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Server Owner's Lounge Opens

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  • Server Owner's Lounge Opens

    A new forum has opened up here on TotalBF2. It has been deemed the Server Owner's forum and is for server owners to converse between eachother. The section is private from public viewing so that server owners have a place to meet in private where they can share ideas and take part in discussions.

    The section is open to anyone who runs a server or is a high ranking administrator. The forum is currently limited to 2 representatives from each clan/network to gain access to this forum. Those two individuals then have the task of filtering and bringing back any important information to the administrative staff.

    Click here is the full rundown on it.

  • #2
    Re: Server Owner's Lounge Opens

    Awesome. Sound's like a great place to get together with other clan admins and talk about server issues and the like. Great idea. Keep up the great work TBF2


    • #3
      Re: Server Owner's Lounge Opens

      Is it for BF2 servers owners only?

      I help run a box with several games but we can't afford a ranked BF2 server and not many want to play on an unranked server so we don't have one... but we play other games. Just curious.

