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Battleship Mod Announced

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  • Battleship Mod Announced

    A forum member by the name <b>Iridium</b> has started a very unique mod for BF2. This mod, as the thread states, is about battleships and adds in movable boats to the game. Here's what he had to say:<blockquote>I am currently in need of people to do playtesting on a beta version of a naval combat mod, including help with bugfinding, balancing, and overall playability testing. In addition, i could use help with website/hosting, mapmaking, animation, and 2d art/texturing. If anyone is interested, please contact me at I need a lot of people to help with full-scale playtesting, so tell your friends! And at that, i leave you with a few screenshots:</blockquote><center><a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_modshot3.JPG"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_modshot5.JPG"></a></center><br>Nice to see how much work one person can put into a mod. Be sure to email him to help and visit this <a href="" target="_blank">thread</a> to learn more.

  • #2
    Re: Battleship Mod Announced

    Hey what the hell? I'll join in as a tester . Looks like a great idea!


    • #3
      Re: Battleship Mod Announced

      Damn battleships is one of my favourite board games to play!


      • #4
        Re: Battleship Mod Announced

        Allright! Boats!


        • #5
          Re: Battleship Mod Announced

          Iridium is da bomb! he made me a 12000 poly model in 1 day for my mod.


          • #6
            Re: Battleship Mod Announced

            i noticed this in the recruitment section a while ago... very promising! somone throw this guys some good texture artists!!! very keen to see how this pans out good luck m8 love the concept - very original and should provide some intersting gameplay.


            • #7
              Re: Battleship Mod Announced

              Very, very fun test session last night folks . Everyone should keep an eye out for what this mod does in the near future .


              • #8
                Re: Battleship Mod Announced

                Yeah, was very good, i was on TS but not the server, i had to test it on my local lol.... But its going to be a great mod i reckon


                • #9
                  Re: Battleship Mod Announced

                  Ah lol. Why didn't you hop on the server with the 4-5 of us?


                  • #10
                    Re: Battleship Mod Announced

                    Whats with the textures?Make better textures more realistic and then it will be a good mod! :banana: :banana: :locked: :locked:


                    • #11
                      Re: Battleship Mod Announced

                      Thats why he is recruiting a texturer........

                      @ uh60 ... Had a problem loading the map, then sorted that, and then i got failed to connect joining the server, so had to do it on my local one, managed to record a video of it though, and i got no lag atall while driving the biggest ship and firing


                      • #12
                        Re: Battleship Mod Announced

                        Yeah, there was very little lag with all 4 of us driving our own Battleship - even in his server (Which doesn't have too much power).

                        I think the textures are just temporary... just to see how the ships themselves behave.

