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what grinds you gears?

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  • what grinds you gears?

    oooh i can think of a lot of things, but in order: spend a ridicolous time loading - 98%...99%...100% yes! validating? ok, that cant take long *5 minuites leter* has it froze? what is validating anyway?

    2. youve got 20 minutes to pass, might as well play bf2. ok, after loading, this is quite low. you spawn, and walk over to a jet. you get in, start accelerating, and then someguys walk infront and then punish. jets shouldnt get tks when takign off!

    3. hmm...baseraping! invent some rule which stops this! hype up uncapable base aa and other defence!

    4. definately most of the communities moaning. before 1.3 is even released, theres a tunna threads complaining about the jeep drop and how rubbish the co-op will be. as for the squad hopping - how do you know what it will be like? you havnt even tried it yet. this makes clanwars about tactics, not some guy sneaking around the back, and his whole team spawning on him. give dice a chance!

    what grinds your gears?

  • #2
    Re: what grinds you gears?

    That the fedex guy lost my 150gb raptor.


    • #3
      Re: what grinds you gears?

      What grinds my gears is when I join a game half way through and spawn at a base just to be taken out by the crack commando squad/armour/chopper/jet/artillery. You know things can't be good when that happens.


      • #4
        Re: what grinds you gears?

        1. Grenade spam. Break out your gun and fight me ffs.

        2. Snipers, who when you stumble across, they try to pull out their claymore as fast as possible, instead of pull out the M95 or pistol and actually engaging in combat.

        3. Watching our planes bomb the crap out of the enemy, while their planes, free from air-to-air combat, do the same to us. Catching 5000lb bombs with my teeth blows


        • #5
          Re: what grinds you gears?

          Originally posted by Miniman
          what grinds your gears?
          Threads like these.


          • #6
            Re: what grinds you gears?

            Smacktards like Aquilia Phasmus


            • #7
              Re: what grinds you gears?

              I come into a server at mid round on Oman on USMC to find the team pushed back to the Essex,both BH's taking off empty save the pilot,amidst an artillery barage.BH's get shot down short of landfall.Repeated 30 seconds later.I watched this happen repeatedly and in an attempt to at least make 1 BH pilot hesitate long enough to MAYBE get a few grunts on the ground,I typed"The next chopper to leave empty will get some C4."I get back"Do that and your banned"From 1 of the BH pilots(Admin)as he flew away to be cannon fodder for the Mig's.Actualy quite funny now.


              • #8
                Re: what grinds you gears?

                joining a game to find out that my team was unable to defend one spawn point and now all we have is the base and are getting spawn raped so hard it hurts
                spawing into an artillery strike and getting sent half way across the map

                getting punished again and again for abvious mistakes either on their part or mine knowing i will forgive anything but a deliberate teamkill

                halving over half my team be lonewolf and sniper and knowing we are going to lose so bad

                server admins who punt good players because they are on the other team aand whos server is so filled with silly rules like no camping no base raping since when did combat become cricket ?


                • #9
                  Re: what grinds you gears?

                  Naw gentlemen, thats just psychological loss. At least the pain lasts until next round

                  So far, by far the worst thing in BF2 for me has been the spamming commander.



                  • #10
                    Re: what grinds you gears?

                    Join a server, load a map, then the round ends and you are on the losing team, and a new map reeeellllloooooooaaaaaadssssssss. I have a fast machine too.

                    When I am a sniper/squad leader way the f**k behind enemy lines, people with PKMs spawn on me only to either
                    a: repeatedly yeah "get ammo here!" drawing many grenades our direction.
                    b: PKMer spawns on me only to unload from my concealed location.
                    c: have another sniper spawn with me (not a problem) only to move in front of me (who suddenly gets nudged off the ledge to his death and kicked from my squad).

                    Driving in jeeps and trying to sneak around to back flags and having jack asses throwing grenades and reloading to give some support kit in my jeep points.

                    When I am sneaking up to put a knife/shockpaddle/pistol in someone and someone else comes along and takes the less graceful MG approach.

                    Commanders that Arty the next logical flag that the whole team is going to run towards. Only to kill 10 of his people and 1 of the enemy.

                    People that TK people for vehicles or to lone gun. Or people that like to stand if front of vehicles (tanks) because they want to drive and delay the game for the rest of the team. Or when 8 people hang out at the helo pad/air field/tank spawn point when the rest of the team looses the round because we could have used the 10 extra c**ks in the battle.

                    How about that list? I can keep going.


                    • #11
                      Re: what grinds you gears?

                      That for some reason I get disconnected every round from the Insomnia 365 Mashturr server. The only other 24/7 Mashturr server I know of is:

                      1. Always empty.

                      2. Actually a Wake server.

                      Originally posted by The_Misfit
                      2. Snipers, who when you stumble across, they try to pull out their claymore as fast as possible, instead of pull out the M95 or pistol and actually engaging in combat.
                      Oh my god, I don't do this, but once twice in one day I was setting up for the long hall when all of sudden someone ran into me while I had my claymores in hand. Both times I dropped one in front of the guy, one behind the guy, and then proceeded to pistol whip him. I just laughed untill my claymores blew up, killing me. The first time I had no idea they would do that, and it caught me completely off guard.


                      • #12
                        Re: what grinds you gears?

                        When obvious facts of logic and realism are utterly ignored by game developers when it seems that implementing them would have been easy...

                        Example: Using a parachute to jump off a 2 story building to avoid falling damage, running 40 feet, jumping off a bridge and using it again... do these parachutes not need re-packing? Where did it go? Was it dragging behind the soldier? Hmm....

                        Example: The ridiculous way claymores work in this game... it was said before that claymore mines are hand-triggered mines that must be manually "fired" by a soldier with a hand-clapper with a long wire leading to the mine...These magical infared/motion sensor claymore mines are utterly nonexistent... another thread suggested make them bouncing betty mines or something... claymores arent magic... they are manual.

                        Other stuff that chaps me a little... servers that dont have auto-balance on and the people who happily stack the teams and abandon the losing side half way through the match...

                        Spawning into a tank or APC the instant it gets blown to bits, heh... thats actually kinda funny...yet annoying, lol

                        getting revived in the field of fire of a sniper and feeding that sniper 3 or 4 kills before the medic, in his mercy, stops reviving me... lol


                        • #13
                          Re: what grinds you gears?

                          Originally posted by Miniman

                          what grinds your gears?
                          Not stepping on the clutch when shifting.


                          • #14
                            Re: what grinds you gears?

                            Originally posted by lil_jimmy_norton
                            That the fedex guy lost my 150gb raptor.
                            Now THAT sucks.


                            • #15
                              Re: what grinds you gears?

                              - noobs that run up on helos/planes you're waiting for only to get in and fly into a tree 10 seconds later.

                              - commanders that don't pay attention to mains or the squads in them directly informing the team of what's happening and receiving no help.

                              - people that cause intentional tk's
                              - people that insist on playing on a server they're getting 400+ ping on.
                              - team jumpers
                              - needing 400 hours in a plane & helo and there only being a couple on some maps while something you always are (kit) requires 100... FTW?!

                              - half dead / half destroyed vehicles that keep advancing leaving some poor medic or engi running behind them going 'wait! i need repair points!!!'

                              i'm sure there's quite a few more but i think these are good enough for now.

