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Desert Conflict Mod Update

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  • Desert Conflict Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the Desert Conflict mod website. This time around they are showing off their HAWK Missile System. Take a look:
    Many were captured by the Iraqi's upon entering Kuwait. Of course this system is US built, and they had a few in service as well. However none were fired.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_hawko2ys.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_hawkq2on.jpg"></a>

    Be sure to drop by their site to learn more.

  • #2
    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

    woot woot


    • #3
      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

      Big Rockets!:rock: lol


      • #4
        Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

        DC was about being big.....i think. AC 130?? oh yeah.
        Scud Rocket Launcher? omg...saweeet.
        Howitizers?? oh yeah, much better system then the current BF2 system. Sure arty sounded nice on paper, but in true play......... howies were more fun. (for everyone)
        Been a while since we've seen dcon updates. Hopefully they can retain the DC flavor and feel.


        • #5
          Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

          Originally posted by HowieMandel
          DC was about being big.....i think. AC 130?? oh yeah.
          Scud Rocket Launcher? omg...saweeet.
          Howitizers?? oh yeah, much better system then the current BF2 system. Sure arty sounded nice on paper, but in true play......... howies were more fun. (for everyone)
          Been a while since we've seen dcon updates. Hopefully they can retain the DC flavor and feel.


          • #6
            Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

            mmmmmm. sam sites. waite,you can't eat sam sites....or can you?


            • #7
              Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

              Nice update guys ! Good work as of far , I cant wait to jump into the AC-130 and fire up the 120 MM CANNON ....:rock:


              • #8
                Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                Oh dont worry, the Howitzer is alive and well. The shelling will commence soon.

                Th SAM site is gonna be fun, but wait till you see verything thats been happening recently. We cant show it all as updates, but we will let some of it out. Thanks for the support.


                • #9
                  Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                  Has there been a decision on missile guidance?


                  • #10
                    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                    Many were captured by the Iraqi's upon entering Kuwait. Of course this system is US built, and they had a few in service as well. However none were fired.

                    The Patriot is a more current system. We have that one too...... (different purpose, and comming soon.... )

                    I know it is not totally accurate, but there have been several launchers for this missile, and unfortunatly I did not want to put a lot of time or polys into it.

                    Everyone should weigh in on how this thing should operate and who should get it. I have an idea of course, but I would like to hear your view before it gets put into action.

                    Also if your just can't stand that it is missing a certain wingnut or a lever here or there let me know and I will try to impliment a change if it is an easy fix. I was chatting on the USI forums when I remebered having one of these bad boy's.
                    • Model: Silversound
                    • Bundle: Silversound
                    • Unwrap: Yea... I'll do it..
                    • Skin: Nope... not me, not my thing.
                    • Scripting: Silversound.

                    Intended AA Ballance for Desert-Conflict
                    • SA-2: Single fire with player control.
                    • SA-3: Dumbfire with 4 missiles.
                    • ZPU-4: 4 barrel AA gun.
                    • Patriot: Single fire with player control.
                    • HAWK: Dumbfire with 3 missiles.
                    • VADS: Vulcan fixed minigun installation.
                    This is just a temp skin for now (wanna skin it?)

                    We also have a new post on the BRDM2, and the M1117. Stop in and check it out.


                    • #11
                      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                      Nice set up on the Air Defence. Looking forward to it

