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Rising Conflicts Mod Update

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  • Rising Conflicts Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the Rising Conflicts mod website. They have their AH-64 model to show off. Take a look:
    We would like to welcome a bunch of new staff. Angus, Disgruntled Lama, General Whoopee, AndyD, KingPin28.

    Next I will Say Good Bye to a good Friend. Zeuser. Has hung up his moding shoes and retired. I have been modding with Zeuser since August of 2003, He will be missed by the team. We wish him all the luck in his life and other endeavors. Thanks for your time and all your work and effort. Zeuser started DCX back in 2003. He started making it just for his lan buddies.. He started releasing DCX to the public after his Lan Buddies convinced him. In September of 2003 a small team was assembled to help Zeuser and his unbelievable innovations. I wont go into all his achievements in DCX as there are way to many to list. Homing missile, Spawn camp killer, Armories. Just to name a small few. As the Nitrous DPV in DCX Zeuser will always be synonymous with DCX.

    From all the staff At Salty Dogs Productions Thanks. Was great working with ya. Well to finish off this update on a high. I have a few nice renders for you.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_ah642.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_ah641.jpg"></a>

    Nice to see some progress from these guys. To learn more, drop by their site here.

  • #2
    Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

    That is the best looking moded Apache ive seen yet .

    Nice work guys


    • #3
      Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

      ... and before anyone asks about the little "light thingy" behind the main rotor, it's a counter measure:


      Protection against IR threats is supplied by the AN/ALQ-144 "disco light" jammer. Located directly behind the rotor mast, the copper-coloured, segmented cylinder looks very much like its namesake. Consisting of an electronically heated source, perhaps a ceramic block, the jammer emits modulated radiant energy at high and low frequencies in order to confuse the seekers of IR guided missiles.


      • #4
        Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

        I thought that with such a huge team..this mod would come out much faster..but unfortunately it's a little slow.

        Good Job on your Apache, it really looks great.


        • #5
          Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

          Real life issues nipped a lot of the senior people in the butt this year, so progress hasn't been as quick as we would have liked. Things have been definitely better in the past while.


          • #6
            Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

            Yeah i was hoping for a fast release and bigger updates. But RL can take its tole. Hope to hear more from u guys soon tho.
            Nice model


            • #7
              Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

              top work yet again by monkey and h3nk


              • #8
                Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                Originally posted by DoubleVee
                I thought that with such a huge team..this mod would come out much faster..but unfortunately it's a little slow.

                you have never worked on a mod, have you

                size of the team means nothing - it is how much spare time they have collectively to dedicate to mod work that really matters... RL's a beatch aint it? hahaha i feel your pain RC team... but i must say despite your inconveniences you manage to push out some top quality stuff...

                good job RC team!!


                • #9
                  Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                  Unfortunately by the time Rising Conflicts and many of these other big profile mods roll around BF2 will probably be forgotten because of Quake Wars and BF 2142.


                  • #10
                    Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                    Originally posted by 5150 Joker
                    Unfortunately by the time Rising Conflicts and many of these other big profile mods roll around BF2 will probably be forgotten because of Quake Wars and BF 2142.

                    Forgotten Hope2, PoE2, RC, US:I, EoD, BF:Korea, as well as some other new mods...will always be in our matter what crap EA comes up with. :laugh: Mods will always dominate BF Franchise..and that's what keeps it alive.


                    • #11
                      Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                      This is the best RC update to date that is a gorgeous looking AH-64


                      • #12
                        Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                        beautifull helo guys.


                        • #13
                          Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                          Originally posted by BIGDOG
                          That is the best looking moded Apache ive seen yet.
                          I second that, awesome job.


                          • #14
                            Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                            Thxs for the comments guys im sure monkey and h3nk will appreciate the good feedback...

                            And its always nice to know the community likes the updates were putting out.


                            • #15
                              Re: Rising Conflicts Mod Update

                              render sheet for more sexyness

                              ps. icemagician296 good to see your still around, wouldnt you just love to put this beast ingame? am sure you know the email address / ways of contatcing us

