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How do you make the jump from 'adequate' pilot to 'terror of the skies'

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  • #31
    Re: How do you make the jump from 'adequate' pilot to 'terror of the skies'

    What I have to say is this:

    I say, stick with what Pilo-II said. Learn on the F-35B. Even though it is at a huge disadvantage, you will learn better through the tough times you have with it. It's just like he said. Normally, who is the better person.. someone who has been spoiled all their life (J-10) as a child (just starting out flying), or someone who had a hard life (F-35B) and learned alot.

    Ok so that was a kind of stupid way to think of it, but, if you practice in the F-35B, it WILL be HARD. Don't think it will be anything easy... rofl.

    Once you shoot down a J-10, it is the best feeling you can get out of this game.

    Also, get used to looking behind you... ALOT. Check your six like every 5-10 seconds.

    Learn to dogfight while looking behind you. Like jakswan said, the controls will be inverted, so you need to get used to it.

    What I do, EVERY time you pass over land, look behind you, as this is the perfect time to spot the enemy ground troops. If you see someone, remember his position, and the direction he was heading. Make a quick guestimate and spray all around the area you think he is at that time. This is why alot of people will say "OMG HAXCKS!!!111!!".

    If you do decide to learn in the F-35B, stay up high if a J-10 or other jet is present (high as in 500+) and dip down occasionally trying to find other jets. If you spot one, I recommend getting to him as FAST as you can in bomb mode (the reason I say fast, is if there are 2 jets in the air, the other jet will see you and you are then ****ed) and try to gun him down. Most average pilots dont even pay attention to their damage meter.. it's just if they hear "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" they decide to evade. So you should just rely on the cannons. You CAN time missles right though. In a turn, the other jet has to be doing a weaker turn then you, or slightly lower. So like if you see another jet doing a turn, come in at a sharper angle (so to you, relative to your jet.. he is "under" you) then just unload missles at him.

    One reason I pick the JSF F-35B is because, it may be the weakest defensive jet, but... damn does it pack a punch. With 600 rounds of cannon fire (it comes directly out the front of the jet, as opposed to like the J-10 where it comes out the left, or the mig where it comes out the right, it is easier to lead targets with it), and VERY stable, and it is also the fastest jet in the game... you can to some damage when it comes to air-to-ground type of things.

    One thing I can't stress enough though.. I look behind me almost as much... if not more, than I look in front of me. It is useful not only for trying to evade other jets, but for seeing ground troops/targets very clearly when you pass over them. Also in every turn around that I do, I look behind me.


    • #32
      Re: How do you make the jump from 'adequate' pilot to 'terror of the skies'

      I always use mouse and keyboard, Would using a Joystick make it eaiser or just make me/anyone else buying one having to relearn to fly? Im really good in the sky, find what kills you, see what your mistake was and avoid it. Learn the AA sites, where they are, fly high, you can bomb lower but better get high to avoid the AA. You can tell alot of the time when a plane pings you becuase you are out of reach of AA fire, whenever im chasing someone I find that they try to lose me by flying up, then taking a sky dive down, the trick is to not take the sky dive down but rather turn and stay high at 400+ ft, taking the trip back down makes it easy for us to shoot you down becuase we follow the trail left behind your plane then let my friend fox take you down. J10 on carrier, best way to learn. Also play on the internet to learn the best, I started out bad but kept playing, kept learning and became a pokemon master..o wait I mean good pilot.

