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banned from Knife and pistol servers

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  • #16
    Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

    I play k&p on a regular basis. I am totally bored with the normal game - and k/p rounds are different, much more intense, much more skill based. There is no vehicle whoring, vehicle spawn killing, etc. - which is the essence of a regular bf2 round. K&P round is skill based. Your score does not depend on the vehicle you manage to TK for but on your aim and reflexes. Probably thats why there are those tank whores who come and try to spoil the fun - those would be totally owned if they played by the rules.

    Also, K&P is a test for social skills. If 30 people agree to K&P round and out of a sudden 1 guy starts tank whoring - well, that only indicates he can't socialize, he cant have fun, and by all accounts he is a virgin teenager with no social life apart of this game :-) And yea, I play on K&P for like 2 months - from time to time - and I have my stats with me, thank you. Not that I could care less about them, though - i leave it to idiot no-lifers, ready to spend 2000 hr to be called 'colonel' in videogame :-) If they ever reset my stats I will only feel proud.



    • #17
      Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

      Originally posted by Brutus
      They are not allowed, and people that play on these server get their stats reset on a regular basis.
      Has this "regular basis" ever been proved anyway? I realise people getting stats wiped etc, but I think they are fighting the true haxors / stat padders more than they are the tools that just go for the two badges you get in K/P servers.


      • #18
        Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

        LoL stop bitching on knive or pistol servers...

        Geez, get a live. they are rankend so what, it's not the end of the world.
        rankings are meaningless


        • #19
          Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

          Well, original poster, you risk getting reset as well just by being there. Stop going there.

          Secondly the K/P server thing has been explained to no end already, use search.

          Ditto on reporting, there are several stickies that cover ALL your questions.

          Personally, I just thought of this while reading his post....why not allow K/P servers, BUT only people with expert pistol and expert knife can play on them? That way no padding is going on, they already have the badges. I know it'll never happen, but just a thought.


          • #20
            Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

            Go play CS if you cant handle warfare


            • #21
              Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

              Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
              Go play CS if you cant handle warfare
              Or just go play on another server if you cant handle k&p. It's not liek anybodys forced to play k&p. And if you are concerned about other people stats - well, go see a medic (real one ;-).



              • #22
                Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                yeah blackhawk i like ur sig budz,think the background looks pretty damn good,well done


                • #23
                  Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                  If rank means nothing then play on unranked knife and pistol servers then there's no problem, so stop playing on ranked.


                  • #24
                    Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                    Yesterday I was playing in some ub servers and had bad luck, lag, cheaters whatsoever... and than I enterd a clan server (cant remember the name) and there was about 8vs8 ppl playing k&p. I have my expert badges so I dont have to prove anything so I thought what if I join their play. LOL It was so much fun. There was 4 or 5 ppl shooting at my team and I managed to get behind them AND KNIFE THEM ALL :laugh: I was after kills not TW points so I just kept owning them and when I had 17kills and 2 deaths they called a kick vote and kicked me:cry: HAHAHA Expert Pistol and Knife Badge MUST mean someting :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

                    ps.: BTW I think these servers are legal unless its about point/award whoring...


                    • #25
                      Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                      Originally posted by xSomeGuyx
                      If rank means nothing then play on unranked knife and pistol servers then there's no problem, so stop playing on ranked.
                      Unranked server = cheaters, abusive admins, etc. Not that there are none on ranked but it is still better.



                      • #26
                        Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                        i could be mistaken, but i thought the rule is that knife and pistol servers can be server enforced. but if the server players all agree, it was alright

                        i personally dont play on pistol and knife, and i could be wrong about this rule.

                        so please correct me if i am wrong


                        • #27
                          Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                          I have a question, are you allowed to have a light-hearted k&p game before a round starts? Like when it says "The Game Will Start When @ More Players Join"


                          • #28
                            Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                            Look, it boils down to this. The stats system is a delicate system which relies on it participants being honest. When you look at some guy's stats and see they are ranked pretty high in some category, you're immediate thought is, "hmm, this guy must be pretty good at that". But, lets say we were looking at his pistol kills, and he played 90% of his time on ranked Knife and Pistol servers. OK, then we look at the guy right behind him, who also looks good, but he played 100% of his time on regular servers. Who's the better player? Well, obviously, at pistol, it would be the guy who has all those kills in a regular server, because he has to deal with all the other weapons shooting at him, whereas the guy playing on K&P servers constantly only has to deal with pistols shooting at him.

                            So, my point is, playing on those servers skews the stats, and taints the validity of the system. Its plain and simply cheating. They should NOT be ranked. Its as clear as that.

                            I know playing on those servers, even using normal weapons and armor, makes me a "party to the crime". I'm not worried about getting my stats reset, because I'm never in them long, becuase I always get kicked and banned. My big issue is that the admins of the server KNOW they are running a stat padding server, and when they kick me for using normal weapons, they are breaking EA's rules.

                            I know some of you guys like playing on them. Fine, play on them, but they should be unranked. If you can't see this, or understand it, then you are not that smart.

                            Ok, so that brings me to my next question. Does BF2 keep a log in your profile somewhere, so you know what server you played and were kicked from?


                            • #29
                              Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                              The bottom line here is if you want some fun and are not a stat padder then go on an unranked k+p server they dont break any rules. On the other hand if you are a stat padder then go on a ranked k+p one. How hard is it to understand. And to those who say ranked k+p servers are not stat paddin servers your full of ****.


                              • #30
                                Re: banned from Knife and pistol servers

                                Originally posted by Sir. BlackHawkPilot73
                                i reported you i hope you get ur stats removed.
                                You can report him all day long. You have no proof besides the fact that he is stating he plays on those servers. STFU

