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Screenshot Thread

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  • #16
    Re: Screenshot Thread

    IL2 Forgotten Battles + Ace Expansion Pack + Pacific Fighters
    Is that played online & is it popular?


    • #17
      Re: Screenshot Thread

      Originally posted by =TBS=Tonic
      Is that played online & is it popular?
      Tonic, In the Condemned directory there's an autoexec.cfg file. If you add the line:

      "widescreen" "0"

      Did you try this and see if it actually removes the widescreen in the game?


      • #18
        Re: Screenshot Thread

        ya, that works, no more widescreen.


        • #19
          Re: Screenshot Thread

          Originally posted by =TBS=Tonic
          ya, that works, no more widescreen.
          Thanks for checking that.


          • #20
            Re: Screenshot Thread

            Originally posted by =TBS=Tonic
            Is that played online & is it popular?
            As long as you have the full set and patched up to 4.04m, yes there are many players and servers. If your interested you can get the the complete set of the three games and a flyable plane list somewhere in the 200s, it's only 33 dollars on Newegg. This is the best WWII combat sim on the market right now. Featuring every major plane that fought in the war from all theatres, and even several German secret weapons such as the Komet, Gotha 229 flying wing, and the Volksjager.


            • #21
              Re: Screenshot Thread

              Originally posted by Why?!
              As long as you have the full set and patched up to 4.04m, yes there are many players and servers. If your interested you can get the the complete set of the three games and a flyable plane list somewhere in the 200s, it's only 33 dollars on Newegg. This is the best WWII combat sim on the market right now. Featuring every major plane that fought in the war from all theatres, and even several German secret weapons such as the Komet, Gotha 229 flying wing, and the Volksjager.
              Is that Lock On Modern Air Combat good? or is it complicated to fly the jets?


              • #22
                Re: Screenshot Thread

                Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                Is that Lock On Modern Air Combat good? or is it complicated to fly the jets?
                i have the game but its quite system demanding, & it played rather poo for me.


                • #23
                  Re: Screenshot Thread

                  Originally posted by =TBS=Tonic
                  i have the game but its quite system demanding, & it played rather poo for me.
                  lol, it would be pretty good if there was an air combat game that was like BF2 air combat. Flying jets in BF2 is really good. But all the flight sims are kind of complicated and take a while to get used too.


                  • #24
                    Re: Screenshot Thread

                    Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                    Is that Lock On Modern Air Combat good? or is it complicated to fly the jets?
                    Yes that is Lock On, yes it is good. Is it complicated? Sort of. I went to Lock On from Falcon 4.0, so I was a little underwhelmed by the relative simplicity of the radar systems, avionics, and control. However it more than makes up for it by having 8 separate flyable planes. The best part highlighting the differences between the Western and Eastern planes. Western planes tend to be more technologically advanced, but are usually more difficult to grasp. While the Eastern planes tend to be very analog and extremely functional. However as you delve deeper and deeper into the game you'll notice that there are pros and cons to flying each aircraft.

                    Examples such as: The Americans have a much more powerful radar, but the Russians have slightly longer range missiles. The Americans give a better estimate as to the bearing of the enemy aircraft, but the Russians give a better estimate of range. Russian planes are more manuverable in a dogfight, but American planes have more accurate long range missiles. It's tradeoffs like these that keep the game fresh as you discover more and more little features in each of the jets.

                    Edit: I write way too much.

                    I did a little overview of the game in a previous post shown below.


                    Originally posted by *Lost*Soldier*
                    is there any1 who play this game if so how the hell do u know all the controls
                    i realy want 2 play the full game i can pick it off just for 5 Euros
                    If you are really into jet sims and are a huge military buff, go for it. Also look into purchasing the Flaming Cliffs addon, it adds the SU-25T and many, many small fixes and polishing.

                    Q1 is the learingcurve short or long
                    The game is very easy to pick up (this is coming from a Falconeer, so don't take my word for it). Almost too easy to pick up. Don't think it's so easy though. The problem comes in that while you may know how to do something, you don't really know how to do it. Lock on is something that is very difficult to get good at. Most of your skills will come from experience. Look for some tracks online and other tutorials.

                    Q2 is the time 2 lear well whort it
                    When you're blasting through the skies in a MiG-29, relying on your primitive (by American standards) radar warning receiver and your good old eyeballs mk.1 to dodge an active radar AIM-120 AMRAAM, then follow up with your own R-77 and watch as the painstakingly slow seconds tick down as the missile gets closer and closer to its target, finally culminating in a small fireball as streaks of black smoke from shrapnel and debris of the shattered plane fall to ground... Yea, it's worth it.

                    Q3 is there a server for biggeners
                    I play on Hyperlobby, which is predominantly full-realism Flaming Cliffs servers. I have heard however that LOMAC 1.02 (no Flaming Cliffs addon) is played on more relaxed settings on ubisofts lobbies.

                    Q4 can i play it whit key or do need a joy 2 get the maxium out of ur plane
                    You definitely need a joystick if you want to play something like this. If you're really serious about getting this, also think about getting a HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick) joystick. I use a Saitek X-52 which is easily programmable, however there are much more expensive and higher end sticks with more buttons. The X-52 trades some of the massive button counts for two trim wheels and a slider which are fantastically useful in a prop sim such as IL2 (WWII prop sim I play regularly). However there are still plenty of buttons to play around with on the X-52 and with multiple modes the total button count goes somewhere up in the hundreds.

                    My little Micro-Review of Lock On

                    Overall a terrific flight sim, nearly all of problems with the sim are minor and were solved in FC and several small mods I installed. Just remember that you will need to be patient in this game before you start downing planes like an ace.


                    8 Flyable planes, MiG-29A, MiG-29S, Su-27, Su-33, Su-25, Su-25T, F-15C, and the A-10.

                    Relatively easy to pick up, difficult to master.

                    Amazing graphics

                    Intense fast combat, even in the BVR arena.


                    Requires crazy powerful computer to run max settings

                    Sounds are weak, bordering annoying unmodded

                    BVR combat in particular is extremely difficult to master on full-realism.

                    No flyable F-16C


                    • #25
                      Re: Screenshot Thread

                      Only games I see on and are lock on and lock on gold?


                      • #26
                        Re: Screenshot Thread

                        Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                        Only games I see on and are lock on and lock on gold?
                        Lock On Gold includes both the original Lock On Modern Air Combat and Flaming Cliffs. If you plan on buying Lock On get the gold version.

                        Flaming Cliffs adds the Su-25T to the game and many small fixes and polishes that really add up in improving the overall polish and quality of the game. I myself don't fly the Su-25T often because of its bricklike qualities, not to mention it's a ground pounder and not a fighter, but it does have many interesting weapons systems that are a blast to deploy.


                        • #27
                          Re: Screenshot Thread

                          Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                          lol, it would be pretty good if there was an air combat game that was like BF2 air combat. Flying jets in BF2 is really good. But all the flight sims are kind of complicated and take a while to get used too.
                          Thats because there Flight Sims. Impossible to make a flight sim with BF2's controls.


                          • #28
                            Re: Screenshot Thread


                            • #29
                              Re: Screenshot Thread

                              You guys seem to have gotten off topic. I would rather see screenshots in this screenshots thread.

