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The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

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  • The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

    I only see 2 UGMB


  • #2
    Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

    I think it just used up its payload already, thats all. Besides, just because it doen't have a full payload, what made you think it was a fighter instead of a bomber? just because of the lack of visible bombs?


    • #3
      Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

      Denial? lol


      • #4
        Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

        BF2 is far from reality ..unless of course in real life it would take 10 sniper bullets to the face to bring down a man which case BF2 is dead on accurate.


        • #5
          Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

          I know the game isn't based on reality, but come on?

          The KEY to AF IS the A-10, and now they're nerfing it by making it have only 2 bombs . . .?

          As far as it using it's payload, bombers use different bombs than fighters. The bombs in the screen above are indeed the 2 Qty. bombs.


          • #6
            Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

            well, i don't know if you noticed, but there sure were alot of empty bomb racks on the underside of the wings.

            does this look like one of those bombs?

            why yes, yes it does. Thats a mark 82 bomb, standard loadout for the A-10. oh yea, and it still has its rocket pods.


            • #7
              Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

              Let's only hope . . .


              • #8
                Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                dont worry, i am pretty sure it will be called "fighter bomber", btw armored fury sounds awesome, one thing i will buy for sure


                • #9
                  Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                  Lets see...

                  Aside from the GU-11 cannon, which made the A-10 notorious as a tank buster, I also see rocket pods on the outer hardpoints. Unless the A-10 will be the next prerelease aircraft to succumb to the famous "disappearing rocket pods" (ala the Blackhawk), that's two weapon systems. And finally, we see the general purpose "dumb bomb". So, three weapon systems, almost all of them geared toward crushing ground targets. The only worthwhile weapon for dogfighting is the cannon, but the maneuverability of the A-10 is like that of a drunk yak.


                  • #10
                    Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                    of course it has horrible manuverability. its not as mauverable as the JSF. The A-10 isn't called a "flying tank" for nothing. Its is entirely geared for Anti-tank warefare, gotta pray for one of two things 1) the JSF guys are actually planning to guard your sorry rear or 2) the j-10 boys are total idiots at flying. 2 seems to be your best bet.


                    • #11
                      Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                      A-10 looks sweet especially with the rocket pods.
                      I am so getting this.
                      FLYING TANK, FLYING TANK yay


                      • #12
                        Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                        I just hope EA doesnt screw up the handling of the A-10.

                        10 bucks says that it flys like the and sounds like the J-10


                        • #13
                          Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                          im seeing:
                          2 rocket pods
                          9 underwing dumb bomb atach points
                          2 of these covered pods, wich i believe are fuel tanks
                          tankbuster cannons.

                          plenty off stuff to blow **** up! but i wont be buying that booster pack... ill have the A-10 in the 21 CW mod... with better flying physics


                          • #14
                            Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                            the A-10 is going to be a completely new vehicle class. It's not a fighter or a bomber in this game. Similar with the Su-25 or whatever they're calling it.


                            • #15
                              Re: The A-10 in AF classed as a fighter, and not a bomber!?

                              Originally posted by Ghilleman
                              gotta pray for one of two things 1) the JSF guys are actually planning to guard your sorry rear or 2) the j-10 boys are total idiots at flying. 2 seems to be your best bet.
                              Hopefully 1.3 will "fix" the J10 v F35 balance

