. I've been kicked from servers alot of the times for being a commander in a tank. And who wouldnt be angry. Commanders dont even get points for killing enemies or capping flags. If your a commander, and someone wants a tank, give it to them. Just get another vehicle. If theres tons of noobs on your team that no s*** all about BF2, take a tank, they wont notice.
                          Yea, when i am commander, and i have a tank/APC, i automatically get out and go to hiding position. BUt if i tell my team to take the tank/apc at the base that's not taken already, and they don't, i'll just take it myself.


                          • #14
                            Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                            u could actually have gotten a much better score with 53 kills. 53 kills= 106 points.


                            • #15
                              Re: so no one else wanted to be commander.....

                              Originally posted by venny
                              u could actually have gotten a much better score with 53 kills. 53 kills= 106 points.
                              ya i know, but i was already commander, and i dont think that if u get kills as commander, then resign, that u will get points for them. does anyone know if you do??

