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HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

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  • #16
    Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

    if you can see their nosehairs in your scope you might be a little close! LOL


    • #17
      Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

      Go MEC and take the SVD and engage at 100 to 200 meters. You can fire much, much faster than any of the "elite" sniper rifles. One of the top scoring guys in the stats has this weapon as his main one. (with, or course, 6 billion hours on Karkand). You can have a lot of fun with the SVD.


      • #18
        Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

        Ok look, im not the grammer police, really I just have a question...

        In some dictionaries is turret spelled with an n before the t as in turrent because I see so many people spell it that way, and umm well yeah is that just incorrect or is that like the english way of spelling it?


        • #19
          Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

          hehe let me check

          turret your right! i spelled it wrong man i suck thats 2ce today

          i spelled ordnance - ordinance in another thread

          good looken!


          • #20
            Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

            I always hear people, both in the Clan I belong to and outside, arguing how bad the SVD is...I, for one, prefer to get MEC as the starting side...Man, MEC on Sharqi??? Someone (ALOT OF THEM) going down...I have been surprised rounding a corner before and there is nothing better for a Sniper then squeezing off 5 rounds, SANS scope, close range, like that automatic will do...saved me more than once...I OFTEN take that one over the L96...If the decision is between the m24 and the L96, then I go with the UNLOCK...Having read some of the insights here and not previously knowing what my problem with aiming the M95 was, I am also now interested in revisiting that rifle more often and trying what I read here...I almost never use it for the inaccuracy I was having with it...I thought I read here or another post about focusing the bottom edge of the crosshair, in the reticle, at the head...Pleae, Gods of War, let the workday end so I can go kill stuff...LOL


            • #21
              Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

              Originally posted by Quik_Draw
              Pleae, Gods of War, let the workday end so I can go kill stuff...LOL
              ROGER that!!! im leaving an hour early cus i cant stand being here anymore

              and yeah i guess ill have to revisit the m95 too


              • #22
                Re: HELP: How do you judge distance with a sniper rifle

                Silent, motionless and deadly, German snipers lurked on the European battlefields of World War 2, hunting enemy sharpshooters, supporting assaults and laying diabolical traps on defense. Drawn from two German military training films made in 1944, this program provides fascinating views of tactics, weapons and camouflage techniques that are still viable today. Germany, 1944, B&W, 67 minutes, English commentary and subtitles. WARNING: This program is a serious educational presentation on the subject of snipers and sniping. It is intended solely for study by military and law-enforcement personnel, qualified hunters and students of modern battlefield tactics and strategies. No other use is intended, contemplated or suggested by "International Historic".

                Download (BitTorrent):
                Very interesting video for those of us who like to play the sniper class.


                Perhaps I should have specified the reason for posting this very interesting video. It is because in the video various techniques are explained in detail. The judging of distances is also explained - when I read this thread I began thinking about this video and so therefore I decided to post it

