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Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

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  • #16
    Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

    I experienced Squad 1 & 2 is always getting full of noobs, that just radomly join these squads but not spawning on the leader. So having a team of lone wolfes > having a team of ppl who radomly stay in a full squad and not giving other people the chance to help and give support on the frontline


    • #17
      Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

      I experienced Squad 1 & 2 is always getting full of noobs, that just radomly join these squads but not spawning on the leader.
      I notice the exact same thing, it makes no sense, join teh squad and not even spawn on leader? You don't even have to follow leader but to not even spawn on leader? Why would you bother?

      So having a team of lone wolfes > having a team of ppl who radomly stay in a full squad and not giving other people the chance to help and give support on the frontline


      • #18
        Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

        What I have found is that most pub squads do the dumbest things anyway. I'm not going to follow a squad leader who runs in front of an enemy tank (who is chomping at the bit to get 4 or 5 "free" kills). That's just plain stupid.

        Only once have I found a good squad on a pub server... It was amazing, people were covering each other, rezzing the dead, talking to each other. Of course, like all good sqauds, it was broken up the next round and I went back to being the lone wolf armor whore that I am.



        • #19
          Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

          its absurd to be forced into a squad. A person in a squad that doesnt wanna be there would do more harm than if he was a lone wolf. I say let the people who want to work as a team, work as a team, and those who just wanna run around and kill people, just let them do that


          • #20
            Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

            Its not against the ROE to have a rule about everyone joining a squad. In fact it was in the ROE at one stage, then it was removed.

            Sounds like these guys were using a script to enforce it.


            • #21
              Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

              Originally posted by <<R2>>Capt.HKS
              Its not against the ROE to have a rule about everyone joining a squad. In fact it was in the ROE at one stage, then it was removed.

              Sounds like these guys were using a script to enforce it.
              Ah, cool. Thanks for clearing that up.


              • #22
                Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                Originally posted by SaladFork
                Due to many bugs regarding the squad system, I would personally not play in a server that kicked users who are not in squads.

                You have though.

                To me, the squad system is what changes BF2 from a team deathmatch game in to a team based shooter. You get a commander that has a battle plan and squads to carry out his plan. The squad leaders get their orders and have to direct their squad members to accomplish the objective. They are able to call in air strikes from jets, close air support from helicopters, and get additional help from other squads by talking to the commander. Without the squad system, and without people using it properly, you're pretty much left with a team deathmatch on a giant map.


                • #23
                  Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                  BF2 has such a great squad system and chain of command built in that it is sad that people still treat it as an exercise in individual triumph. One of the most compelling features of the game is that you can move as a squad and use teamwork to complete objectives. Even better, if you have a whole team using these protocols, truly immersive combat situations arise.

                  Again, it comes back to the difference between those who like to work with others to achieve a team goal and those who prefer to gather points and look at their stats. There is nothing wrong with wanting to play the game as an individual, it just means you need to stay away from servers where the admins expect you to work as a team and use custom scripts to enforce this.

                  While I don't agree with the tone used in the kick message given to the original poster, I do believe server administrators have every right to run their servers the way they feel best fits with their play style. If they are a ranked server, then obviously this must comply with the RoE. One of the reasons I rarely play ranked servers is that teamplay is usually an exception rather than a rule. Try commanding nine 1-2 man squads, half of which do not follow orders and the one man locked spec ops squad who is too busy trying to earn an explosives badge to care what you want. This is not what I see as a good time, so I avoid such servers.

                  We force people to join squads at Tactical Gamer and there are messages which scroll at the top of the screen for 60 seconds warning you to join one, so you get ample notice. Of course, we are unranked, so we can apply all sorts of custom scripts to promote teamwork on the server.

                  As usual, to each his own, but considering how easy BF2 makes it to play and communicate as a team, I am always surprised that so many people prefer to play lone wolf. Admittedly, I would be put off by the kind of talent found on most ranked servers. Hardly anyone uses VOIP, people don't follow orders and of course you're very likely to get sniped out of the chopper by a teammate who wants to fly instead. I'd shun other players too if this was my experience with them. Luckily I don't have to put up with that kind of crap.


                  • #24
                    Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                    Nice idea, though I dunno if I'd push it to the point of kicking over it.

                    Maybe a msg like "those not in squads will be the 1st kicked to make room" or something along those lines.

                    But from a teamplay, and especially Commanding point, its nice to have everyone in squads - orders, VoIP, etc....


                    • #25
                      Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                      Originally posted by perry
                      You have though.

                      To me, the squad system is what changes BF2 from a team deathmatch game in to a team based shooter. You get a commander that has a battle plan and squads to carry out his plan. The squad leaders get their orders and have to direct their squad members to accomplish the objective. They are able to call in air strikes from jets, close air support from helicopters, and get additional help from other squads by talking to the commander. Without the squad system, and without people using it properly, you're pretty much left with a team deathmatch on a giant map.
                      Totally agree with all your points taken. But please don't forget that the
                      squad leader's biggest attributes are 1. advanced and unpredicable spawn point for the team versus the two or only one point left thus detering the
                      base raping that is so common. 2. Allowing heli teams to comm with one another thus be more effective (faster than trying to type and shoot). 3.
                      As a sniper, direct comm to commander is a plus when you need arty dropped
                      on someone without letting the whole world know you see him. Sniper stealth
                      can keep advanced spawn for team fire support.


                      • #26
                        Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                        Well, I understand the logic and tactical side of this, where people feel that NOT being in a squad is NOT being useful to your team...I really understand that...However, playing mostly as a Sniper, I feel that the system gets abused...or...USED...especially when playing on a less-then-honorable Clan server...You know them, same ones use tactics in public games like the rotating Commader thing, to keep pouring on the ARTY and UAV...Trading Commaders back and forth as if that's really necessary on a public venue...Save that for the Clan matches...

                        As a Sniper, when I play as Lone Wolf, ONLY the Commander knows where I am and ONLY as a blue dot, no distinction otherwise...Sometimes, when I am REALLY having a good round and I am getting WELL under the enemy skin...I know for a fact that they just easily ask their Clan brethren playing on the same side to identify where I am (When I do JOIN a squad) and they can then readily send a helo, arty, tank, or 3 or 4 enemies to dispatch me...

                        On some servers where that seems NOT to be the case, I will join squads and work in a supporting role to that squad...On the others, NO THANKS, I will stick to the lone wolf tactics and cover my own butt...No offense intended, just an observation of how I have experienced the bending of the game parameters to maintain a tactical advantage...UNREALISTIC...



                        • #27
                          Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                          Have 9 people, make 9 squads and lock them all...see how long that servers lasts.


                          • #28
                            Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                            I prefer squads, but what I hate are those lone-wolfs who make a squad, only to lock it. So they are wasting a squad just for the sake of having their own, but with no one in it. That seems to be pretty common in the pubs I've played in.


                            • #29
                              Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                              Adding to my previous note...As a sniper, I don't normally go get a flag unless I see one that seems left WAY BEHIND...or my wife ****ed me off and I just feel like taking one right now...LOL...In most of these cases, as a LONE WOLF, if I get in a SOLID position near a JUICY, MUST HAVE, KEY flag, I will then CREATE a squad and mention on the team chat or comms that people should spawn off of me and "Let's go get this flag" I can get some support to help go in and take it down...If I am in a squad, I would NEVER lock it down to only me...Never win that way...I will sometimes leave a squad too, to help as a LONE WOLF, sneaking and getting in close to those high priority targets before rejoining or creating a new one...



                              • #30
                                Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                                Originally posted by govedob
                                If someone wants to be lonewolf, let him.
                                quoted for truth.

