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Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

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  • Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Forgotten Hope 2</a> mod website. They are back with some new tank media. Take a look:
    Starting off the update is a tank you have surely waited for since we announced Forgotten Hope 2. We are talking about the good old Sherman medium tank. No other tank was built in such great numbers by US factories. The production count of all M4 variants is more than 50,000 tanks! As most of the American tanks offerred for lend lease the M4 was given its name by the British for a famous American General from the American Civil War--Union General William Tecumseh Sherman.

    The variant we would like to introduce now is the M4A1, designated as the Sherman II by British forces. It could reach a maximum speed of 37 km/h and with its 75mm M3 gun it posed a serious thread to any Axis tank, when it entered service in 1942. Over 6,000 M4A1s were produced. The Sherman II was modelled and skinned by OMNI.

    As you can see we do not only have a render of the Sherman II for you. Lobo took the time to create a wallpaper. You can download the pack containing the wallpaper with different screensizes here.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_159%20-%20m4a1_sherman.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_159%20-%20m4a1_fh2_wp.jpg"></a>

    Another impressive update from the FH2 team. Be sure to visit their <a href="" target="_blank">site</a> to learn more.

  • #2
    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    release date?


    • #3
      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

      If someone doesn't hire this team to do something, I will lose faith in the biz.


      • #4
        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

        Sherman medium tank was a piece of garbage that never did anybody any good, why include it in a mod when it had no real place in the war?!?

        Just kidding this thing rocked, have been a fan of the Sherman just as much as the russian T-34 (correct me if I am wrong please) and seeinfg this render brings back great memorys of gaming and sort of a smile because it makes me kind of happy to know my country was part of a something good, and everyone could agree, and pepsi cost a nickle.... ahh the good old days.

        Awesome guys FH. You should add pepsi flyers ingame. That way when I am thirsty I can go hey! look 1940 Adveritsing sweet!


        • #5
          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

          coke won the WW2 contract.


          • #6
            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

            Great update! The sherman is defiantly a well known tank. Glad to see it authentically replicated!


            • #7
              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

              Awsome update, the amount of detail put into that Sherman model is just out of this world. Plus, a new wallpaper is just r0x0rs my b0x0rs

              Compare the two:


              • #8
                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                It looks great.


                • #9
                  Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                  Nice Tank to pwn some nazi's in. I <3 it


                  • #10
                    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                    drool... cant say i have seen a mod yet with a skinned Sherman of that quality! wonder when we are going to see the crusader 3

                    very nice work guys as always.... by far the quality standard setting mod for BF2.


                    • #11
                      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                      That is definately bangable.

                      Awesome job!


                      • #12
                        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                        Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
                        If someone doesn't hire this team to do something, I will lose faith in the biz.
                        Seriosly.. Someone should Email EA about this... maybe we could actually have a non glitchy good BF again..


                        • #13
                          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                          wow this looks sick.....when is this or any other mod going to be out???


                          • #14
                            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                            A couple of those maps looked hella impressive for the bf42 engine. They are really squeezing a lot of life out of it. Too bad I havent looked back since bf2 came out and have been waiting patiently for fh2.


                            • #15
                              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                              stop teasing us. does anyone know when this mod will be coming out. i don't need an exact day. is it never, years, months, weeks, days kind of time frame. do they need testers or some other help. i can work on maps. would be interested in doing sainte mere eglise map. i was thinking about going there this summer and working on it by taking a lot of pictures and learning all the details and about terrain and landscape.

                              L'Airborne Museum de Sainte-Mère-Eglise, est un musée de la Manche dédié aux parachutistes américains de la 82è et 101è Airborne Divisions.

                              Avec les offices de tourisme de Carentan et Sainte-Mère-Eglise, organisez votre séjour en Cotentin et visitez les sites dédiés au Débarquement en Normandie.

