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Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

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  • Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

    I am a total squad guy. I think it's the only way to really play the game. I almost always join squads.

    With that said, I don't think people should be forced into it. The other day I joined a server that was playing Dalian at the time. I haven't really played that map so I decided to try to learn it. Unfortunately, when I joined, the game was almost over. The only spawn point was the carrier. I spawned on the lower deck of the ship and immediately had to fight a couple of guys. I was lucky not to die. I was then on my way to the top deck when I got kicked with the message "JOIN A SQUAD OR BE KICKED FOOL!!!!!!!!!!! -- admin decision."

    This happened within no more than 1 minute of me joining the game. I thought it was rather lame. I went back after the 1 minute timeout to see if there was a server rule that said you had to join a squad or be kicked. I didn't see one. Since it happened so fast, and since the game was almost over and there was a fight on the only spawn point we had, I can only assume it was done automatically rather than an admin watching me and deciding to kick me.

    Like I said before I am a squad guy, but I don't think people should be forced into squads. I understand it's their server, their rules, I just want to know what others think of the idea of forcing people into squads, and how that should be handled by the admins. I think the admins of that server could do a better job of getting their point across rather than immediately kicking people, people like me who joined their server for the first time not knowing their rules, not to mention not really having the time to join a squad with 5 tickets left and in the middle of a base rape.

    Agree or disagree?

  • #2
    Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

    I agree with you - people shouldn't be forced into squads. I do my best work alone, and it doesn't make much sense for me to be taking up a squad slot just because a server admin believes in some asinine ideal.

    I think some folks naively believe that people in squads are more likely to follow orders or work as a team. Definitely not true from my experiences playing on publics.

    I believe that all of us, whether we admit it or not, would like to find a squad to work closely with, but many of us are cynical (or jaded) about finding players that complement our own playstyles. When we do find those "good squads", we lose them after the round ends and it's almost impossible to "get the band back together" later on, much less find the other players at all.


    • #3
      Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

      If someone wants to be lonewolf, let him.


      • #4
        Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

        On the flip side. I hate servers where the squads are locked. Either no squads exist on one team, I'm locked in a squad with no way out except to disconnect, or only 1 full squad exists. I think this should be against the ROE on a ranked server, or is this a game bug?


        • #5
          Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

          I personally think that the defending side should not get squad priviledge since they are unorganized and supposed to be a hastly constructed team attempting to hold off an organized attack. For example, on Wake, the Chinese team should not be able to squad up because it's a surprise attack from the US.


          • #6
            Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

            Originally posted by Slacker317
            On the flip side. I hate servers where the squads are locked. Either no squads exist on one team, I'm locked in a squad with no way out except to disconnect, or only 1 full squad exists. I think this should be against the ROE on a ranked server, or is this a game bug?
            Not sure what causes it and I haven't seen it in a long time.


            • #7
              Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

              Originally posted by Wargimp
              Not sure what causes it and I haven't seen it in a long time.
              I had this the other side had 1 fixed squad with no changes, and the other had as many as they wanted.

              I don't think it is a bad thing to "suggest" squads, but for it to be a kickable offense is a little harsh.


              • #8
                Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                Due to many bugs regarding the squad system, I would personally not play in a server that kicked users who are not in squads.



                • #9
                  Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                  I'm fairly sure that kick people for not joining a squad is a violation of the ROE... but if it's clearly listed, I'd just say avoid the server if you don't agree with it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                    yes, you cant place restrictions on roles, EA gives them the right to be a lone wolf, if you make the become a squad member, you are restricting the role they want to play as given to them by EA


                    • #11
                      Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                      its their choice either to join or not to join


                      • #12
                        Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                        In some instances, there is no point in being part of a squad. Not always, but in alot of these roles, why should the guy take up the slot. Doesn't mean they should never join a squad, but sometimes it doesn't make sense for them to be in a squad.



                        • #13
                          Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                          snipers are usually in a squad for spotting purposes, spotting enemies far away and giving long-range fire support. jet, i agree. Heli, only if its a BH pilot or the attack chopper is supporting your squad's advance.


                          • #14
                            Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                            The truth is alot of people work much better alone than in squads. Squadplay is a big factor in this game and good squads can easily take over much of the map.

                            But two things are certain, forcing people into squads doesn't make them better players, and even if they are in a squad there is nothing preventing them from going off and still playing lonewolf.


                            • #15
                              Re: Server rule: Join squads or be kicked. Good or bad?

                              there was a server that i play on and it use to say like join a squad or be kicked and then it became unpopular and hten it changed to something like "try to join a squad" or semothing and ppl started playing on it i guess ppl just like playing lonewolf with the few exceptions

