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Short BF2142 Tech Video

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  • Short BF2142 Tech Video

    Since the press release of Battlefield 2142, we have seen a couple of videos released showing off key features in the game. Once again, another video has surfaced showcasing how the Mech's walk cycle will look like.

    Check out the video here, thanks bfcentral! Please note that this video is not an official release, therefore it's not confirmed to be legit.

    Update: This video has been confirmed not be Battlefield 2142.

  • #2
    Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

    Based on some guy from the 70's strutting down the street?


    • #3
      Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

      I still think BF:2142 is going to suck.

      Although, i'm strongly hoping it will be good, but with EA's hands on DICE, i probably won't be suprised on what happens.


      • #4
        Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

        Originally posted by Spuddy
        Based on some guy from the 70's strutting down the street?
        HAH I was thinking the same thing. I was like that mech is trying to look fly LoL


        • #5
          Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

          Originally posted by Spuddy
          Based on some guy from the 70's strutting down the street?
          That's what i was thinking. Also it looks just like the ones in those millions of other futuristic games. Cmon wheres the originality? Ok. Originality = gone, becuase they decided to put in walking tanks in this futuristic game. Still, something could've been done to make these walking tanks more original.

          Funny stuff.


          • #6
            Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

            *waa waa guitar plays


            • #7
              Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

              if you read the comments below the video people are saying this is nothing to do with BF2142, its from the MechWarrior games.......


              • #8
                Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                I'm not so sure two comments equals proof, plus his link links right back to this video.


                • #9
                  Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                  Originally posted by Stizzle
                  . Also it looks just like the ones in those millions of other futuristic games.
                  True. It looks just like the Vulture in Mechwarrior 4!

                  Copying or what?


                  • #10
                    Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                    I think it walks funny, way to fast for a thing that size :-)


                    • #11
                      Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                      Looks good and all but where is the window to TK the pilot?


                      • #12
                        Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                        It is true that it looks just like the Mechwarrior Vulture, except for the feet on the in-game version. The walking doesn't seem as smooth as the MW games and it's got the EA/Dice logos..but it is freakin' spot on the render of the Vulture above


                        • #13
                          Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                          This is a different mech to the one in the intro video.

                          Yeah, the walk looks silly. Still not convinced about 2142, will deffinitely be getting the demo, whenever that comes out, to decide whether to buy or not.

                          That is a remarkably similar mech in that picture, you could almost say, the exact same mech! Copying? Yep.


                          • #14
                            Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                            can`t wait for it! the first shooter with mechs i think!?


                            • #15
                              Re: Short BF2142 Tech Video

                              Originally posted by Robske007a
                              I think it walks funny, way to fast for a thing that size :-)
                              Thought the same thing. It's motions look pretty unrealistic as well. I'm not impressed.

