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Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

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  • Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

    There is some sad news today coming from the team behind the <a href="" target="_blank">Operation Restore Hope</a> mod. They are calling it quits for ORH. Here's what they had to say:<blockquote>You may have heard some rumors about Operation Restore Hope closing down. These rumors just happen to be true.

    You havn't seen the last of the ORH team though. We have closed down the project and moved most of the team to work for EOD. We just feel ORH doesnt have much of a chance in the BF2 community. Our sketch introduction into the community and the lack of a fan base makes us feel that if we did release something nobody would play it. Why bother working on something that much for nothing?

    I myself have played EOD since the early days of BF42 and look foward to working with them. Anyways I would like to thank everyone who has helped us get this far, all the file posters, all the team members. Maybe some time in a few years, you might see me and Dingo taking up another Somalia related project on another engine.</blockquote>Sad to see this mod go, but glad to hear they are moving to another mod. Great job to this mod for the good work they have done so far.

  • #2
    Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update



    • #3
      Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

      Hate to see you guys leave like that. I was hopeing to play your guyes mod, it looked real fun. Can you just release what you have right now for OPR, so we can play under lan or something? I wanted to try all the new weapons and vehicle and I bet theres many people out there that want to try it out to before you completely get rid of it.


      • #4
        Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

        Sorry to see your thinking so negative. One thing to keep in mind is the current mods with a large fan base is because they had a mod on BF 1942.

        So essentially they have more chance of failing because the user base will be expecting them to deliver so much.

        Every other mod that's in production has virtually no user base that doesn't mean no one cares about them, PR is a good example of this, the reason they now have a large user base is because of PRMM with they released.

        But that's up to you, hope EOD meats the high expectations of the players.


        • #5
          Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

          Dang, sad to see this mod go. Somalia mods in the past haven't had much of a large fan base either. It's a shame because I would really enjoy a good mogadishu map..the infantry battles would probably be real fun. Well EOD is an awesome mod so I hope you guys enjoy your new home.


          • #6
            Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

            Originally posted by .Jake.
            Well EOD is an awesome mod so I hope you guys enjoy your new home.
            They havent released anything for BF2 yet, how do you know its so good?


            • #7
              Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

              very respectable move guys - takes alot of courage to realize when things may not go according to plan and even more courage to set ones pride aside and to merge forces..

              but i totally agree with you on the merge - at this stage any mod tht can get to release stage is truly blessed and merging with a similar team can be a means to accomplishing this desire... well done guys and i wish you all the best in your future endeavours!!!



              • #8
                Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                Originally posted by Eden
                They havent released anything for BF2 yet, how do you know its so good?
                Based on their BFV and BF42 releases, it's a good mod.


                • #9
                  Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                  That's a shame, I was looking forward to this one. USI really doesn't have that big of a fan base, based off of forum usage -- Our forums are practically unused (the public parts, anyways)! If I may be wrong, so prove it to me people (register )


                  • #10
                    Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                    They used to be used frequently, but the website move really confused alot of our dedicated fans.

                    Anyways, sad to see a mod die... especially one that I was looking forward to.


                    • #11
                      Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                      Sad news...I hope this move to EoD, will make the mod even better.

                      p.s.: So many mods have died/merged together.


                      • #12
                        Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                        I Think Alot Of Mods Should Merge Together. Faster Releases And Huge Content!
                        Good To See You Guys Had A Good Avenue To Go Down


                        • #13
                          Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                          Bummer, Just got home turned off my blackhawk down screen saver and moved my figure aside and went to BF2 to see this is going away. Lame, If any of you guys know me Black Hawk Down is one of my fav. films and this mod looked promising but now ... now shucks.

                          What are you guys doing with the unused models? I'd love to get my habnds on that MH-60 :-D


                          • #14
                            Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                            Originally posted by Defeatest
                            I Think Alot Of Mods Should Merge Together. Faster Releases And Huge Content!
                            Good To See You Guys Had A Good Avenue To Go Down
                            Faster Release = Sh*t and confusion. If you get fast release you get nothing. There have been maybe 2 mods released out of a dozen that people still care about in the BF2 community.


                            • #15
                              Re: Operation Restore Hope Mod Update

                              All the ex-devs hope to make EOD even better than it is with joining up with them.
                              We have already done a lot for EOD and they're happy to have us aboard.

                              But it's still sad to abandon ORH like that, we put a lot of time into the mod.
                              I joined as a fresh modeler, now I'm experienced.
                              Originally posted by Kamakazi
                              We might not have the biggest team, but we make up for it in talent.

                              Former Modeling Dept. Head
                              Operation Restore Hope

