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Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

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  • #16
    Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

    I came up with a little bit of psudocode awhile back that would take care of this issue:
    IF[(Player = dead || CriticallyWounded) && SeverSettingNoSquadWhileDead = 1 && PlayerDeaths != 0]
    BlockSquadFuctions (turn off leave/join/create buttons and hot keys function)
    Procede as normal
    To translate into english: If you are dead or critically wounded AND have died once or more, you cannot use the squad system. I also included a flag for making it a server setting.

    This, IMHO, would be an ideal implementation.


    • #17
      Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

      either way... adapt and overcome. it seems to be the on going theme for this game, those who cant or wont change seem to not fare well IMHO.


      • #18
        Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

        people will find something else to exploit, and we start all over again


        • #19
          Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

          If Dice isn't careful and forgets to dot some i's and cross some t's, squad-hopping will still be possible. It will just take a little longer, and I don't mean by suiciding. I mean you will still be able to join someone's squad while dead.


          • #20
            Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

            Originally posted by Painboy
            By not being able to join a squad immediately means you cannot delay spawn or spawn in route. Many times only the squad leader will spawn and the rest of the squad will spawn on him as he is moving. Doing this insures the squad isn't screwing around for 30 seconds at the beginning of the round trying to pick everyone up in a vehicle.
            Yes I agree on that part, as I already said it would be nice to be able to create squads at the beginning of a round.

            Originally posted by Painboy
            And while this does effect both sides, it won't neccessarily be equal since spawns are random. One team may get a great spawn and the other may get a horrible one. They get the flag first, they have the advantage of the defense, and the match is decided by a bad spawn. Yay that's fun.
            When squadhopping is removed, matches will take longer. They won't be decided by people spawning unlucky. It will need organization to attack a flag, but that doesn't mean attacking will be impossible and that the defenders will always be succesfull now after the first run for the flags is finished.

            For sdm151's posting:
            Two things for DICE not to forget:
            1. Disable console commands to leave/join squads while someone is dead
            2. Disable the ability for dead people to accept squad invitations


            • #21
              Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

              Originally posted by Harmor
              I think you hit the nail on the head. Mastuur City, getting the flag at the Masque is dependent on a fast squad.

              Having to wait for your buddies to get into your jeep is precious seconds you're not capping the flag.

              This isn't so bad when you're trying to get into a helicopter because it takes a few seconds for them to rev up, but vehicles...yes that will be a problem.

              Not being able to spawn on a squad leader at the start of the round unless you were in his squad in the previous round...WILL SUCK!!!
              i found you mentioned the mosque quite funny, its the one useless flag on mashtur...all other points have commanders assests or armor to gain..the mosque? all u can do there is pray you win...


              • #22
                Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

                Originally posted by =IMO=THJones
                i found you mentioned the mosque quite funny, its the one useless flag on mashtur...all other points have commanders assests or armor to gain..the mosque? all u can do there is pray you win...
                On Mashtuur City for 16 players, the mosque is a very important flag. The flag itself is not in front of the mosque but behind it in 16 player mode. If you take it for the USMC forces, you can shoot right into the hotel - which is the MEC's team homebase on the 16 player map.


                • #23
                  Re: Will the 1.30 patch not allow you to create squads at the start of a game?

                  Hey Gimpy.....looking at the official release notes of the new patch, it appears that something like the code you talked about, exactly how they are gonna handle it.

                  Good Call.

