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Project Reality Mod Update

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  • Project Reality Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Project Reality</a> mod website. They have some news on their mini-mod and the newly released BF2 patch. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>As the title indicates, if and when users choose to upgrade to the latest version of BF2 (1.21, released 03/09/06) they will still be able to play PRMM .25 without any noticeable side-effects. This is good news for everyone as it will not slow down our progress towards getting the next release of PRMM completed and will allow Project Reality Tournament activities to stay on course as well. If anyone does encounter issues while playing PRMM .25 with Dice's 1.21 patch installed please drop by the PRMM bug section of our forums to report any irregularities. Thank you!</blockquote>This is indeed good news for all, no new downloads, or set backs for the team! Stay tuned for more news on the <a href="" target="_blank">Project Reality</a> mod.

  • #2
    Re: Project Reality Mod Update

    OOOOOui! I can Smell it!


    • #3
      Re: Project Reality Mod Update



      • #4
        Re: Project Reality Mod Update

        What's really sad is the way BF2 was designed... it absolutely focusses on the original game - favouring itself via the fairly pointless stats system.
        - I say pointless because it doesnt necessarily reward genuine tactical gameplay...

        There is little motivation for people to move away from chasing BF2 stats... so who's going to want to play mods when the players arent publicly congratulated for exploiting bugs (Ooops I mean point scoring).

        I know even the most dedicated Battlefield fans not wanting to try mods simply because they consider the play time as 'wasted' while not generating BF2 Stats.

        This mod looks AWESOME! shame the community wont turn it's back on Vanilla stats. :cry:


        • #5
          Re: Project Reality Mod Update

          Originally posted by -[GNW]- Bumblino
          What's really sad is the way BF2 was designed... it absolutely focusses on the original game - favouring itself via the fairly pointless stats system.
          - I say pointless because it doesnt necessarily reward genuine tactical gameplay...

          There is little motivation for people to move away from chasing BF2 stats... so who's going to want to play mods when the players arent publicly congratulated for exploiting bugs (Ooops I mean point scoring).

          I know even the most dedicated Battlefield fans not wanting to try mods simply because they consider the play time as 'wasted' while not generating BF2 Stats.

          This mod looks AWESOME! shame the community wont turn it's back on Vanilla stats. :cry:
          How come BF1942 was so popular then? Well, maybe because they hadn't tryed the stat things yet....


          • #6
            Re: Project Reality Mod Update

            Originally posted by -[GNW]- Bumblino
            What's really sad is the way BF2 was designed... it absolutely focusses on the original game - favouring itself via the fairly pointless stats system.
            - I say pointless because it doesnt necessarily reward genuine tactical gameplay...

            There is little motivation for people to move away from chasing BF2 stats... so who's going to want to play mods when the players arent publicly congratulated for exploiting bugs (Ooops I mean point scoring).

            I know even the most dedicated Battlefield fans not wanting to try mods simply because they consider the play time as 'wasted' while not generating BF2 Stats.

            This mod looks AWESOME! shame the community wont turn it's back on Vanilla stats. :cry:
            I do totaly agree!

            and PBAsydney, that was because at that time EA didnt think of "ohh, we can make more money if we have stat server, and have some thing you can gain from these stats like a prize so they will want to keep on playing and playing, and will ahve to buy extra exspencive servers to get these stats, which means more money for us as we have to sell the rights for these servers, GRATE IDEA!"


            • #7
              Re: Project Reality Mod Update

              Just noticed this

              Custom Sp maps that work in bf2 also work in prmm! All you have to do is copy the desired map to the pr levels folder and BOOM you got yourself some new maps


              • #8
                Re: Project Reality Mod Update

                Originally posted by Rhino
                that was because at that time EA didnt think of "ohh, we can make more money if we have stat server

                :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
                You saying Like there was ever a time where EA didnt think anything like that is just LOL funny.... ah you people and your stupid arguments.

                Loads of people dont play BF2 but there are loads who do. Modders really want players to play somethign new, fun, and free. Enjoy.

                PS w00t w00t


                • #9
                  Re: Project Reality Mod Update

                  are you hinting USI is coming out today?!!!! lol jp


                  • #10
                    Re: Project Reality Mod Update

                    Originally posted by -[GNW]- Bumblino
                    What's really sad is the way BF2 was designed... it absolutely focusses on the original game - favouring itself via the fairly pointless stats system.
                    - I say pointless because it doesnt necessarily reward genuine tactical gameplay...

                    There is little motivation for people to move away from chasing BF2 stats... so who's going to want to play mods when the players arent publicly congratulated for exploiting bugs (Ooops I mean point scoring).

                    I know even the most dedicated Battlefield fans not wanting to try mods simply because they consider the play time as 'wasted' while not generating BF2 Stats.

                    This mod looks AWESOME! shame the community wont turn it's back on Vanilla stats. :cry:
                    While I share your opinion, I think you will find that there are many players out there who are willing to not care about stats and play another mod. This may even serve to weed out the noobs (sorry to have to use that term,- but yeah it applies here).

                    On an Australian server, my clan have all taken on the project reality mod full on. Yesterday there was about 8 of us playing for about 7 hr average, (myself 11hrs!)... I think interest will grow.


                    • #11
                      Re: Project Reality Mod Update

                      Originally posted by PBAsydney
                      How come BF1942 was so popular then? Well, maybe because they hadn't tryed the stat things yet....
                      Because then you did not had a choice
                      Now we spoiled with the unlocks

                      How ever for gamers over 20k that bf2 ranking system is not less of pointless because you have nearly all unlocks and definitely all you want to have

                      my big problem with PR is that you have to capture the flags in order witch makes this game impossible to play, the entire round the forces will fight over the same damn flag - its extremely boring
                      (Although i know there are a few servers that don’t have that, i found so far 1)

                      there is a lot of things that i love but other hate to about PR

