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Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

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  • Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

    I have an approach that will fix the J10 without sacrificing variety and balance. This can be applied to all aircraft, actually.

    There are two mainfactors influencing outcome of a BF2 air duel: missile and manuverability.

    How to fix the F35:
    -Don't touch the manuverability. F35 is designed as a strike fighter in RL and isn't that big on air superiority. Manuverability is not its emphasis.
    -Electronic/radar: US has the best radar technology in the world, BF2 should reflect that. FIX: F35 gets 1.5X lockon range bonus over all other aircraft, also F35 dispense 1.5x more flare each time it drops flares (to simulate the superiority of US ECM technology).
    -Missile: US has the superior missile at this point. FIX: F35 missile gains a 100% accuracy/seeking power bonus.
    -Engine: JSF has better engine, and should be able to disengage faster.

    How to fix the J10:
    -Manuverability wise: J10's mass is 18000 in BF2, heavier than even the bombers. This is ridiculous. J10 is a small plane, it should bleed off energy fast, reduce its mass to 5000.
    -Don't touch the manuverability: J10 is designed with supermanuverability in mind. It's recently being fitted with Thrust vectoring engine. Before you ask, that engine made Su30mkk MUCH more manuverable than all other bombers in game.
    -Missile lock: All US aircraft has radar absorbant material (let's assume that because BF2 happens in 2010), hence lockon time should be longer for J10, forcing a J10 pilot to stay on the enemy's tail longer.

    After the fix: JSF will have slight advantage at range, stealth, and the ability to rapidly engage and disengage due to its improved burners. J10 will have to be more defensive but will still win in a dogfight (if the JSF pilot isn't careful) due to its ridiculous manuverability

  • #2
    Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

    Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
    I have an approach that will fix the J10 without sacrificing variety and balance. This can be applied to all aircraft, actually.

    There are two mainfactors influencing outcome of a BF2 air duel: missile and manuverability.

    How to fix the F35:
    -Don't touch the manuverability. F35 is designed as a strike fighter in RL and isn't that big on air superiority. Manuverability is not its emphasis.
    -Electronic/radar: US has the best radar technology in the world, BF2 should reflect that. FIX: F35 gets 1.5X lockon range bonus over all other aircraft, also F35 dispense 1.5x more flare each time it drops flares (to simulate the superiority of US ECM technology).
    -Missile: US has the superior missile at this point. FIX: F35 missile gains a 100% accuracy/seeking power bonus.
    -Engine: JSF has better engine, and should be able to disengage faster.

    How to fix the J10:
    -Manuverability wise: J10's mass is 18000 in BF2, heavier than even the bombers. This is ridiculous. J10 is a small plane, it should bleed off energy fast, reduce its mass to 5000.
    -Don't touch the manuverability: J10 is designed with supermanuverability in mind. It's recently being fitted with Thrust vectoring engine. Before you ask, that engine made Su30mkk MUCH more manuverable than all other bombers in game.
    -Missile lock: All US aircraft has radar absorbant material (let's assume that because BF2 happens in 2010), hence lockon time should be longer for J10, forcing a J10 pilot to stay on the enemy's tail longer.

    After the fix: JSF will have slight advantage at range, stealth, and the ability to rapidly engage and disengage due to its improved burners. J10 will have to be more defensive but will still win in a dogfight (if the JSF pilot isn't careful) due to its ridiculous manuverability
    All good IMO. However, MiG and bombers should come into equation aswell to not to ruin the balance between F35B and MiG for example.


    • #3
      Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

      I like the one about lock on times, I believe that is a big part of what should change as well. I made a long post about this in another thread as well.

      It takes 1 second for J10 to lock onto F35 right now, I'd say increase that to ~2 seconds instead and decrease the amount of time it takes F35 to lock onto the J10 to 1 second (currently at 1.5 seconds)

      Also I like the idea of having more flare spread. Now that you mention this, I remember watching the military channel and seeing jets shoot out flares, not drop them like in BF2, but actually shoot them out like they were "ejecting" from the sides of the underbelly or something.

      Maybe F35 should also have reduced reload time for flares, maybe say 2/3 or half of how much time it takes now.


      • #4
        Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

        It still did not fix one big problem. A J10 can dodge whatever it likes, if I’m flying a J10 and I get locked on, I just do a simple turn and don’t even sweat it. They need to make it so the missiles can track the J10 Better. Same goes for the F-35, but opposite, I can do practically everything possible in an F-35 and that missile still hits. If they can fix that I think that that will solve the problem.


        • #5
          Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

          Good suggestions and I really like there you're coming from.

          A couple other ways that the J-10 could be tweaked to be a bit more in-line with the other fighters:
          - Reduced missile payload
          - Less armour
          - Slower flare recycle
          - less manueverable missiles.

          I'm sure that there's a magic combonation of things that could bring balance without making all the planes carbon copies.


          • #6
            Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

            I'm sure there are plenty of ways to balance it, but i'm sure EA/DICE is way too lazy... lol


            • #7
              Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

              I'd like to suggest, that real planes don't have 'lock on time'.

              You choose a target on your radar, you select your weapon, and you release.

              In the case of the Mig, you can even fire 'off boresight', which means, you don't even have to be pointing at your target.


              • #8
                Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                Originally posted by Metasynaptic
                I'd like to suggest, that real planes don't have 'lock on time'.

                You choose a target on your radar, you select your weapon, and you release.

                In the case of the Mig, you can even fire 'off boresight', which means, you don't even have to be pointing at your target.

                Correct me if I'm wrong but older planes that were in the Vietnam war (wasnt it the F4?) which used heat seekers had to wait for a lock right? I'm sure you are right about the newer jets though.


                • #9
                  Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                  If they simply fixed the crash mesh on the F35 I'd be happy.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                    It's not the jet, it's the pilot.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                      I might have to agree with that last statement, I've known good pilots that can evade my J10 in an F35 and I consider myself a decent dogfight pilot, my bombing kind of sucks, but I've noticed most of the good guys go really hugh up in the air and then decend at a 40 degree angle, when I try this I get way more kills. The J10 is unfair in the hands of an experienced user, especially on Wake where a good pilot can grab the J10, take out the Essex guns and get 20-25 kills owning up the carrier deck.


                      • #12
                        Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                        Originally posted by colony

                        Correct me if I'm wrong but older planes that were in the Vietnam war (wasnt it the F4?) which used heat seekers had to wait for a lock right? I'm sure you are right about the newer jets though.

                        So confident were the arrogant americans in their shiny new heatseeking missiles, that they removed the 20mm cannon from the F-4. Really dumb idea, since the missiles lock was unreliable, especially anywhere except right up the tail pipe of the target.

                        That said, neither the Mig 29, the F35, nor the J10 served in Vietnam circa 1969.


                        • #13
                          Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                          fix the f18, not the j10 as its not the hardest plane to shoot down!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                            You think the hornet needs fixing? How?


                            • #15
                              Re: Fixing the J10: A realistic approach

                              "simulate the superiority of US ECM technology" LOL make a mod than where the JSF beats everything :P dont say suck things to avoid flaming...
                              increasing the power of the f35 would result that the migs are the wors planes what is not true... decrease f35 and mig29 lockon-time so J10 wont be able to escape...

