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How many people play Battlefield2?

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  • #31
    Re: How many people play Battlefield2?

    If you are interested in the number of accounts, can't you go look at your global rank in your BFHQ? It will say that you are ranked n of xxxxxxxxxxxxx.


    • #32
      Re: How many people play Battlefield2?

      yes.... but not all of those are unique accounts or active.


      • #33
        Re: How many people play Battlefield2?

        Originally posted by BloodFlood
        MPC current download count for Full Hud Hack is 80,167 id say most of those are individuals.
        Interesting, because I am staring at their download center and ummm the most popular one downloaded is 33000+ times, and it isn't for BF2.

        And reading their forums, there is nothing that works with the exception of a couple new ones that will be screwed in short order, same with a couple other sites that have been in existence in close to the length of MPC. You were probably looking at the 'Views' for their section of 'Working Crap', which is over 110,000 and was probably 80k+ at the time you wrote this. If you actually read that thread, there isn't a single one listed in there that passes pb.

        Here is a small bit of quote from one of the guys over there that has been coding for a long time, it was part of a reply of his to another coder:

        ....i've seen many come and many go and many look real stupid, usually very quickly. pb will embarass you-...


        • #34
          Re: How many people play Battlefield2?

          Wow, according to those gamespy stats, a lot of people went back to CS...or stayed there.

