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Trying to Love the MG36

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  • Trying to Love the MG36

    Don't misunderstand me... I think the MG36 is a great gun and I use it alot. The problem is firepower as opposed to the PKM. I like to use the MG36 because its much quieter, shoots really fast and looks cool. It just has trouble putting people away. My opponents always seem to get to cover before I can finish them off, But when I switch back to the PKM they drop like flys.

    It would be the gun of choice if it had more stopping power, even an increase from 30 to 32 would make a big difference, 34 would be optimal. Either that or make it more accurate, in keeping with the other 'G36' guns. What's the deal with the 3 shot burst... Why wouldn't I use the g36E for that (more power and way, way more accurate).

  • #2
    Re: Trying to Love the MG36

    Agreed. MG36 takes just a little too long to drop people compared to the PKM. I keep trying to use it, but then I go back to the PKM.

    That, and maybe I'm hallucinating here, but it seems that the PKM is able to do a lot more damage to vehicles than the MG36. I've taken out Vodniks and smoking helos with the PKM, but I've almost never killed a vehicle with the MG36.


    • #3
      Re: Trying to Love the MG36

      MG36 is superior to the PKM in my opinion. Ok sure the PKM does more damage, but so what, it has a lower rate of fire. The MG36 does SLIGHTLY less damage, yet fires faster. I would rather put out a faster accurate rate of fire, with good damage, than a slower, less accurate rate of fire with for great damage. That tiny margine means life or death in BF2.


      • #4
        Re: Trying to Love the MG36

        I was curious about the MG36 so I unlocked it. I'll admit it's a fun toy. I'd agree with YankeeDogVT about more kills with the PKM though.

        The ole PKM vs MG36 debate will probably always go on. My view is that they both have about the same accuracy, so why would I choose a gun that needs 4 hits over one that only needs 3?

        If they bump the MG36 sometime in the future I'll start using it more, right now the PKM is just a better weapon.


        • #5
          Re: Trying to Love the MG36

          Originally posted by deadman2312
          MG36 is superior to the PKM in my opinion. Ok sure the PKM does more damage, but so what, it has a lower rate of fire. The MG36 does SLIGHTLY less damage, yet fires faster. I would rather put out a faster accurate rate of fire, with good damage, than a slower, less accurate rate of fire with for great damage. That tiny margine means life or death in BF2.
          Slightly less damage??? 45 to 30 is a 50% difference. If it were only slightly less damage, I use it all the time.


          • #6
            Re: Trying to Love the MG36

            You've just proven that the PKM takes one less shot than the MG36. I would say that's slightly. And besides, aim for the head. One shot kill, don't aim for the chest thinking "Oh it's easier to hit." With a large clip and short, accurate bursts of fire on the MG36, I'd aim for the head.


            • #7
              Re: Trying to Love the MG36

              PKM= Pwning Killing Machine
              MG36= bad gun.

              But I hope they will make it stronger in the new patch.


              • #8
                Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                Personally I like the MG36. It's a fantastic weapon. As Repstock said, 1 less bullet, but higher ROF.

                I haven't used the PKM in ages. However in the rare occasion I play rural maps, then I haul out the PKM. I like the Mg36 up close and personal.



                • #9
                  Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                  I prefer the MG36 over all of the support weapons anytime. I love it. It's like a G36E with 100 bullets.


                  • #10
                    Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                    MG36 is a damn fine gun, and it's handy being able to set it to burst fire mode for the really long shots.


                    • #11
                      Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                      let me break it down for you guys. What does it mean if you have to fire one more bullet?

                      Remember, support gun is inaccurate. Due to the slower ROF of PKM, it's actually more accurate than MG36 after x amount of time of sustained fire.

                      However MG36 is great for short range rush style play, nothing else.


                      • #12
                        Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                        Who said anything about sustained fire? Way to overheat the gun anyway.

                        Controlled bursts FTW.

                        The accuracies might be off, but as I said, up close and personal = MG36


                        • #13
                          Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                          I just came back to support after dropping it a year ago because of the accuracy thing (and I did not want to be called a PKM whore). As a result, I started backup with Support and use the MG36. I will agree, you don't drop people as quick as the PKM, but just lays down the fire fast. It has a better cone then the PKM too.

                          It really comes down to a personal preference. They both are dangerous of the battlefield. I just know that when I encounter a PKM against my MG36, I tend to loose. But that could be because I am learning the Support kit too.


                          • #14
                            Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                            Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
                            let me break it down for you guys. What does it mean if you have to fire one more bullet?

                            Remember, support gun is inaccurate. Due to the slower ROF of PKM, it's actually more accurate than MG36 after x amount of time of sustained fire.
                            I had a bit of a debat with you in another thread about the MG36 (this was back when we had patch 1.12). Now back then i would of said honestly there was nothing between the weapons it was down to a matter of preference (and i personally prefered the MG36 i just liked it more). However the MG36 v the PKM in the 1.22 patch is completely different the PKM owns the crap out of the MG36 . Actually the MG36 is a peace of crap compared to the SAW and i dont rate the SAW except for being extremly close up. There also some kind of bug with the MG36 were you aim at a target right click and then youll be aiming lower than you were. Which is murder when the enemy has the high ground youll aim at them and you can see them then you right click and they disapear (happens with all weapons but happens more with the MG36 since the bug).

                            Please EA/Dice give the MG36 some TLC it realy needs it


                            • #15
                              Re: Trying to Love the MG36

                              Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
                              Remember, support gun is inaccurate. Due to the slower ROF of PKM, it's actually more accurate than MG36 after x amount of time of sustained fire.
                              The MG36 ramps up 1.0 inaccuracy per second, the PKM ramps 1.125. The ROF is slower, but it has more kick per shot.

                              The biggest difference between the two is just the reliability. By having a slow ROF, the PKM can win or lose confrontations based on sheer luck, where one missed shot gets you killed. The MG36 is more consistant.

                              There also some kind of bug with the MG36 were you aim at a target right click and then youll be aiming lower than you were.
                              I haven't seen this with other weapons, witht he MG36 the iron sights are in fact screwed up, and you'll be aiming about 3mm (on your screen that is) higher than the actual target.

