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F2000 Vs G36e

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  • #16
    Re: F2000 Vs G36e


    There is a search function, use it. On top of that, you don't give any information. Anyone who responds to these threads without asking you a bunch of questions has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

    The guns are different and are for different purposes and suit different playing styles. Asking "which one is better" is just makes absolutely no sense.

    It's the truth, you don't like it, tough.


    • #17
      Re: F2000 Vs G36e

      Originally posted by Six.
      Actually- this is helping me determine my next set of unlocks:
      Will I get the flashbangs if I unlock the G3? or do I actually need to unlock the F2000? I was thinking of unlocking the G3 for the Assault only, and then probably the M95 or the Jackhammer...
      Recommendations? I want to get the flashbangs because they're a good tactical device - and has it's uses against aircraft and helicopters.
      I don't like M95. It's only usefull for Pilot-poppin'.

      Jackhammer is a weapon with style ^^


      • #18
        Re: F2000 Vs G36e

        I don't have either unlock as I don't own BF2:SF, but I can say that from all the weapons that kill me, G36E is by far the most. Sometimes I pick one up and start crying because of the overwhelming advantage I seem to have. Those poor poor suckers:cry:


        • #19
          Re: F2000 Vs G36e

          Originally posted by iareConfusE
          uh i hate the f2000.. its like. 3 damage less than the g36e per shot and its much more inaccurate. id get the g36e becasue you get grenades, and you get to heal yourself. take my word for it, in game youll rarely ever use your flashbangs becasue you will probably not even remember that you had them... and the grenade launchers were nerfed pretty badly this patch... theres some time delay and crap like that.
          i dont think so man, either the g36e has gone less precise over the updates or it has weakened, but ive been using 5 bullet hits or more to take down a target from medium-far range with g36e. Same target, same distance, but with the f2000, its less accurate but u only need 2 hits to take kill.


          • #20
            Re: F2000 Vs G36e

            I was really disapointed when i unlocked the F2000, firstly because the sights are cool, but useless since there's no middle(like said before), secondly because, at least in my opinion, it's not as accurate nor as powerful as the G3 (which is an 20round-automatic-cannon-sniper rifle) and thirdly because of the GL, it got pretty nerfed so it wont do u much good ...

            I'm not saying that the F2000 is a bad weapon, but it's only advantage over the first assault unlock is having a 30round clip (and the flashbang, which is useful if
            you remember to use it, but most of the time u dont because ur just far too busy shooting the hell out of some poor guy )

            So if u have only one unlock, unlock any other weapon ... dont waste your time on the F2000 because you'll probably get back to the G3 ...


            • #21
              Re: F2000 Vs G36e

              Originally posted by Dooshy
              To Six. You do need unlock the f2000 in order to recieve flashbangs. If you get the g3, which is a very good gun, you will just recieve nades. As far as your other unlocks, its you're own choice but I do not recomend the jackhammer
              Hmmmz... well- I've tested out the jolly MP7 before, but unlocking that would mean wasting 2 unlocks. Also, I am more or a rifle-man, so I'm most likely going to unlock the G3 if anything... I so knew I shouldn't have wasted my unlocks on the AT... :cry:

              Also, sniper is not exactly my forté, I like getting stuck into the action- not firing bullets at it from afar...

              Thanks for your opinion however, much appreciated.


              • #22
                Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                As i said im not asking wich one is better im asking which one you would like to reccomend to someone whos just a little bit insecure about what weapon to unlock next. Just wanting some help.

                However, im sorry i didnt search the forum first. Since i only have acess to internet while im working i dont have very much time.

                Sorry you didnt like my thread. T the rest of you: Thanks for the help!


                • #23
                  Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                  the g36e!!! acurate , good range , quick reload ,

                  f2000 ... well i have both therse guns , i maily use the g36e adn i only use the g3 for assult , the f2000 ist to much a bad guna it jsut doest compare to the g36e ,and now the nOOb tube is messed up with as it can now not kill anyone , its def the g36e !!!


                  • #24
                    Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                    g36e all the way! not only do u have a medic kit along with it..its powerful and very accurate...the only thing that the f2000 has is the gl which isnt used mcuh anymore


                    • #25
                      Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                      Holy crap g36e vs. the f2000?

                      I'm a g36 fanatic

                      With a bit of luck you can pull this off with a pistol, g36e, and a few medpacks:

                      No tanks or heli's used, lonewolfing only. Gotta love being able to heal yourself, revive teammates, AND get a brilliant gun..


                      • #26
                        Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                        IMO both weapons are very good (so i didnt vote) one thing though if you can use the L85A1 very well you'll totaly kick arse with the FN2000 (just not at the very long range that takes practise).


                        • #27
                          Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                          I really like the F2000, but the G36e is pretty essential for the discerning Medic. That said, I still prefer the AK-101 and AK-47 over both.


                          • #28
                            Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                            I'm glad I saw this post. I unlocked the G36E and was wondering what I was missing with the 2000.


                            • #29
                              Re: F2000 Vs G36e

                              If you play assault a lot and can't stand the M16 but don't want to give up the grenade launcher, then I'd say unlock the F2000. Otherwise, definitely get the G36E.

                              It's not that the F2000 is bad; it's just that it's like a tweaked AK (little less damage, little more accurate) and doesn't really add anything to the class other than another full-auto alternative to the M16.

                              The G36E, on the other hand, is a huge asset to the medic class.

