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Do medics annoy you?

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  • #16
    Re: Do medics annoy you?

    In the last couple months I have played Medic alot and yes, there are a lot of Medics who have an 'access the situation' problem when it comes to revives.There is a tendency to want to save everyone around you first and look around for bad guys later, but a good Medic will make a decision, based on the enviroment,that will hopefully be the right one.
    I basicly started playing the kit to be able to heal myself if I got shot up, but that changed the more I played. There is a sense of gratification in saving a team member (not to mention the ticket count) and getting a "Thanks, I owe you one" response.
    I would continue to play Medic regardless of the revive and heal points because of the ticket count , helping team, and saving myself also.

    So next time a Medic runs across a fire zone to get to you and revive, dont assume its for a couple of points, he might just care if you make it or not. Thats how I play it anyway.


    • #17
      Re: Do medics annoy you?

      Originally posted by motorboatJones
      You can't revive on certain situations like artillery kills or bomb drops. I assume because they are just too devastating. If you see people killed by those things don't waste your time trying to revive them.
      Thats BS. If you catch a person quick enough even after being killed like you describe, then you can still revive them. I've revived plenty of people killed by arty, bombs, or AT rockets.


      • #18
        Re: Do medics annoy you?

        Originally posted by D|sso
        uhh..where did you hear this? Not true. Medics can revive you nomatter what you screen you are on, and if you click the mouse to call out or not.
        You are correct, the screen doesn't matter; however, it is true that Medics cannot revive someone that suicides. Of course the downside is that suicides count for -2 points.

        Originally posted by Wreck
        Thats BS. If you catch a person quick enough even after being killed like you describe, then you can still revive them. I've revived plenty of people killed by arty, bombs, or AT rockets.
        Actually, it's not BS. Arty and bombs inflict a lot of damage. Whether the person is revivable or not and how long they are revivable depends on how close they were to the arty/bomb. Those on the edges of the bomb / arty strike are revivable much like they were shot. Those that are right next to a arty shell / bomb are unrevivable or revivable for a very short period of time before they disappear.


        • #19
          Re: Do medics annoy you?

          it all depends who is the medic is..medic is my favorite kit..but i dont use it just to get the stupid revive points..i clear the area then most of you i hate it when someone revives me with a tank chillin 2 feet away...sometimes however you think the area is clear, then next thing you know you got a squad or armor on you.. medic used correctly is a vital member of any squad..


          • #20
            Re: Do medics annoy you?

            this community is filled with so many idiots, complaining about being revived? FOR ****S SAKE!


            • #21
              Re: Do medics annoy you?

              Originally posted by motorboatJones
              You can't revive on certain situations like artillery kills or bomb drops. I assume because they are just too devastating. If you see people killed by those things don't waste your time trying to revive them.

              lets get something down.

              Suicides CANNOT be revived. If your screen says "You have been killed" you CANNOT be revived, if your screen says "You have been critically wounded" you CAN be revived for the 15 seconds that you lie and suffer, whether it be from Artillery, C4, Claymore, Grenades, or your families obviously horrid, brain starving, nutrient deficient cooking.

              MotorBoat, you have 3 new threads that i see on the thread list. And they are all stupid, OLD, discussed to all hell, or pointless. This thread especially. If you decide you make a new thread, at least get your facts straight, AND MAKE SURE IT HASNT BEEN BEATEN INTO THE GROUND ALREADY.

              EDIT:Make that 5 threads you tard.....


              • #22
                Re: Do medics annoy you?

                here the other day ive played as medic and two snipers and some support guys stod behind a low wall and kept shooting at the enemies who where at the bridge , they all got med packs and i revived them like 10 times in a row (each ),and one of them(i stayed crouched most of the time) i got top score.. not lame because,they could have crouched down 2..(some did now and then ) I had a good time..


                • #23
                  Re: Do medics annoy you?

                  IRL a medic that tries to revive you in "harm's way" is HERO, & will get a medal

                  In game I assume that a soldier has the wits, & skillz to jump up, & run when revived, but a lot of n00bs just lay there, & look around like it is their first time being revived




                  • #24
                    Re: Do medics annoy you?

                    Medics annoy the hell out of me when you have 1 or 2 bars of health and they stand there and you keep asking for a medic and they just walk away from you not giving you a medic bag.


                    • #25
                      Re: Do medics annoy you?

                      I find the opposite - when I'm a medic, I spend the time chasing after almost-dead team-mates trying to heal them as they fearlessly (or should that be "senselessly"...?) run into harm's way, ignoring the health I'm trying to give them.

                      On the question of revives, I do find it frustrating when medics are so obsessed with scoring their two revive points that they just run out and revive you, getting you both killed all over again. It doesn't give you an additional death, but it costs your team an additional ticket (compared to them just leaving you to die, but surviving themselves) and it forces you to wait your 15 seconds for respawn all over again...

                      On the other side of that though, you're in a battle. The area is unlikely to ever be 100% safe. If a medic can revive you and escape to safety without being killed, you should be able to escape as well. If you are revived, the first thing you should do is jump up and sprint after the medic to safety...


                      • #26
                        Re: Do medics annoy you?

                        Originally posted by SERIALBUTCHER
                        IRL a medic that tries to revive you in "harm's way" is HERO, & will get a medal

                        In game I assume that a soldier has the wits, & skillz to jump up, & run when revived, but a lot of n00bs just lay there, & look around like it is their first time being revived


                        Well, there are times (most times) when I've already decided where I'm spawning next after I "died" and I suddenly get revived without realizing a medic was even close by. So of course in those situations, you have no time to react. But if I do get revived knowingly, you better believe I shoot or run as soon as the revive takes place. And I'll also revive the medic that revived me with his own kit if he goes down trying, or afterward.


                        • #27
                          Re: Do medics annoy you?

                          Ya, when they don't give me that healin' feelin'.

                          Originally posted by Jackass
                          If there's a medic reviving me in the most stupid situations, I teamkill him afterwords to teach him.
                          That's just childish. Let it go.


                          • #28
                            Re: Do medics annoy you?

                            the thing to do as the enemy after u shoot them shoot them some more and there is no way for the medic to revive them then.


                            • #29
                              Re: Do medics annoy you?

                              Most of the time I play Im a medic. The way I revive people is if I didnt see them die and nobody shoots at me when I run to them then Ill revive them. If I do know what killed them I either make sure its gone or make sure its dead. The only time Ill revive someone when the killer is still nearby is when they will be revived in a position that the enemy will not be able to see them.


                              • #30
                                Re: Do medics annoy you?

                                Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
                                the thing to do as the enemy after u shoot them shoot them some more and there is no way for the medic to revive them then.
                                I do this also. Just headshot them until their pack shows up. I figured this out by over killing a few guys when I get frustrated and then a little light bulb when off over my head. Then I kept playing and forgot what I was thinking about...

