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How many sniper kills IAR

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  • How many sniper kills IAR

    how many snipers kills have u gotten IAR with just the sniper rifle and with other items of destruction like armour claymores and other things. and any one wanna give me some expert sniper tips

  • #2
    Re: How many sniper kills IAR

    Ive only had the game for two or three days so far and I got probaly 20 something in one round on Karkand. I just allways aim for the head and it works. Its a little bit harder when there moving but I usually hit the head. I have an accuracy of 45.89, its not to bad I guess.


    • #3
      Re: How many sniper kills IAR

      not sure, as for tips...
      Hope they help, off pbf
      Guide 1
      nipers live a lonely lifestyle. Armed with a high-powered rifle, for long distance relationships. They carry a pair of binoculars for watching people having fun killing each other from afar. The only one to talk to is the artillery guns far, far away. What a life, but a cool life indeed!

      Besides being lonely all the time, they also have one of the hardest jobs. Blowing someone’s head off a half mile away is no easy task. And when the target is moving, it makes it that much harder. The golden rule for all you snipers is practice, practice, and more practice. Snipers are not born snipers - they are made snipers. There is plenty to take into account when being a sniper. You have to be aware of many things at all times. Bullet speed, range, target size, leading and location are just a few of the woes the sniper faces. But after mastering all that was mentioned you will become one of the most valuable classes on the battlefield.
      You first need to understand how to locate victims. Hmm, where would victims be? Would they be on route to the next enemy flag for them to capture? Better yet, how about a spawn location with a bunch of waiting armor, say a main base? Try to think, where would you be if you were a victim...hmmm.
      Snipers love that old saying, “location, location, location”. There is nothing finer then locating the perfect spot, out of sight with a clear view. But you always have to remember this is a game. If you find a sweet spot, everyone else knows where it is too. You need to be able to find multiple sweet spots in one general area and keep moving. If you stay in one spot too long, you are asking for a bullet in the ass or head. Also, do not sit in a location that is the highest point and in clear view. Oncoming troops will see you clearly from your ‘ghost shadow’, and then your nametag. Try to find low-level areas behind bushes, rocks and trees. Go prone and stay sharp.
      Snipers also love another old saying, “kill, kill, kill”. Snipers have the most fun on the battlefield. Taking someone’s head off from a distant location without them even realizing it until they drop like a wet sack is sweet. But this kind of killing takes a special skill level. One must show great patience and honor. The best position you should be in is prone. This will allow the steadiest crosshairs and good cover. You must first learn to kill any stationary target with ease. This comes with practice. Aiming for the head is your best shot. Hitting anywhere else will just **** the enemy off and make him aware of your presence. If you keep the mouse click down (fire) after you shoot, you will not zoom out and reload. This will let you see your work.
      Once you master stationary targets, focus on moving ones. Hitting a moving target two hundred yards away is no easy task. You must take into account leading, bullet speed and direction the target is moving. So if you are very far away you will need to lead a lot more due to both the movement of the target and the bullet speed. You also have to judge is whether the target will move in elevation or is strafing. You do not want to fire your weapon if your scope is higher then the target. Again practice is the key.
      After you kill someone you should move out to a new location. One of the rules of being a sniper is concealment and stealth. When you fire your little lady you are putting up a red flag. Plus after you kill them, they find out where you are.
      Snipers wear many hats...errr...helmets. One of the sniper's other vital rules is to scout. A sniper who doesn't scout is not a true sniper. One way to scout is by spotting enemy troops or incoming armor, then giving a radio call out. This is vital for warding off pending attacks and shift attention to that area. Another way is through painting targets for naval support and the big land guns. This can really make a difference. You do not even have to hang around for the show. Your picture will stay active even if you leave the scene.
      When confronted by the enemy in close combat, the sniper is very outgunned. You need to learn to use all your secondary weapons. One of the best is the grenade. If you know you're spotted and they are coming for you, toss a few in their direction. If the blast doesn't get them, pull out your handgun and start pumpin' away.

      Guide 2

      Battlefield 2 Sniper's Guide Version 1.0

      By Juxtaposition

      All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders

      ================================================== =============================
      Table of Contents
      ================================================== =============================

      I. Preface

      II. Introduction [INTR]

      III. General Information [GENI]

      Iv. General Tactics (Stealth) [GENT]

      V. SVD Dragunov/Type-88 Rifle Tactics [SV88]

      VI. M24 Rifle Tactics [M24T]

      VII. M95 Rifle Tactics [M95T]

      VIII. Tag Team Sniping [TTSN]

      IX. Snipers as Squad Leader [SSLE]

      X. What's New [WHNE]

      XI. Contact Information [CTIN]

      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      I. Preface
      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

      This is my first guide ever, so please send me any constructive criticism you

      This guide is intended to provide some concepts and tactics for the sniper

      Firstly, I'm not going to tell you how to aim the sniper rifle. I don't know
      any specifics and anything I could tell wouldn't be very useful compared to
      game experience. My current accuracy with the sniper rifle is about 35% so
      I'm probably not a good source anyway. Also, you will not find any map-specific
      tips. I'm not going through every map and cataloging where I have had success
      for two reasons:

      1) That kind of advice in nearly useless in an online game with dynamic
      battlefields and thinking opponents, least of all for snipers.

      2) It would take forever.

      Stick with me and you'll learn evasion techniques, how to use all your weapons
      effectively, and how to be effective by yourself and working with a team.

      This guide has been provided to Other sites are welcome to
      host it but I ask you send me an e-mail beforehand and properly credit the
      author. I reserve the right to ask any site to remove this guide for any

      All of my information comes from my experience in the game along with some
      things my brother has tipped me off to. Additionally, a few things have been
      taken from chat during games; sorry I can't credit the individuals who gave
      those to me but consider the BF2 player base to have taken part in this
      endeavor too (both as mentors and as victims). A few minor tidbits have come
      from the BF2 in game documentation in BFHQ.

      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      II. Introduction [INTR]
      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This guide is divided according to basic general info, general tactics, and
      then by main weapon type. Snipers with a Type-88 or a SVD Dragunov will
      operate differently than a sniper with a M24 who will behave differently than
      a sniper with a M95.

      ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????
      III. General Information [GENI]
      ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

      I'm sure 99% of the readers could skip right over this section if you have even
      just tried the sniper class, feel free to do so.

      To start with, snipers spawn with one of four rifles. USMC snipers start with
      the M24, a bolt operated sniper rifle. MEC snipers start with the SVD Dragunov,
      a semi-automatic rifle. Chinese snipers start with the Type-88, another
      semi-automatic rifle. The unlockable rifle is the M95 Barret, a bolt action

      The sniper also spawns with a knife, a silenced pistol, hand grenades, and
      claymore mines.

      Finally, the sniper spawns with a ghile suit, a body covering designed to
      break up your outline and give the prone sniper the appearance of the local
      flora. The ghile suit is always on by default.

      The sniper doesn't have any body armor, this means you will take more damage
      from small arms fire but you will have increased sprint duration. This isn't
      as bad as it sounds, the medic, engineer, and special ops also don't have body

      Snipers die from two shots from the M24 or M95 and from three shots of the
      Type-88 and Dragunov. As always, a headshot is instant death.

      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      Iv. General Tactics [GENT]
      Section A - How to remain undetected [HTRU]

      Appearance [APPA]
      Concealment [COCM]
      Location [LOCA]

      Section B - How stealth is Broken [HSIB]
      Section c - How to use secondary weapons [HUSW]
      Section D - What snipers do besides shooting everyone they see [WSBS]
      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

      Don't let the name fool you; this section is more important than the
      rifle-specific tactics. Here we go over stealth tactics along with some odds
      and ends.

      Section A - How to remain undetected [HTRU]

      The ability to remain undetected is the sniper's most valuable asset. A sniper
      achieves invisibility by keeping aware of the land around him. A sniper has
      more roles than just shooting people from far away, he can recon effectively
      and capture flags, but all require that he remains hidden. The three factors
      in achieving stealth are appearance, concealment, and location.

      Appearance [APPA]

      Your options for changing your appearance are limited. In BF2 you always have a
      ghile suit on with your face painted, the most you can do to change your
      appearance is to change what weapon is in your hand. Sometimes when under
      close scrutiny I feel more secure switching to my pistol to reduce the
      silhouette of my weapon, but I don't know if it honestly makes that much

      Concealment [COCM]

      The second way to remain unseen is by keeping track of your concealment.
      Concealment isn't a cut and dry answer; you will want to vary how much you
      conceal yourself depending on the situation. The basic element of concealment
      is breaking up your silhouette; in layman's terms, you use your surroundings
      to try and make yourself look like anything BUT a sniper.

      Concealment comes in a few forms, trees, buildings, walls, and earth offer
      total concealment, an enemy on the other side of them can't see you at all,
      however, you can't see him either. If you can't see him then you can't shoot
      him and you can't report his location to teammates, either way you aren't
      doing your job.

      Concealment also comes from grass, bushes, and other assorted plants.
      Concealment is a balancing act between risk and reward. Short grass is not
      useful for concealment; it's too short and will not mask your silhouette.
      Medium and tall grass can offer excellent concealment. The ghile suit of BF2
      snipers seems to be made to look like grass and as such I feel deep grass is
      possibly the best concealment you can find. I try to find dark green grass
      that's at least as high as my avatar, if not higher. The maps between the
      Chinese and the USMC are perfect for this. In battles between the MEC and the
      USMC grass tends to be of a lighter complexion and less suited to good cover.
      If you were to rate grass desirability on color alone I would say first dark
      green, then shady dry grass, followed by light green and lastly very light
      green or dry grass in direct sunlight. It's also important to note that most
      patches of grass have a few little spurts of some kind of plant, it might just
      be two or three stalks but positioning yourself under these can go a long way
      towards breaking up your silhouette and making yourself that much more

      Grass has two problems though, first, there has to be enough of it to cover you
      effectively. The grass in BF2 is rendered by using flat grass sprites and
      making a honeycomb of sprites. If I'm on the edge of a patch of tall grass I
      try to leave at least two to four "layers" of grass in-between me and the
      direction I expect the enemy in. Some places grass is denser and you don't
      need as much to effectively break up your silhouette, other places grass is
      sparse and you need more to achieve effective concealment. The second problem
      comes from how the grass is rendered with the flat sprites; from the air grass
      begins to look like a mess of interconnected lines as opposed to grass. Imagine
      trying to hide behind a big piece of poster board. You would logically hide
      behind the broad side of the poster board because it's actually big enough to
      conceal a person. When a person views you from the air it's like you were
      hiding behind your poster board but suddenly someone turned it a quarter turn
      so they view it down the length instead of looking at its broad side, needless
      to say, a sniper covered by grass is naked against a helicopter. It's also
      useful to note that if you are on a hill that is steep enough you can fall
      prey to the same effect that makes you visible to helicopters.

      The other good types of concealment are the assorted bushes that dot BF2's
      maps. These can be good or bad to hide under depending on the situation. Some
      are big and leafy and rendered in 3D while others are a mess of 2D sprites
      thrown together. It's my experience that the 2D bushes are much better cover
      in most situations. A 3D bush can work well if it's surrounded by tall grass
      but a 2D bush surrounded by medium or tall grass can be more effective. 2D
      bushes tend to be more erratic and fit better with your grassy ghile suit. The
      biggest advantage to being under a bush or keeping one near you is that they
      are 3D objects and so they provide excellent concealment from the air and are
      often enough to keep you safe from attack helicopters and Blackhawks.

      Here are some tips for hiding in bushes. It can be a bad idea to sit directly
      underneath the bush for two reasons. You can help break up your silhouette by
      staggering the levels the enemy sees. There will be your level, the grass level
      (there is grass, right?) and the level of the bush. This helps remove the
      tendency of the eye to linger on things that stick out. If your bush is just a
      little less of a landmark than the bush next to it then you have a better
      chance for staying hidden. Secondly, everyone always shoots directly at the
      bush as opposed to raking it; this means that if you aren't directly in the
      bush you stand a better chance at survival. This is especially true of weapons
      like the tank machine gun that have laser-like accuracy. If there is good grass
      around it can be very effective to sit between two bushes that are close
      together, the enemy will tend to look at the bushes when he glances your way
      and hopefully won't notice you.

      Trees offer useful concealment from the air, but don't rely on them to cover
      you without grass around too.

      Location [LOCA]

      Location, location, location. It's true for snipers too. Where you position
      yourself is just as vital as how much you conceal yourself. You want to
      position yourself according to two factors, how noticeable your silhouette is
      and where the enemy is likely to look.

      The first seems easy enough but so many rookie snipers don't practice it. Some
      ground rules for practicing good silhouette management.

      The basic idea of silhouette is you want whatever is behind you to be roughly
      the same color as you and the concealment you're in.

      Never, never ever put yourself on a hilltop for any reason. Many people think
      they'll be safe if they go prone on the crest of a hill and inch up high enough
      so just their head and their gun poke out. Their thinking is that if I reduce
      the amount of my body showing to the enemy, I will be much safer. It's easy
      to come to this conclusion because every other class is better off taking cover
      like this. However, you are a sniper, and you have that fancy ghile suit for a
      reason. I'm sure you have heard the expression "hiding in plain sight". The
      enemy is much more likely to scan horizons and the crests of hills as opposed
      to the front of the hill or the ground in front of it. This, coupled by the
      fact that you look like grass makes these locations much better than the crest
      of a hill. The only exception to the no-crest rule is when whatever is behind
      the crest is the exact same as what's in front of it. As illustrated below.

      In that exception when I say the same I mean the same, if the front face has
      dark green grass and the back face has light green grass then it's a no-go.
      The reason for that and for the whole practice of silhouette management is
      because the human eye tends to gravitate to contrast. It's no secret, but not
      many people think about it. You can try it too, if you happen to live in a
      suburban or rural area, just glance across a field and notice where your eyes
      tend to go. I'd bet good money that they are going to almost always follow the
      horizon or other landmarks, perhaps a line of trees or a stream. This is why I
      suggest just a grassy field as the best cover you can find.

      Let's go over places that are hazardous to snipers seeking concealment:

      The tops of hills, especially when the sky or the ocean is behind you.

      The tops of buildings, I know that's what you see in movies but building tops
      are generally bad places to hide both because of the contrast rule (you'll
      almost always be viewed against the sky or another part of the building and
      most buildings tall enough to be useful tend to be tan or some other not-sniper
      colored color) and because that's where people expect snipers to be. People
      think that snipers always prefer these high spots with big fields of fire so
      they can cover more but that's a fallacy. You ought to be able to cover most
      things adequately from ground level and you will never be able to cover a huge
      area by yourself anyway and it's much easier to hit people with a rifle at
      ground level also.

      Beaches, there is usually some grass on beaches but if the ground below the
      grass is the yellow it can make you stick out to someone nearby.

      Right around the corners of buildings and other spots all the other classes
      use for cover are bad because you are wasting that wonderful ghile suit,
      there's no reason you need to hide where they do. Especially if you are in a
      squad combat situation and defending a flag. Attackers are automatically going
      to come in and cover corners, checking building corners, stacks of crates,
      wreckage, ect. Generally the enemy expects a person to be places that protects
      him from enemy fire, not out in the open. Thus, they look out in the open last.
      Find a grassy place in the open. This gives you the edge you need to dispatch a
      few of them. They probably won't even notice you until all your squad members
      are gone and they get it in their heads there's a sniper they need to look for.
      Your squad mates make much more tempting targets because they are easier to
      notice and even if they do notice you most people consider a sniper at close
      range to be pretty defenseless (Then you can surprise them, more on that

      Lone landmarks that can be used as concealment are bad also. There is a Monty
      Python skit where they demonstrate good hiding skills. The gag is they show you
      shots of wide open fields with a single bush and ask you where someone could
      possibly hide in this picture. Then they blow up the bush and you hear someone
      scream. Well, the same idea applies to BF2, if someone is taking sniper fire
      and all they see in that direction is a single bush, where do you think they're
      going to look first?

      Follow these tips and I promise you won't be let down. I don't know about you
      but I have literally walked over an enemy sniper with good concealment. I hear
      the tinny discharge of a silenced pistol and spin around to see a sniper not
      five feet in front of me before he finishes me off. You may think that it can't
      be that hard to see a sniper sitting in front of you but you would be
      surprised,especially in levels like Kubra Dam with lots of different
      elevations to watch it's hard to keep a close eye on the ground in front of

      Section B - How stealth is broken [HSIB]

      There are a few ways people with good concealment give themselves away:

      When your rifle is fired there is a muzzle flash. You might not think that this
      is a huge deal but it makes it all the easier for the enemy to spot you. This
      is compounded by how snipers like to hide in darker places like the shadow of a
      building. The darker the location you are in the easier it is to see the
      muzzle flash. If you are using the Dragunov or Type-88 and let loose a volley
      of two or three bullets it's easy for an observer to pinpoint your position by
      the sound and muzzle flash alone. Imagine trying to see the flame from a
      cigarette lighter on a bright day as someone lights their cigarette 20 feet
      away. However, think how easy it is to see even a small flame in a dark room
      at that distance. I have experimented with trying to hide in lighter colored
      grasses so as to make myself marginally more visible to observation but to
      mask the muzzle flash against the light background, so far I haven't had much
      success but give it a go yourself and tell me how it works.

      When you fire your rifle there is also a loud report from the rifle. People
      with any kind of decent sound system can at least get an idea from where you're
      shooting while people who have a full blown surround sound system can get a
      pretty good idea. With the semi-automatic rifles I try to limit myself to three
      to five quick shots fired in under about two seconds. With the bolt action
      rifles I make it a rule not to fire more than two shots in a row. Your enemy
      will have an idea of where you are but probably not a good one. After you fire
      just a few shots you should always move to a new location, especially if there
      are many people in the area. You don't have to move terribly far, but I
      wouldn't try more than a couple of volleys every twenty or thirty seconds.

      Don't fire the first shot at people facing you. If you fire at someone's back
      you are more likely to make them dive for cover or spin around wildly. Either
      way they aren't going to notice you. Don't fire at a guy popping out from
      behind cover looking for you, though you might kill him you'll probably give
      away your position and he's probably closer to a respawn than you are and he'll
      come looking for vengeance.

      Don't throw grenades; first off, you shouldn't be that close, secondly their
      long arcing trajectory makes it easy for anyone who sees it in the air get a
      darn good idea of where you are.

      Don't move an inch if you are under close observation. The human eye is made so
      it notices movement. If someone is looking straight at you the smallest
      movement could give you away, even while crawling.

      As much fun as it is, try not to kill the same guy too many times. You'll
      likely make the guy into a full time sniper hunter. Plus, snipers tend to ruin
      people's games. You want to win the match but you don't necessarily want to
      frustrate them into quitting or not enjoying the game. It's everyone's
      responsibility to foster a fun and enjoyable gaming community.

      If you find an enemy sniper unaware to your presence you should resist the urge
      to knife him. As much fun as it is you should use a silenced pistol or a
      grenade to do him in so as to eliminate any idea from where it came from.

      Teammates have a habit of pointing you out to the enemy. Medics run up and drop
      med kits and other attacking classes just tend to group together. Don't get
      upset at them, but don't be afraid to tell them to bugger off. They think that
      if you're sitting out there in the field there must be a good reason so they
      figure they'll be safe out there too. If they do get you killed politely
      explain over the chat that you enjoy a level of freedom that they don't, and to
      bugger off next time.

      It is possible that you just may have found a terrific sniper position, in
      which case feel free to open up a little more often. There have been a few
      times where for whatever reason they just couldn't pinpoint me and I pretty
      much fired as often as I had a clear shot, breaking most of the tips I just
      gave you. I have had times when a squad of guys with tank support and the
      commander's support (he called artillery on me so I assume they had a UAV too)
      and they ended up calling a Blackhawk to come out and find me.

      Section C - How to use secondary weapons [HUSW]

      Here we cover the weapons that aren't your sniper rifle. They are the knife,
      silenced pistol, grenade, and claymore.

      To begin, your knife is a useful weapon in some situations but hypothetically
      you don't really want to be in those situations in the first place. The knife
      does its job well as a last-ditch weapon however. In most first person shooters
      the melee weapon usually takes two or more hits to kill, making it nearly
      useless. However, in BF2 the knife is an instant kill so if you can land a hit
      you just might save yourself. The knife can also be useful in a combat
      situation where there are many people from both sides fighting, hide yourself
      well and they'll probably get right next to you without noticing, then its
      curtains for them. It can pay off to practice with the knife a bit, your
      primary weapon isn't any good at extremely close range and the pistol will
      usually run out of bullets pretty quickly in any kind of prolonged situation
      so the sniper probably pulls out his knife a bit more often than other classes.

      The next weapon is the silenced pistol. This weapon has a number of uses for
      the sniper primarily because it's the stealthiest weapon in the game. However,
      it's also got very very poor stopping power and a small small clip so it's
      somewhat situational. When you can get the jump on a guy and take a second to a
      im you can usually take him down purely with the pistol. I usually take most of
      the clip to kill an opponent, always reload it even if you got lucky and only
      need half or a fourth of the clip to take someone down.

      The good news is that it's totally silent from anything but a few feet away.
      You can hunker down in a nice patch of grass and pick a guy off, if you have
      good aim he probably won't even realize where you are until most of his health
      is gone. This can be a good tactic to use on the last guy at the back of the
      squad; sometimes the rest of his mates won't even realize he's gone. The pistol
      is also a good weapon to clean up with, the bolt-action rifles will demolish
      most of an enemy's health no matter where you hit him so it will only be a shot
      or two from a pistol to take him down, this tactic is useful in 1 on 1 sniper
      battles where your opponent has a semi-automatic. It's terribly inaccurate but
      I have used it to pick off people from long range after I have hit them with
      the M24 or M95, just be patient with the bad aim and make sure they don't have
      cover to get behind. All in all I wouldn't take it into a stand up fight with
      any of the classes with body armor (assault, supply, and anti-tank). I haven't
      tested it to see exactly how many shots you need on someone with body armor,
      but I have noticed I succeed significantly less of the time.

      The hand grenade is pretty basic. Not many applications for the sniper except
      it can be useful to lob over cover in a close range sniper duel. Otherwise
      reserve it's use for combat situations and use it like anyone else would.

      The claymore is the last of the sniper's special weapons. Many people use it to
      cover ladders up to roofs, but like we talked about earlier you want to try to
      avoid being on the tops of roofs anyways. I try not to just distribute them
      around flags and the capture points mainly because there is always going to be
      some fool on your team who isn't paying attention and walks into the mine and
      then punishes you for it. I have found a few uses for them however. First, you
      can toss them in the path of a FAV you spot coming down the road. They explode
      and while they don't do major damage to the vehicle you can seriously hurt the
      passengers. It's also possible to set up ambushes along roads if you think your
      team is competent enough not to drive into it. If you get lucky and the
      claymore takes out the driver the gunners are going to take a second to figure
      out what just happened which is a perfect opportunity to take them out. I have
      also found use for them when I'm deep behind enemy lines. For instance, when
      sniping the airfield you are inevitably going to be found out by someone. When
      that happens drop one or both of your claymores generally where you were and
      high tail it out of there. By the time they get to where you were you could
      plausibly be pretty far away, if they trip your mine and take a dirt nap you
      should have a good window to find another good position to snipe from before
      they respawn and come looking. The last situation I have found it useful is
      when you round a corner and get surprised by one or more enemies you can go
      to pistol quickly and snap off a few shots to get them to take cover. You run
      around a corner and drop a claymore or two in their direction. They realize you
      were just a pathetic little sniper who can't defend himself at close range and
      chase you around the corner, thus getting a faceful of death.

      Section D - What snipers do aside from shooting everyone they see [WSBS]

      If you are such a soul that you find the greater good of the team better than
      racking up kills you can be an invaluable resource to your team in the form of
      a scout.

      The best scouts are strictly not aggressive; never give away your position
      unless it's necessary to defend yourself. The possible exception I give to
      this rule is when you see an enemy squad leader attacking one of your
      positions. Take note of your force disposition and see what's attacking it,
      if you think your team can beat back the offensive then I would let the guy go.

      So what makes a good scout? The only way to serve your entire team is on more
      linear maps. Good examples would be the Chinese maps that are laid out in a
      valley. When spotting for the entire team you want a good vantage point of the
      entire front, primarily you want to spot enemy armor, other snipers, and enemy
      troops heading towards an undefended flag.

      The other alternative is attaching yourself to a squad. The first type of squad
      based spotting I have found to be useful is attaching yourself to a squad
      assigned to defense. Find a nice position overlooking the flag(s) you're
      defending and call out any threats. If the map is more linear you're probably
      free to open up on incoming troops as the enemy snipers tend to be behind the
      front. Watch out if a point has changed hands a lot of times, it gives opposing
      snipers ample opportunity to get into position. A lot of the MEC maps tend to
      be awfully convoluted and they make for a much more 360 degree threat

      The second squad role you can play is infiltrator defense. Attach yourself to
      a squad with a dedicated attack helicopter pilot or with a few guys who are
      set up to run interference, sit behind the front lines and call out anyone
      foolish enough to make an end-run. You can take them out if they stop within
      range, but if they don't let them go and leave it up to your squad. This might
      sound like a tedious job but I'm sure you've been in a position where your
      team's defense crumbled after having to divert resources to meet an attack from
      the rear. This position ranks up with one of the most underplayed and
      underappreciated but you'll come through for your team.

      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
      V. SVD Dragunov/Type-88 Rifle Tactics [SV88]
      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

      The SVD Dragunov and the Type-88 rifle is mostly the same rifle. People argue
      over which one is minutely better at short/medium/long range. My personal
      feeling is that they pretty much perform the same. As far as I'm going to go
      is that the M24 and the M95 are clearly better for the long range sniper. At
      any rate, I'm going to concentrate on the characteristic that sets these two
      apart from the other two rifles. They're semi-automatic. For those of you not
      in the know, semi-automatic means that it chambers the round automatically as
      opposed to you pulling out your powder horn and manually chambering a new

      It is this author's humble opinion that these rifles should not be used as
      sniper weapons if the target in question is smaller than roughly an inch tall
      when viewed through your sniper scope. If you can achieve good accuracy with
      it at longer ranges then kudos to you, write in and tell me how you do it
      without using a whole clip on one person. This means that while you aren't
      going to go sit out in the middle of nowhere and rack up 800m kills all day,
      you make an excellent squad support gunner.

      If you insist on the traditional sniper's role of firing from an undetected
      position I would give you these recommendations:

      Get close enough that you can hit 9 out of 10 times.

      When you are ready to fire snap off three quick rounds, if you didn't take out
      the guy then don't get greedy. Bide your time for at least fifteen seconds
      before firing again. This is to prevent your acquisition by the gun's report or
      by an observant grunt that spins around and sees your muzzle flash. The not
      firing under observation rule applies doubly now. With a long range rifle
      chances are someone will have to be looking for you through a scope to see the
      flash well at all but it's easy for the unaided eye to spot you from the ranges
      you're operating at.

      The above rule doesn't count if it's only two or three lone guys and you're
      relatively sure you're not under sniper observation.

      When attacking squads, take out medics first, squad leaders, then other

      If someone is running for an open vehicle (transport chopper pilots if you have
      a line of sight into the cockpit, or wait for gunners to come up, also note it
      won't work through glass with this rifle) wait until he gets in. Then you have
      a pretty good idea of where his head's going to be, if you don't get a headshot
      right off then you can probably get in another shot or two. It can also be
      funny to see a guy plough over a teammate when he gets spooked in an FAV. (I
      have seen people wait for these opportunities in fact, try it out if you're
      sadistic enough.)

      If you sight a big squad coming down the road, lay an ambush and mop up the
      lucky folks that didn't hit by your claymores. I find the best mine placement
      is one on the road that's sure to go off, then one near cover or trees the
      squad is likely to jump behind. If it's a squad with FAV backup, two claymores
      are enough to kill most if not everyone in the vehicle, try placing them on
      either side of the road looking in so they go off at the same time (don't blow
      yourself up).

      Anyways, if you want to be adventurous and slough off that sniper role I
      recommend close squad support. You do great in the role of close range combat
      because you can get off three quick shots in the time it takes full auto to
      fire 4-6 bullets or one burst from an M16. However, your three shots can easily
      all hit, where theirs usually don't or at least won't kill in three shots.
      From close range it's easy to get headshots too. It's not hard to become
      proficient to that level from close range. If you aim at lower to mid-torsos
      the second shot should land on the upper torso from the recoil. If you don't
      think the third would land then wait a split-second before loosing your third

      The first thing you want to do is find a squad that's working together. Snipers
      don’t' do well in partial squads or squads that kind of come together when the
      leader calls for an attack, it should be a close squad that travels together
      and fights alongside each other.

      It should be noted that the no-rooftops rule is still a good idea here, but can
      be broken, mainly because the best spots for close squad support snipers are
      the MEC cities/towns with lots of corners and the best fire position may not be
      street level with the squad.

      It's interesting to note that the SVD Dragunov was not actually designed for
      the long range sniper application. It was created to add significant long range
      fire potential for the standard infantry squad. Since it and the Type-88
      behave nearly the same in BF2 they both work perfectly as infantry support.

      There are a few situations that you'll find yourself in; attacking down a
      street, attacking around a corner, attacking over open terrain, defending
      down a street, defending around a corner, and defending over open terrain.

      When attacking down a street you should typically be to the rear of the
      formation because your gun will be marginally less effective where an a
      non-sniper usually has to use iron sights and is probably more effective the
      closer they are due to features like full auto. At any rate, the only class
      without body armor that might want to hang back would be anti-tank, but a lot
      of them have the DAO-12 shotgun so many anti-tank want to be right up there in
      the thick of it. You should try to take a position in any concealment you can
      find no matter how little it can be; in the heat of a firefight just a little
      might be all you need. You don't have any useful abilities in this situation
      so the best idea is to try and take out people who are prone first, anyone
      who is standing or crouching are much easier targets for your squad mates. If
      you are behind enemy lines and vulnerable to attack from the rear or flanks
      you may consider laying a claymore mine to cover your tracks. Even if more
      than one man may be moving to intercept you stand a good chance of rattling
      them and forcing them to slow down as they check for mines. If you have a
      second sniper in the squad nothing freaks out a squad more than running into
      three claymore mines. You have a good chance of taking out the squad leader if
      you remove three guys in a squad and nothing freaks them out more, seeing as
      everyone only expects to see two.

      If you are attacking around a corner you should pretty much act like you would
      if you were attacking down a street. Try activating your scope and crouching or
      crawling around the corner and taking them down as they come into view. At any
      rate, don't go around the corner unless your teammates are already engaged. I
      think the sniper kind of sticks out when he's standing up as an easy target.
      Alternatively, if the corner has thick grass growing around it you can
      volunteer to crawl around the corner and scope out the situation. If there are
      many people, tell your squad mates to rush and open fire, if just a few guys
      you can open up on them yourself and your squad mates can follow up.

      If you are attacking across open terrain you are probably your squad's most
      valuable asset. Especially if you are engaging at medium range you should be
      able to take out a few enemies at least. With all your squad mate’s rapid
      firing you should be able to dodge most of the heat thrown at you, leaving you
      free to make good shots. Find a patch of grass if you can, go prone and open
      up. This kind of assault is dangerous though, so be aware if your squaddies
      start to rout.

      Defending in either of those situations is the same as attacking except for
      one difference. If you are falling back as you go feel free to drop a mine or
      two to break up the enemy advance. Just be sure to notify your squad if the
      battle turns and you run back towards unexploded mines. You might even martyr
      yourself on one so your squad doesn't have to circumvent them. It's important
      to note that defending over open terrain makes it easy to spot the squad
      leader. If there is one, take him out.

      It's important not to underestimate these rifles at point blank range. If the
      man in your scope takes up your entire scope you should just center him and
      let off three as fast as you can. One time I engaged eight enemy soldiers
      successfully (one squad, two respawns) with a little bit of cover for myself
      because they came around a corner in file and they were so close to me I took
      three down easy, ducked, reloaded, took the next three down, reloaded and
      finished them off.

      You can also use either of these rifles at point blank from the hip. If you get
      jumped but your clip is full it's very possible you can get a guy just by
      firing all ten of your rounds as fast as you can. If you are literally right
      next to the guy then it's probably more effective than your pistol. (Of course,
      you have ten fewer headshots you can make, but oh well)

      &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
      VI. M24 Rifle Tactics [M24T]
      &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

      The M24 is the exact opposite of the first to rifles I covered. The M24 is
      bolt-action and the clip holds six rounds. Two rounds are enough to kill people
      usually and are accurate at most any range.

      I know I said I wouldn't tell you how to aim, but I'll add a few things here.
      First, you need to lead a moving target, I don't know if BF2 has travel time or
      not, but you surely need to lead it a bit for lag. I don't think there is any
      bullet drop, but there might be. It's one of those things I'm not sure about
      yet. It's near impossible to hit vehicle drivers unless they are moving
      straight to or away from you.

      If you want to be really adventurous you can try to do close squad support, but
      I wouldn't suggest it. The only things you have in really close range are your
      pistol and your claymores, both of which aren't great barring certain
      situations. I would recommend shooting people who are being shot at by your
      teammates; your bullets will nearly kill a man without body armor so if your
      teammates soften a soldier up just a bit you can take him down easy. If you do
      shoot a guy and he doesn't die I would suggest just leaving him for your
      teammates to finish off, a stray bullet could probably take him down. If you do
      want to take the same guy out, it's probably just as fast to pull out your
      pistol as it is to chamber a new round. With the pistol you have a second shot
      ready if you miss the first time.

      Seriously, the most use I have had in a squad with this gun was my grenades and

      Anyways, this gun is the best long range killing weapon short of an artillery

      I find the best way to use this is to find a nice shady area and just run your
      bullets dry. Try to find a hotspot so you don't have to move around a lot to
      find targets. If you can, set yourself up so you have good shots down bridges
      or the like, in addition to being a lethal kill zone you have nice shots at FAV
      drivers, works the same for rivers and boat drivers.

      In fact, this is the perfect weapon for attacking or defending across some kind
      of natural barrier like a chasm or a river. Be sure to take their snipers out
      first, followed by medics (unless the medics are helping the snipers). Squad
      leaders are always a priority, you know this stuff already.

      I do have to say this is my favorite weapon for sniping an airfield. Although I
      have found that while doing so this sniper is prone to artillery strikes as
      he's a bit more prone to staying still and lining up shots, and is less mobile
      than his semi-automatic counterparts.

      There's not a whole lot about using this gun I can tell you past staying
      hidden, which we already covered in detail.

      Suggestions for this section are more than welcome.

      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      VII. M95 Rifle Tactics [M95T]
      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      The M95 is the unlockable rifle. It is also a bolt action rifle. Purportedly it
      does the same amount of damage as the M24 except it works better against
      enemies with body armor and it also goes through windshields on the strong
      FAVs, helicopters, and aircraft; the latter is true, while the thing about body
      armor may or may not be.

      It would be great if they scaled this gun up to what it's like in real life,
      pretty much anything would be a one hit kill with this gun, in reality this has
      the capability of shooting through an engine block, so some measly wad of flesh
      and bone wouldn't be much of a challenge.

      There is debate about which of the M24 and M95 is better at medium or long
      range, personally I think they are again the same gun, with the M95 gussied up
      a bit. I don't have the gun unlocked though, so I only have some experiences
      with it after I nabbed it off some guy's corpse.

      I use this gun the same as the M24, except I'm more prone to waiting around
      spawn points on maps with lots of transport choppers. The helicopters come in
      and just hover in mid-air for a few seconds... a perfect opportunity for a
      shot. I haven't actually shot down a helicopter yet because once the pilot
      realizes what's happening he usually pivots like mad and runs away. I have
      had a couple of guys fly into trees before, which was pretty entertaining.

      Otherwise, I can't offer any advice, again, contributions welcome.

      (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
      VIII. Tag Team Sniping [TTSN]
      (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

      What's more fun than one sniper? You guessed it! Two snipers!

      Seriously, I have had great fun sniping with people who have I have cooperated
      with. It yields great results and many kills for the both of you.

      The most rudimentary form of tag team sniping is two snipers, set up to
      overlook the same positions (don't get too close to each other though),
      cooperating and shooting the same person. Easy huh? Over the voice comm it goes
      exactly like, "Okay, let's get the guy on the right."


      "Three, two, one, shoot."

      This is especially useful with the M24 as it's then an instant kill; it still
      works fine with the Dragunov and the Type-88. Those have the added ability that
      each sniper fires twice so if one of them misses once, it's not a problem.

      There are many more advanced things you can try. Suppose you have two guys
      waiting for a plane, try to take both of them down at once and really screw
      with them. If you coordinate each shot so you fire at the same time it royally
      confuses the targets by masking where the sound. I'm not sure what it sounds
      like from the victim's perspective, but I imagine the sounds blend together
      and give the target a false idea of where the shot is coming from.

      Another simple variation is to have one sniper aiming into an aircraft hangar.
      The second sniper shoots and flushes him into supposed safety, only to get cut
      down moments later. This eliminates the need to get down on ground level to
      shoot underneath the hangar at people's feet.

      It's also easy to set up ambushes, particularly if you have the semi-auto
      rifles, just set up claymores and just open up when they trip them, sounds
      simple enough but you make much quicker work of your targets.

      Other variations that have been successful are a sniper watching another
      sniper. The rear sniper is preferably behind friendly lines, and watches the
      other sniper for threats. If someone makes a move on the exposed forward sniper
      the rear one gives him a nasty surprise.

      Another one, but a bit more boring, is one sniper spots targets and doesn't
      fire at all. When the other sniper is rooted out and killed the second one
      starts shooting. When the first sniper gets back he spots for the second sniper
      until the second sniper dies, repeat. This way you can keep the enemy under
      constant sniper fire. It has a terrible effect on morale and can even keep
      people from spawning at certain points.

      I have yet to try this one, but I imagine two snipers with M95s could instantly
      take out a pilot. You could camp the airfield and just shoot whoever jumps into
      a plane or helicopter, effectively grounding their force for as long as you
      were operating. The only problem I could see with this one is if the damage
      through the windshield isn't as much as it is normally.

      Experiment and send your successful tactics in.

      )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      IX. Snipers as Squad Leader [SSLE]
      )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      I have found snipers can make effective squad leaders by supporting their
      assault troops and staying out of the way. They serve as an effective mobile
      spawn point while still providing fire but staying a distance away from the
      bulk of the fighting.

      Being removed from the immediate battle makes sniper squad leaders able to
      request good artillery strikes.

      Just be careful your spawning squad mates don't give away your position.

      Otherwise, follow the tactics according to your rifle.

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      X. What's New [WHNE]
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      This section will have copies of all the information added after v1.0 so if
      you come back after a version update you can find anything new here as opposed
      to having to look for it in document proper.


      • #4
        Re: How many sniper kills IAR

        I guess it's something like 35-38. I'm pretty good with stationary targets even from long distance but I totally suck with moving targets.


        • #5
          Re: How many sniper kills IAR

          If you get a load of sniper rifle kills in a row, you're doing some serious camping, carrier or small base. The sniper kit works best at medium range where you can use the pistol (or nade spam if you don't know how to use the pistol).


          • #6
            Re: How many sniper kills IAR

            23 with one life and no explosive(grenade or clay) kills; only a personal best, not my usual, though that'd be nice =P


            • #7
              Re: How many sniper kills IAR

              38 kills, 2 deaths. Freak night of playing Karkand 64 player, sat on the roof of the small building right by the Hotel capture point, sniped guys off the hill. Anyone that came down the alley, or up my ladder, got a pistol to the head, no claymores/nades!


              • #8
                Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                I can average about 20ish kills with the sniper rifle in a round. Seem to get more kills IAR then running/gunning as a medic, where I have to stop and attend responsibilites of revives.


                • #9
                  Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                  go on 64 player server on 16 player map, i got 200 sniper pts in 10 min just pwning frm crane, unlimited targets


                  • #10
                    Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                    mayb around 25ish kills with sniper rilfe


                    • #11
                      Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                      Originally posted by deadman2312
                      38 kills, 2 deaths. Freak night of playing Karkand 64 player, sat on the roof of the small building right by the Hotel capture point, sniped guys off the hill. Anyone that came down the alley, or up my ladder, got a pistol to the head, no claymores/nades!
                      Nice!! I've done that too and its quite the feeling.


                      • #12
                        Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                        About 20. Was getting my silver badge on Sharqi, in the days before the fire-and-forget claymores, so it was all rifle work.

                        You know how it is, sometimes you can't hit a guy in the head, other times you can't miss. That night, I couldn't miss.


                        • #13
                          Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                          Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
                          how many snipers kills have u gotten IAR with just the sniper rifle and with other items of destruction like armour claymores and other things. and any one wanna give me some expert sniper tips
                          I have the veteran sniper badge, but I don't have the expert, so I guess between 20 and 40.


                          • #14
                            Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                            i got a 50-21 k/d ratio with ONLY sniper rifle, no pistol nades or claymore


                            • #15
                              Re: How many sniper kills IAR

                              got 35 kills today on wake. headshot, clay, killed, clay, respawn

