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A Decent Player is...

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  • #16
    Re: A Decent Player is...

    A decent player will go commander mid round when you dont have one

    A decent player eliminates the threat before reviving you

    A decent player knows his role (squad member, leader, commander, kit), and executes accordingly.

    A decent player will help others who are new at the game without making fun of them

    A decent player will change kits to help his squad

    A decent player uses VOIP and spotting to point out the enemy

    A decent player uses proper concealment tactics.


    • #17
      Re: A Decent Player is...

      A decent player works with you, not against you.


      • #18
        Re: A Decent Player is...

        A decent player realises that he's just taken off in the last Blackhawk on Wake Island at the start of the round leaving you stranded on the deck, and comes back to pick you up. I very, very rarely see this. Most pilots will wait before lifting off, but in my experience once they're airborne it's just tough luck if you're not on board. But I was proven wrong last night by someone called something like "Iced Tea", so a big thanks and much respect to him...

        A decent player is also in a squad, with his squad leader rather than off doing his own thing, following orders as best he can and taking the kit that best suits the situation when he respawns.

        A decent player plays for the team and the round win, not for his own points.

        A decent player fires only when appropriate and keeps his finger off the trigger when it's not - but "spots" the target for his team. I'm thinking things like shooting at a jet with your pistol here, or firing the transport chopper MGs at armour etc etc.


        • #19
          Re: A Decent Player is...

          a decent player forgives 7/10 tk`s
          -Help other teammates , by reviving,ammo give and take a bullet for the team now and then, to help the others in the squad to not get killed


          • #20
            Re: A Decent Player is...

            Originally posted by Fulman

            A decent player will switch kits with the dying medic to revive him.

            A decent player does not punish for a grenade TK when the Team is
            storming a flag.

            2 big ones in my book


            • #21
              Re: A Decent Player is...

              A decent player is one who recieves the most "thank you's".

              They should record the amount of "thank you's" recieved and put them in our stats.

              Then we would all know who the decent players are.


              • #22
                Re: A Decent Player is...

                The person who recognizes an accidental TK and forgives it.

                The person who guards you while you repair your vehicle rather than stealing it.

                The person who recognizes that you are doing really well in the Tank and gets in it when it spawns so he can save it for you until you can make your way to that part of the map. (Actually had a guy do this once, it was awesome)


                • #23
                  Re: A Decent Player is...

                  A decent player that gets a tank several times in a row, & is fortunate to have another decent player man the mg for him unselfishly, gives up the drivers seat the next time they spawn

                  A decent player gunning in a AH, will if capable offer to fly so that his pilot can get a few kills

                  A decent player in a tank will drive half way across the map to kill 1 guy that is taking a flag even when he had several easy kills in front of him

                  A decent player in a any combat vehicle (jet, AH, tank) will seek out his counterpart on the other team, & eliminate him first before attacking infantry

                  A decent player will recognize that there are too few medics on his team, & go medic even when the medic kit guns aren't the best for the situation

                  A decent player will lay on a flag, & turn it white while he is greatly outnumbered, & will surely die, just to prevent the enemy from spawning long enough for his squad kill the remaining enemy, & take the flag

                  A decent player retake the main base when the tickets are close @ the end of a round to take the win (even if it wrecks his k/d)

                  A decent player about to throw a grenade, & sees a blue name behind the red 1 puts his grenade back in his pocket, & closes in for a descrete kill w/ his rifle

                  A decent player that is commander will hold back his arty until he is sure he has a clear shot @ a group of enemy w/ out friendlies close enough to run into it

                  A decent player who is commander will hold back arty so it is available for "strategic" targets (a friendly flag turning white)




                  • #24
                    Re: A Decent Player is...

                    Originally posted by Consultant01

                    The person who guards you while you repair your vehicle rather than stealing it.
                    The best way to guard him is to get in his vehicle and use the mounted gun, then when hes finished let him have it back.


                    • #25
                      Re: A Decent Player is...

                      A Decent Player is... a player who stands still long enough for me to snipe a headshot!

                      A Decent Player is... a player who actually gives you ammo when you ask for it instead of sprinting away from you even though they have the support kit!
                      ^^^^^^^^^^ Ditto for a decent medic!

                      A Decent Player is... not going to steal your hummer, vodnik, etc if you are busy firing away with the gun and begin to drive you away.

                      A Decent Player is... not going to spam, "Enemy boat spotted!" ...ON KARKAND!!!!!

                      A Decent Player is... not going to Command from and airplane, armour, or helicopter.

                      A Decent Player is... not going to shoot back at me!!


                      • #26
                        Re: A Decent Player is...

                        You can find decent players at come join us


                        • #27
                          Re: A Decent Player is...

                          Originally posted by C4_UK
                          You can find decent players at come join us
                          That was cheap spam !


                          • #28
                            Re: A Decent Player is...

                            A decent player is one not spending all his time in forums getting rusty.

                            A decent player knows that BF2 is just a game.


                            • #29
                              Re: A Decent Player is...

                              "A decent player about to throw a grenade, & sees a blue name behind the red 1 puts his grenade back in his pocket, & closes in for a descrete kill w/ his rifle." Quote from serialbutcher

                              Or if it is too late, "eat the grenade" rather than TK someone.


                              • #30
                                Re: A Decent Player is...

                                A decent player is sitting at work right now wondering why the fack they're not at home playing BF2

