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So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

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  • So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

    I'm reading all these threads here, and the people in them that are saying:

    "1.3 works fine for me, the patch was GREAT!!!"

    "All the changes they made to the game are awesome!! Screw the clan members that play the game competitively!"

    Let me clue you people in on something...the 1.3 patch sucks. Any one of you that defend the patch, and overlook the problems that were introduced with the server browser in 1.3, are just as I stated in the are nothing but 'Fan Boi's'. If you purchased ANY other product from a company, and 10 months down the road they 'patched' it and it was now broken, would you be ok with that? I don't think you would, so why do you defend EA/Dice on this collosal f*ck up??

    I could care less about squad hopping and squad cycling being removed from the game. I really enjoyed those features, and I think squad cycling should remain in the game, but I can see how squad hopping is really not what was intended. Don't get me started on "Cartillery"....cuz that's just a horrific gameplay modification that should NEVER have been introduced. =\

    As far as the broken patch, if you lived in Seattle WA, and you took your car in for repairs and everything got fixed except that now your windshield wipers don't work...would that be acceptable to you?? With the amount of rain in Seattle, do you think that's a big deal?? I do.

    Shame on you, shame on you for saying how great this patch was, when it is CLEAR to everyone EXCEPT the 'Fan Boi's' how screwed up it is. Everytime a friend gets on Ventrilo and asks what server I'm on, I don't even know. I can't pull it up in game, I can't see the IP, so I can't have him join the EASY way. I have to go to a PLAYER RUN SITE like or the like and find out the IP of the server I'm on to give to my friend. Or I have to do a netstat and see what IP I'm connected too. Is this really acceptable?? Should players really have to go to 3rd party sites just to find out where I'm playing??? Why is there no ingame buddy list?? Why is it so hard to play with my friends??? Hell, Tribes 1 had that feature working flawlessly 8 years ago...

    I'm so tired of all you 'Fan Boi's' patting EA/Dice on the back for such a game breaking patch that SOOOOOO many people have had problems with. I just wish you would just be honest and say, "Man I really love BF2, but this patch needs to be addressed. I hope EA/Dice can work together to resolve the issues that were introduced."

    If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

    /rant off

  • #2
    Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

    You're still crying about the patch?

    I dislike EA's business practices as much as the next guy but you've got to look at one important fact: They've made a game that is enjoyable to play with alot of replay value. If you hate Battlefield 2 so much, why are you still playing it? Because they've made a game that is enjoyable to play with alot of replay value.

    Sure **** happens when they patch the game but in the end you're still playing the same Battlefield 2 for the same reason: They've made a game that is enjoyable to play with alot of replay value.

    If you don't find Battlefield 2 to be enjoyable to play then you shouldn't be playing it. Unless you yourself are one of the devoted EA fanboys that you so dearly despise.

    English lesson for your next rant so you don't just seem like a whiney little uneducated kid:
    Apostrophes are for contractions and showing posession, not for pluralization.


    • #3
      Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

      Im tired of all these topics about 1.3, lets move on to 1.31 I sure ppl will complain about it just as much.
      If it looks like sh*t, smells like sh*t, then it's probably sh*t...


      • #4
        Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

        I quite like patch 1.3, but I haven't played it online yet. Are most of the problems on the servers, or what? I've just been using the co-op thing to see if I can take 48 bots by myself which I can't. Enlighten me!!!!


        • #5
          Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

          Originally posted by Sovetskeey
          You're still crying about the patch?
          Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing....I'm over here balling like a lil girl.

          You found me out, my cover has been blown...oh noz.


          • #6
            Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

            Originally posted by Sovetskeey
            You're still crying about the patch?
            cause everything he is saying is on the dot, ok fan boy. Its pretty sad that when the join button pops up the game crash's. Bugs that have been in since day 1 still there. and so many other issues that havnt been fixed yet. Oh wait thats right it runs so perfrect for you i bet. lol


            • #7
              Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

              Strega, I must say I really stopped caring after patch 1.2 and what it started and what got taken away after that. Its clear that those guys (DICEA) just dont know their game. Cant blame them either. I agree, there are a lot of **** in this game that needs to be fixed. However, there arent any FUNDAMENTAL flaws anymore.

              In the end, its not the patch, nor the game that is completely farked up. Its mostly the players.

              I can say that Im not that good of a player (on land) to start blaming the game for my misfortune. I can say that BF2 is garbage air-wise since patch 1.2. All I CAN do however is- just go with the flow and accept it, and have a good discussion ontheboards about it.

              I feel for you, however, your attempts are futile, and this thread will justdie off.


              • #8
                Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                I knew this thread would fall on many deaf ears, but hey, there are a few people that can appreciate that we all are frustrated with a great game that needs some customer service.


                • #9
                  Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                  Yes the patch does suck, but a small minority of people havent had any new problems atleast so to them it doesnt seem bad. This doesnt make them fan boys.


                  • #10
                    Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                    Well the same process repeats itself again and again.

                    Before the 1.3, people were Lets fix those bugs, ooooohh car drops, ooooooh coop, when is it gonna come out huh huh huh when cmon hurry up EA i want the patch now. Squad hopping fixed and so on

                    Now after the 1.3
                    -Server crashing
                    -kark. hotel bug
                    and the list keeps going on

                    Now we go:
                    Fix this
                    FIx that
                    cant wait for the 1.31 to come out

                    After 1.31
                    (see above, 1.3)


                    • #11
                      Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                      I always find it amusing how somebody can be labelled as a fan boy for enjoying a game, but the people who **** and moan are simply 'normal'.

                      NEWS FLASH!

                      We have different opinions! If you want to label us as fan boys for liking something YOU don't, then be relize that we have every right to call you a whining child!

                      Yay for opinions!

                      "Game Experience may change during online play!"

                      ^They didn't just put that there for decoration you know..

                      And seriously - how long do other games last? 10-20 hours? What have you gotten out of BF2? 10 months?


                      • #12
                        Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                        Originally posted by AP_piano295
                        Yes the patch does suck, but a small minority of people havent had any new problems atleast so to them it doesnt seem bad. This doesnt make them fan boys.
                        So you're telling me there are people that don't have the server browser issues? The CTD's from clicking JOIN or random ingame crashes?


                        • #13
                          Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                          Its not deaf ears, its the fact that although you presented your dish with some flavour, its still the same stuff that has been read here over and over and over again. Nothing you can do about it.

                          I wholeheartedly agree with you on this-
                          Everytime a friend gets on Ventrilo and asks what server I'm on, I don't even know.
                          This has ****ed me off since day one, when I didnt venture in favourite servers. I now have X-Fire for ALL those kind of needs. And too bad theres nothing in-game that can do the same...


                          • #14
                            Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                            I ENTIRELY agree with Garabaldi. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and no-one can take it away from them. I was about to post something like that :P

                            So... someone answer my original question please? :P


                            • #15
                              Re: So friggin tired of the Fan Boi's *sigh*

                              Originally posted by Strega
                              So you're telling me there are people that don't have the server browser issues? The CTD's from clicking JOIN or random ingame crashes?
                              I don't.

                              Seriously.. I don't.

                              No crashes - no browser issues.. none.. nadda.. zilch..

